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In the Press and Easter with Sheila!!

25 March 2008 35 comments

The Sydney Morning Herald - the list - March 1-7 2008

thanks to Rachel Olding
click on image to read the interview

Easter with Sheila
Sheila is a big pink bra and the brain child of Leigh from All for Women
Sheila has been travelling around Australia and I was her host over Easter... part of the requirement is to have a photo taken wearing the big pink bra...

ladies you can still join the Sisterhood...
see the photos here


35 comments: to “ In the Press and Easter with Sheila!! so far...

  • Anonymous 25.3.08

    Dang, mama. Sheila looks good on ya and appears to form to your "endowments" rather well.

    It's always a grand day to see you smile. The whole world lights up, yanno.

    [you're a celebrity now]

  • durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit 26.3.08

    Hello Kim,

    As I warned you in a previous comment, watch out for the paparrazzi! You're famous now, be careful! :-)

    The sincere and generous smile is the same as the one on your avatar, it brightens up the space around you a lot better than that pink Sheila. :-)

    Glad to see you're well. --Durano, done!

  • Kim 26.3.08

    LOL MA!
    I had a big smile when I unwrapped the bra.....and Charlotte and I couldn't stop laughing when she was taking the photo...hehe

    a celebrity in a big pink
    I might have to dye my hair pink too :D

  • 26.3.08

    Yippeeee, I'm next to get the travelling bra, I'm sooooo excited!!


  • Kim 26.3.08

    hi Durano
    I don't know what the paparrazzi would think of the pink sheila...

    maybe I could have given Jayne Mansfield a run for her money...LOL
    I think I'll stick to my painting though....even if it is only with one arm ;)

  • Anonymous 26.3.08

    Don't you dare become a pink haired lady, Kim. It's a sign of old age here in the states.

    I enjoy living in denial. It's trendy for usuns to do that, yanno. I'll keep mine gray. I enjoy not having to dye it after doing so for many, many years.

  • Kim 26.3.08

    hi Anita...
    I'll be putting Sheila in the post today....
    have a great time over there in WA :)

    ok MA ...
    you've convinced me on the pink hair..
    I might try blue :=P

  • John M. Mora 26.3.08

    Someone should throw that pink big shrimp on a bra-bee.

    Sorry. Bad pun.

    Great to see your positive posts. My best.

  • Kim 26.3.08

    haha John
    clever pun....
    reminds me of a cartoon my Dad once drew of sheep cooking at a baa baa cue :)

  • Speedcat Hollydale 26.3.08

    ... not sure if that last comment went through. I'll check back!

  • Lynda Lehmann 26.3.08

    Kim, congrats on your celebrity--your cup runneth over! Seriously, the positive energy you convey comes across in the interview as it does on your posts.

    Does Sheila get in the way when you do the dishes? Just wondering, as she appears to be a Size DDD. Bet she's related to Olga, huh?

    So glad to see you and your wonderful smile!


  • Kim 26.3.08

    oh oh Speedy...
    I don't think it came through :)

    thanks Lynda :)
    LOL....I didn't try washing up in it....
    but I know Sheila has been out in public in quite a few locations and has had newspaper coverage up north as well :)
    I believe that Olga has visited the Sisterhood site....
    I wonder if she is Sheila's older sister ?
    it was fun reading where Sheila has been and the package had lots of info on all the places she has visited....

  • Anonymous 26.3.08

    That is way cool Kim, thanks for sharing.

    That is some killer bra for sure.

  • Anonymous 26.3.08

    I'm impressed! I could stuff about 10 of my bras in one cup of that one!

    It's a lovely photo of you,and I enjoyed your interview too, Kim.
    Famous eh? Can I have your autograph? :)

  • Kim 26.3.08

    I definitely think this bra would be a killer on the back and shoulders Cooper :)

    hi Diane....
    LOL....there was quite a bit of breathing space in there...for sure!!
    autograph?...I can give you a copy of Baryshnikovs if you like ;)
    great to see you back from your holiday :)

  • Lynda Lehmann 27.3.08

    On reading the post I thought the two ladies must be connected by either a cup or a strap, lol...

  • Anonymous 27.3.08

    Hi Agent Laketrees!

    A happy double easter exposure (your news article and sheila)! :-)

    Blue Hair and a Pink Sheila could be the opening act of a new colorful undercover Blog Comedy? ;-)

  • Anonymous 27.3.08

    Congrats on the media Kim, great little interview.

    Thanks for having Sheila come visit, and showing her a good time :)

  • Anonymous 27.3.08

    Btright Pink, lol, its cool though. It has style and character!


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  • jafabrit 27.3.08

    Enjoyed reading the interview :) congrats on the press.

    My I like that pink bra lol!

    John, that pun was a right groaner hee! hee!

  • Kim 27.3.08

    LOL Lynda..
    I have posted more photos at All for Women where Sheila is actually posed with easter eggs in chicken egg cups !!

    true Debbie
    the adventures of the busty blue rinse set
    I can see Miss Money Penny showing Sheila a good time :)

    my pleasure Leigh...
    the photo shoot was fun :)
    and reading about her journey was great :)

    thanks for your comment anon :)

    you should join up Corrine...
    I think Sheila would enjoy visiting your colourful neighbourhood :)

  • Deborah Paris 27.3.08

    Congrats on the interview! And that bra...Jayne M. would have coveted it!

  • Kim 27.3.08

    LOL...Deborah !!
    I'm sure she would have :) :)

  • Speedcat Hollydale 27.3.08

    Hello Kim & Sheila ...(LOL!!)

    First of all, know that I know what day it is (thanks to my new calendar) I have not missed an appointment in the last 24 hours.

    I thought my last comment might have disappeared ... shucks. Here is the epilogue. No, that makes no sense, but I do like that word.
    Your picture is wonderful. I get a good chuckle each time I see it. Somehow, even when you are silly ... you still carry an elegance about you.

    Congratulations on the "Meet the Blogger" artical. I loved your answers to all of the questions. It's fun knowing a celebrity! ... ohh, and the secret CC is a Moneypenny production - or you can join ... or not. "a Not-so-serious link cannon", that's about it!!

    Thanks again,

  • Kim 27.3.08

    oh I'm glad that the days are the same over there Speedy ;)
    I did wonder with it being an Aussie Calendar..
    annoying when blogger drops your comment out ...
    I always try to remember to copy as I have lost quite a few comments that way and they are usually the lengthy ones !!
    I will check out Miss MoneyPenny's place....
    I do hope I don't run into that grumpy blogger though....:(

  • jafabrit 28.3.08

    I think olga the traveling bra was supposed to be dropping in and hanging around with vicky at the knit knot tree. This whole bra thingy is fun :)

  • Kim 28.3.08

    it is Corrine :)
    I wonder if Sheila will get over there ;)

  • John M. Mora 28.3.08

    thanks for your commments - sure, please and best of luck on your painting.

  • Kim 28.3.08

    ta John :)

  • Kim 30.3.08

    thanks Jen..
    it was lots of fun :D

  • Netster23 31.3.08

    ohh boy! I don't want to say anything ahahhaa

  • Netster23 31.3.08

    congratulation on the press interview! so cool! hug hug

  • Kim 31.3.08

    haha Netster :D
    thanks for calling by :)

  • Olga, the Traveling Bra 5.4.08

    Hi Kim! I figured it was about time I popped in over here after seeing ya all the time at Speedy's blog!...& what a pleasant surprise to see Sheila here too! I've not had the pleasure of meeting Shiela in person (in bra?) yet...but I support her mission and maybe someday we'll even hook up! It would be fun! I'll be visiting Corrine's bee-yoo-tiful tree next week...can hardly wait!

  • Kim 6.4.08

    hi Olga :)
    thanks for visiting...
    Corrine's tree is looking so great ....what a treat to see it IRL and meet up with Corrine.... :)
    I hope you have a wonderful time :)

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news