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summer days...

1 December 2009 49 comments

I recently purchased this fabulous 2010 Calendar by talented artist Lisa Lorenz ( ..... and I'm hoping that 2010 will be as bright and colourful as Lisa's Calendar...
Lisa (Lariviere), Lorenz was born in Montreal, Canada and has been drawing and painting exuberantly since childhood and her talent expands over many years. She has recently moved back to her native Canada and now lives in Ottawa.

It's the first day of Summer over here in Australia and the weather is proving to be really unpredictable with heatwaves at the weekend and a drop in temperatures since then...
I will be taking a break until New Year so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my online friends a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year...

I couldn't resist posting this song for my final Music Monday this year....

See you all in 2010.....

♥ Links ♥

"Slideshow Player - BABY BALLERINA'S - The Herald - rural news, classifieds and community"

How time flies: Seven huge sculptures by Salvador Dali have been airlifted onto the snow covered mountains of Courchevel in the French Alps.

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"Small is the number ..

16 November 2009 48 comments

of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds."
Albert Einstein

Aladdin Aladdin

the Aladdin Triptychs are finished ..
I will be posting Charlotte's boat for the Little Mermaid next month (after the concert)

I have chosen the beautiful theme song from Aladdin...for Music Monday this week..

Comment Love: Mariuca Amy Ayie John bk Lynda TH Lisa

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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in the jungle...

9 November 2009 37 comments

The Lion King

finished the two triptychs for the Lion this week I will be painting the two triptychs for Aladdin...

Triptych - A painting or carving that has three side-by-side parts, panels, or canvases. Typically, a triptych has three hinged panels, the two outer panels designed so that they can be folded in towards the central one.

Fairy Boat

Charlotte is painting and decorating the Fairy Boat ... a big job....

have a great week everyone...

My selection for Music Monday this week is

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thank you so much Charlotte...

4 November 2009 24 comments

A start to the Fairy Boat

The Lion King The Lion King

Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse

click on the images to zoom

Charlotte was sick in bed with a virus for most of last week...
(she's a lot better now)..
yet she still managed to help me paint the 12 Mickey Mouse Panels...

thank you are a treasure xxxx

working to a deadline for the Baby Ballerinas concert is going to be pretty tight over the next 3 weeks...
we started on the next series today..... though we did take a break to watch the Melbourne Cup.....
if only there were more hours in a day...

have a great week .....I hope to catch up with everyone over the next few days...

Melbourne Cup - 2009

3 November 2009 12 comments

Emirates Melbourne Cup Day 2009

'The Race that Stops a Nation'

It’s the greatest day on the Australian sporting and social calendar – the one day when everyone, young and old, stops to partake in this unique cultural tradition.
But while Australians all over the continent take part in the celebrations, nothing compares with being there to witness another chapter in this enduring story.
The $5.65 million Emirates Melbourne Cup is the richest handicap race in the world and the centrepiece of the Melbourne Cup Carnival.

I'm backing # 9...

Hey Mickey....

27 October 2009 16 comments


Pink Tutu Tapestry Tutu Ink Tutu Pale Pink Tutu

another busy week ahead painting 12 panels for the Mickey Mouse Ballet in my Sister's Annual Ballet Concert... so the tutus will be going on hold for the time being...
I also have a 2 metre boat to paint for the Little Mermaid....and a 4 panel jungle scene for the Lion King....
oh ...and a 4 panel scene for Aladdin
looks like a busy month ahead...

looks like that never ending portrait of Al and Kel could be on hold for December as well as 3 more mini portraits....

a BIG BIG thank you to Lady Java for fixing up my sidebar which was disappearing in Firefox browsers....
if you are looking for a professional web designer then please check out LJ's site

Blog Makeover with LadyJava Creations

my pick for Music Monday is "Mickey" related....and I love her tutu...

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Baby Ballerinas has opened.....

19 October 2009 53 comments

Outdoor SignStaff Carpark
Studio EntryFoyer/Office
My Mum's Wardrobe RoomOlivia's WallMy Father's Pastel Drawings of Dame Margot Fonteyn and Sir Robert Helpmann
Door to Tessa Maunder StudioNotice Board
HallwayMy Drawing of Irina BaronovaHallway
Entry to Degas StudioStaff RoomEntry to Baby Ballerinas' Studio
Degas StudioDegas Studio
Baby Ballerinas' StudioBaby Ballerinas' Studio
Office and Notice BoardsConcert Wall and Stairs to First Floor
click on the images to zoom

after an extremely hectic week with many wonderful people helping... my Sister's Ballet Studios are finally open ... still some work to be done downstairs with more barres and the mirrors are yet to be installed...
another three studios, wardrobe room, student lounge, change rooms and props room on the first floor are to be completed in the new year...

my selection for Music Monday this week was inspired by my cousin Peter....

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news