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laketrees is 2 today !!

21 November 2008 44 comments

L is for Lovable
A is for Artistic
K is for Kinky
E is for Exquisite
T is for Trendy
R is for Revolutionary
E is for Enjoyable
E is for Enthusiastic
S is for Skillful

What Does Your Name Mean?

'Blue Dancers after Degas'
© Kim Barker
(Private Collection - Belgium)
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas - 2005

WIP of Daphne

the Portrait of Durano's beautiful daughter Daphne is progressing well...still have and veil to complete..
I'm hoping to complete before the end of November..
Durano was the winner of the Win a free Portrait for Christmas Competition..

Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
1m x 75cm
Zinc white , Titanium white, Paynes Gray and a touch of Ivory Black...

Today is Absurdity Day!

I am the guest blogger for JLo's No-Ho
at [zany life + crazy faith]
NO-HO stands for November Holidays
Why not check out my post...
leave an absurd comment on my absurd self portrait and the best comment will win 500 ECs

More quizzes for your blog...

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

What Does Your Name Say About You?

What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

What's Your Blogging Personality?

School's Out!

17 November 2008 76 comments

for Charlotte...

Charlie (in black) with friends (Year 12 Formal) on Friday...

As Charlotte has recently turned 17 she will probably take 12 months to decide what she wants to do...
I know she's not interested in taking the trip north to Queensland for Schoolies Week ...which is a relief...
click on the cartoon to zoom

Pink Floyd - Another brick in the Wall (HD)
[chorus at end by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

WIP of Daphne

Last week I started stage one of Durano's beautiful daughter Daphne..
Durano was the winner of the Win a free Portrait for Christmas Competition..

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When You Taught Me How To Dance

10 November 2008 68 comments

Katie Melua

from the magical film Beatrix Potter...

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I Want to Adopt a Teddy Bear

6 November 2008 35 comments

Mariuca is celebrating Mariuca's 2nd Birthday with a special blogoversary contest where she is offering an adorable Mariuca Teddy Bear to one lucky Mariucan! :)

The special name I have chosen for Mariuca's Teddy Bear is "Little M"
My reason for wanting Little M is that I believe I can give this adorable Teddy a wonderful life with lots of mates and good Aussie love and caring....
I have created this slideshow to show what sort of life Little M would have if I am lucky enough to win...
This would be a typical day in Little M's life over here in OZ...

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Dona Nobis Pacem


Peace - Unknown
Peace - Unknown

Peace Globe Gallery - Australia

Melbourne Cup 2008

3 November 2008 41 comments

Win 1,000 EC credits or a free 125 ad at laketrees for a week!!

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A Portrait for Christmas and Love

2 November 2008 26 comments

"Congratulations to all who entered: I'm sure the considerations involved provided valuable insights for the authors. A number of entrants in this competition submitted well-written, deserving reasons to be awarded first prize. The universal aspect of family values and connections is revealed in quite a few, but my choice is No 14 Durano's because the story and its implications are poignant, yet uplifting. The chance to right wrongs reinforces the importance of hope in everyone's life."

Jan Dean 1st November 2008

Congratulations Durano!!!!
and to all of the entrants for your wonderful contributions...
thank you!!!
A special thank you goes to Jan, the Judge....
your time and deliberation was very much appreciated Jan...

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news