I am celebrating the opening of my new website!!!!
selected works at www.laketrees1.com!!!!
I am highlighting recent works with a brief account
of each work (with images) to show particular aspects
of a work in progress.
Happy New Year and special wishes to Lisa and Gilberte
tis the season for flowers
19 December 2006 Labels: Lisa Lorenz 1 comments

I have been working on a workshop
for petit painters at my site
the art cafe and I am thrilled
to present the work of
three wonderful artists
who are painting amazing "flowers"......
exquisite work Lisa and Gilberte
and just today I received
a christmas wish from
the brush of Greta Moran -
co-founder of the Moran Health Care Group.....
pink 1 acrylic portrait finished
15 December 2006 Labels: Energy 4 comments
finished acrylic this week
92cm 102cm on
gallery wrapped canvas
about to start a drawing
have been working on
new website: theartcafe...
home of petit painters/
children's workshops/
gallery and competition
started new body of work
30 November 2006 Labels: In the Studio 2 comments
inspired by an old drawing...
will probably start some time next week
I will have to go shopping for new paints too!
"2006 World Web Award of Excellence"
28 November 2006 Labels: WebStuff 2 comments
I received an email from
all the staff at ArtSpace2000
this morning with news
that I have won this award
for originality. overall design
and appearance.ease of
navigation and content.
have been working on my
xmas card page-2 more
blank canvas
25 November 2006 Labels: In the Studio 2 comments
every now and then I look at it leaning against the wall.....
will start another
acrylic portrait tomorrow...this one will be called pink
23 November 2006 Labels: Personal News 2 comments acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas 90cm x 102 cm
bushfires in the air...middle and right views from my balcony
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web page
22 November 2006 Labels: WebStuff 2 commentshave been spending many hours updating my website.........and of course not getting any painting done......going to be a hot one here ........38 o c...........having problems with my camera so haven't got anything to upload.........here is a photo of the view fom my place....
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acrylic series going strong
20 November 2006 Labels: Energy 0 commentsI have nearly finished another acrylic portrait.....about to start a large oil portrait (on linen)...of Irina Baronova.....legendary baby ballerina who stars in the film Ballet Russes.....
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Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia.
Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news