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Random Facts

27 May 2007 2 comments

Omar Sharif

I've been tagged by my great friend and super artist Lisa at Lisa Lorenz Studio who was tagged by her blogger friend: a delightful artist and cheery lady, Bee at Indigo Blah, from beautiful Cyprus.

"Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 things that are a habit, unusual or that no-one else knows, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. "
So here are my 7:
1.I had Viral Encephalitis when I was 16 years old. I was fully paralysed in the legs and partially paralysed in the throat. I made a full recovery after 6 months...thanks to my parents.
2. I met Mikhail Baryshnikov, Omar Sharif, and Robin Williams when I lived in London.
3.I wear a lot of black and a lot of white and my number is 9.
4.Dr Lewinns Skincare is my favourite skin product and I use it religiously.
5. I have drawers of jewellery but I never wear it...not even a watch.
6. I don't like bullies at all!!!
7. I am a movie addict!!!!

I am not going to tag anyone in particular as I have just done three memes over the last few weeks....
If you wish to participate...count yourself tagged!!!

crop of bunny from the portrait "Paris and the Rabbits"

Please check out my new blog,
pAINted wORds
Between 1982 and 1990 I wrote a collection of poems. I am inviting all readers to submit their choice of title(s) for these poems. I will post a new poem here every Friday. Each week I will feature a contributor's poem or short story and short bio. I will also exchange links with guest poets/writers.

About Alexander


Alexander was born December 30th 1989 - a memorable year as that was the year of the Newcastle earthquake and I was in the Mater Hospital at the time.
I was 10 days overdue (Alexander was due on Christmas Day).
He was my first child and I was quite nervous.
I remember part of the hospital falling down and all the women who had given birth were put out on the grass at the front of the hospital.
What a sight...Mums and babies (in humidicribs) everywhere.
I was sent home as they were bringing injured people into the hospital
all day and it didn't look as if Alexander was going to show...not even an earthquake had made any difference with my situation!!!!
The following night I was rushed back to the hospital...fairly quick labour and presto Alexander was born (weighing 8lb 8oz)...I went out for New Years Eve the next night!!!
Seventeen years later and Alexander has just got his provisional driver's licence.
Alexander is in his final year at school (year 12) and works at a big computer store every weekend.
He was a champion swimmer and has won more art awards than me...including the Fisher Ghost Art Award - Secondary section years 7 to 12 (he was 13 yrs old) in 2003.
I do not help him much (seriously)...I am an ex art teacher.... he paints landscapes...which are not up my alley. He would like to work in IT or Photography when he leaves school.

This portrait will be his 18th birthday present but I will also enter it in the 2008 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize
($100.000.00 first prize)

At this stage I am debating colour choices for the background, suit, shirt and tie. I still have more work on the face, hair and hands as well.

Alexander and Irina Baronova

22 May 2007 6 comments

I am working on three WIPs at once....Alexander is moving along slowly....Irina is an under painting at this stage (acrylic)....will start some oil washes on her tomorrow.....and the third is still on the drawing board!!!!!

Alexander and the Spider

16 May 2007 10 comments

I have been experimenting with cad red wash and ivory black wash.....I am planning to paint Alexander in a white suit with white background...and of course I am getting some help from the resident spider...

Favourites 4 x 4

13 May 2007 4 comments

One of my Favourite Local Places:
5 star resort featuring villa style accommodation, 18 hole championship golf course and a luxurious Day Spa. Barretts' Restaurant - Quay West Resort's signature restaurant offers impeccable service, a relaxed ambience and stylish surrounds - the perfect place to enjoy alfreso dining and magnificent views of the lake and golf course. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I have been tagged by Edward at Health and Wealth to list:
1. Four of my favourite jobs
2. Four of my favorite local places
3. Four of my favourite foods
3. Four of my favorite international places
and Four people who I am tagging

*Deborah at Life in the Fast Lane
We’re about art, artists, creative expression, and anything odd, unusual, offbeat, wild and whacky, weird science, and a little bit business in attempt to keep us grounded. Life in the Fast Lane is all about having fun!

*Christy at Christy's Coffee Break
A freelance writer, poet, and blogger living in Canada.

*Kitty at kitty art
"art and life by someone who knows nothing about either"

*Anita at am-art
An artistic journal by an Artist amongst the sand dunes.

My Answers

1. passion and therapy
2. a local nightclub...during Christmas holidays when I was at Art School
3. Manager and Licensee of a Brian Rochford Swimwear and Clothing Shop
4. Wedding Photographer....part time when I was at Art School... I had about 4 other part/time jobs at that time!!!
The above list could go on 4 ever!!!!

Local Places
1. Lake Macquarie....the most beautiful lake in the world
2. The second hand bookstore at The Entrance
3. Kurri Kurri...vineyard country and where I was born
4. Bay Village ...great shopping!!!

1. Bananas
2. Ginger (with or without chocolate)
3. Spinach
4. A well cooked steak on the barbecue

International Places
1. Paris
2. New Zealand
3. Jerusalem
4. Wales (where my ancestors came from)

Next Showdown at Saatchi Gallery

10 May 2007 11 comments

Title: Tahlia - my niece (the little girl in the previous post)
Year: 2006
Medium: Graphite/Acrylic/Gouache on Arches Paper
Dimensions: 42cm x 60cm
Artwork Description: Drawing
This artwork has been loaded for the SHOWDOWN round between
14-05-2007 and 21-05-2007.
Your rating/vote after 15-05-2007 would be very much appreciated.....
The direct link to this artwork for voting is HERE
thank you
tally at 18/05/07....Overall rating: 5.60 Rated: 35 time(s)

A Big, Big Thank You!!!!!!

9 May 2007 5 comments

I have just visited Life in the Fast Lane ,a super fantastic blog, and read Deborah's absolutely wonderful profile of me and my work!!!!
Her presentation is so professional and well written and I am very appreciative of her time spent researching and selecting just the right bits and pieces from my portfolio. Thank you so much Deborah. I will make a special "about me" link in my sidebar for your very special post!!!

(Image "Tahlia")

"In The Spotlight"


Over at Christy's Coffee Break Christy has created a meme where everyone can be "In The Spotlight". All you need to do is pop over to Christy's Coffee Break and answer her interview questions then tag 5 more bloggers on your blog...have fun!!!!!!

Here are the Questions and Answers for my Interview
1. Are you a spiritual person?
Yes....very much so.
2. What makes your blog unique?
My blog is an ongoing journal of my artwork and works in progress.
3. If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you want to have with you?
Unlimited canvases, a cd player and a toothbrush.
4. What are your feelings on the "blog popularity" issue?
One comment is worth a thousand links to me.
5. When did you start blogging?
About 6 months ago.

Here are the great people and blogs that I am tagging
Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog
Super Artist who paints stunning colourful canvases
Skeet's Stuff
Life in Hawaii by a single-woman, small businees owner perspective. Frequent musings about home, family, firends and the clutter I don't want to live with anymore.
The Blond Leading The Blind
--tips for blogging dummies
The science of grasping life by the short hairs.
-holiday in the sun
Pastel and Paint: Lesly Finn's Art
A British artist living in New Zealand.

Portrait of Alexander

8 May 2007 13 comments

Finally started painting the portrait of Alexander, my son. Thin wash of viridian green on face and hands..titanium white, raw sienna, burnt umber, cad red with lean medium on Belgian Linen.
This took about 2 hours while watching Andre Rieu on DVD......
The Flying Dutchman....great music to paint to.

I Follow

6 May 2007 5 comments

Do Follow List

Thanks to Randa at randa clay Design (who has designed some great sidebar logos) and Vin at Beta Bogger 4 dummies (who provides really clear instructions on implementing I Follow) I’ve turned off the no follow in my comments.

This DoFollow Blog list is courtesy of Courtney Tuttle and was created originally by Coleen as the D-List.

Bloggers against abuse

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news