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When You Taught Me How To Dance

10 November 2008 68 comments

Katie Melua

from the magical film Beatrix Potter...

Come join us in Music Monday and share your songs with us. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and we will all go and visit you. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

and talking of magical...Charlotte, Mum and I went to see my Sister's...

Baby Ballerinas Concert - 2008
Civic Theatre - Saturday November 8

photo - Kim Barker

Inside the theatre
photos - Peter Williams....

my Auntie, my Sister in Law with niece 'Maryanna', Charlotte and my Mum

Maryanna's sisters...Marissa...Tamika and Tahlia are in these photos...can you find them ?
Photos - Jacinta Mackey

[More Group and Individual Photos]


68 comments: to “ When You Taught Me How To Dance so far...

  • Anonymous 10.11.08

    Oh how gorgeous are those baby ballerinas! I wish I had had a little girl along with my gorgeous boys!
    Lovely photos and a great song from an enjoyable film!
    Great post.

    PS I'm coming to Australia!!!!

  • Anonymous 10.11.08

    Great Song. I'll add this song to my list.

  • Speedcat Hollydale 10.11.08

    You are a day tooo early. Great post though :-)

    Happy and cute pictures Kim. Those are the BEST kind.

    I want to play music Monday!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Oh it's simply Magical Kim!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Ewwww...chop I first?

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Ewwww...I like being first!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Oh my your anniversary is coming up!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    I'll probably forget. So Happy Anniversary now just in case!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Gotta' run now!!

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Hugs and more hugs:-)

  • Jackie 10.11.08

    Ewwww...forgot to tell you that I love the photos too!! Bye:-)

  • Amy Lilley Designs 10.11.08

    Kim the photo of your circle of women relatives is so beautiful...strong family resemblance
    w/ Charlotte, you and your Mom...can't really see your Auntie's face...but a great photo...and THE LITTLE sweet are they, and all the photos they posed for...very, very impressive... nope, couldn't pick out the hoo...looks like it was a great day...hugs...

  • Rozella 10.11.08

    I've never heard of this song or singer before. It's pretty cool. :) Nice voice.

    Btw, come by to my page and check out my pick too ya? Thx!

  • Kim 10.11.08

    whoo hoo Diane...that's exciting news....
    you know you will have to visit me ;)
    don't worry about having a daughter ..I'm sure one day you will have 2 beautiful daughters in law ;) and perhaps a granddaughter or two ..hehe...

    it is Bono!!
    and congratulations are the frst EC dropper to comment ...will send 500 credits to you :)

    I see you are on the list Speedy....will I expect your singing dog to be entertaining us at your blog :)
    I'm sending you 100 ECs ;) missed by a couple of noses...oh well you get 100 ECs ;)
    yes the blogoversary is coming up fast ...!!!

    hi Amy...
    a magical performance and truly professional :)
    it was a great concert with TV and Newspaper coverage as well...
    haha..even I had difficulties picking out my nieces in the photos :) :)
    ps sending you 100 ECs for being in my first 6 EC droppers to comment ;)

  • Kim 10.11.08

    hi Rozella
    I hadn't heard the song until I saw Beatrix Potter :)
    I'm sending you 100 ECs shortly :)
    and be over to hear your pick :)

  • The Muse 10.11.08

    Oh my grand-daughter will love watching this she is 4 and loves the tutus LOL...Amazing how talent can find the very young :)

    Kim, you may GIFT my "credits" to anyone you choose, my friend! :)please tell them the The Muse says Have A Great Day :)

  • Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious 10.11.08

    omg, KIM! listening to this song while looking at these cute babies ballerina is simply magical! :) thanks for introducing this song to us! i love it! :) enjoying the song now! :)

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    I don't know how to dance at all.

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    I think hubby is worst dancer than me. Ha...

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    I dream of learning balet but never did.

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    yeah I forgot to say I love the pics :)

  • LadyJava 11.11.08

    oohh that was lovely you said.. magical ... love the pictures too!!!

  • Mariuca 11.11.08

    Hi Kim!!! I am having another busy week, so just a quick hello and of course EC drop for u sweetie! :):):)

  • Mariuca 11.11.08

    I've not heard of this song Kim, thank you for sharing! :):):)

  • Mariuca 11.11.08

    Also, I see C here and ur mum is soooooo adorable! She looks like a character from a story book lol! :):):)

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    Lovely song and it reminds me when I was young and went too dancing school - long, long, long time ago. Still lovely memories though :-)

    The landscape reminds me of Norway too - thanks for sharing ;-)

  • Kim 11.11.08

    that's really kind of you Muse...will do...
    the youngest 'ballerina' on stage was 2 years old!!
    imagine that :)
    I still remember Charlotte 15 years ago dancing in her first concert at 2 years...thankfully she was out of nappies :) :)

  • Kim 11.11.08

    hi Jean...
    glad you enjoyed the music and the pics :)
    Judi has kindly passed on her ECs so I'll be sending you 100 ECs so that makes you the 5th lucky EC commentator :)

    hi TH...
    I think most little girls would love to be ballerinas :)
    I think it has a lot to do with the tutus ;)

    thanks LJ....
    your MM is heaps of fun :) :)

    hello Mariuca...
    you ARE having a busy week...
    I do hope all goes really well with B... (hugs) to you both :)

  • Anonymous 11.11.08

    Magical indeed.

    Friday the 13th huh? ;)

  • Kim 11.11.08

    oops what was I thinking
    thanks for picking it up...we do have the same calendar over here...

    I think ;)

  • Kim 11.11.08

    hi Renny...
    she's from New Zealand but was born in Georgia ..Russia...I don't know where this clip was filmed...
    haha I can see you going off to dancing lessons as a boy Renny ;)

  • John M. Mora 12.11.08

    Lovely, Kim. Been fairly sick (strp throat, yuk) and working a lot with my BlackBerry, but your site is too biiiiiig to load....too much love here?

  • emilayusof 12.11.08

    so sweet! i love your song choice, kim!

  • Kim 12.11.08

    oh I hope you're feeling better John...haha too much love ...I think it may be too many widgets!!!

    hi Emila is a very sweet song isn't it :) :)

  • Lynda Lehmann 12.11.08

    How adorable, Kim, and it's nice to see photos of more of your family!

    I fondly remember our daughter's early years of being involved in tap, jazz and ballet! Now those years are long gone....

  • Lilly 12.11.08

    How gorgeous are the baby ballerinas Kim, just lovely. It's great your neices are getting a lot of family support at their concert too - gosh I cannot imagine the work that must go into all this. My neices have been dancing since they were 3 and are now in their early 20s. I love the song too!

  • Kim 12.11.08

    I know the feeling Lynda :)
    Charlotte was a toddler when she started and even learnt from me for a while....she taught dance for a few years with my Sister too......but eventually gave it away...the training was invaluable though...

  • Kim 12.11.08

    they are gorgeous Lilly could take them all home....
    and 4 boys too...
    only outnumbered by 546 girls....
    ballet can be very addictive!!!
    are your nieces making careers for themselves in dance?..
    I noticed the renewed interest in dance since the 'so you think you can dance' show aired here...

  • Anonymous 12.11.08

    just coming by to drop ec :)

    well, its going to be Christmas soon. mine.. time fly :)

  • Anonymous 12.11.08

    you know I try aerobic classes and fail! ha... I can't even put my both legs straight on floor. That's so tough. My friend told me its very pain to do that~

  • Anonymous 12.11.08

    hope you know what I mean to say. I feel hard to explain it. :)

  • Anonymous 12.11.08

    I have not hear from my bro about twins for so long :) they must be busy at work

  • Anonymous 13.11.08

    hi, its me I come by again :)

  • Anonymous 13.11.08

    just can't stop myself looking at pretty pics

  • Anonymous 13.11.08

    I can't recall the song that my hubby always play the cd

  • Kim 13.11.08

    hello TH..
    thanks for your visits :))
    I'm pleased you enjoyed the pics and the music :)
    aerobics is not easy...
    it's scary when you think how close Christmas is ..eek...nearly time to start thinking about the Chrissy shopping :0

  • Anonymous 13.11.08

    Loved the photos of your family and the baby ballerinas - how cute are they?!
    Looking forward to your guest post soon on zany life.

  • Kim 13.11.08

    thanks Judi...
    and thanks for the invite ..
    looking forward to it too :))

  • Anonymous 13.11.08

    yeah when think of Christmas its present time too :)

  • Michelle B. Hendry 14.11.08

    I love the ballerinas! They are so sweet and look like angels. Beautiful post. :)

  • Anonymous 14.11.08

    Kim, you have a beatiful and creative family. My niece used to be a ballerina and I wish she still was with the Nutcracker coming to town!

  • anandi 14.11.08

    HI Kim, How are you?
    I have something to show you on my blog. Another intriguing art form which I am exploring these days.

  • Kim 14.11.08

    hi TH....
    not looking forward to the shopping ...eek!!

    thanks Michelle..
    they do look like angels don't they :)

    thanks Boyd...
    so the Nutcracker is in town... oh well your niece may take it up again never know with ballerinas..they never lose their love for dancing ;)

    hi Anandi
    fine...will pop over some time this weekend ..I have my daughter's graduation and formal today :)

  • Jackie 14.11.08

    Wow thank you Kim so much for the gift. But truly it is not necessary. I simply love being your friend!!

    So I try to drop over and comment as much as possible!!


    Thanks again!!

  • Mariuca 15.11.08

    Hi Kim! Here with MPG first today, am so late in my rounds! Wonder if I'll be able to finish 300 for Mariuca, wish me luck! :):):)

  • Jackie 15.11.08

    Hi Kim, I am back again!! I just had the longest and most luxurious nap ever. And to top it all off I had the most delicious dream too!!

    happy weekend:-))

  • Kim 15.11.08

    hi Jackie...
    I don't mind sending you ECs
    you are my #1 commentator hehe Mariuca a run for her money...

    hi Mariuca...
    best of luck...I hope you get your 300..
    haha I'm lucky to do 300 (all up) with my 3 blogs!!! and weekends are always harder :))

  • Anonymous 16.11.08

    it's really great events of your life

  • John M. Mora 16.11.08

    i have to figure out how to add the MOnday musicx link - attention defecit and all - also dpo np understamnd regarding add - what I need to send you the numbers make no sense to me.


    caps locked, sorry

    A lovely song - Rene can always expose such calm kind vulnerability. wsil have to investigate what the movie is.

  • Mariuca 16.11.08

    Hi Kim, am here with Mariuca first today! I did manage to complete my 300 drops yest, but today is another story! :):):)

  • Mariuca 16.11.08

    I hope you're having a good weekend. I slept most of the day! :)

  • Kim 16.11.08

    hello Zobel
    thanks for your comment :)

    hi Jackie..
    have a relaxing weekend...and plenty of sleep :))

    lol John...
    I'll see if I can explain in an email
    the movie...take a box of tissues ;)

    hi Mariuca..
    good for you...:))
    I didn't....too many and too little time eek!!!
    hehe I'll have to nick name you Noddy ;)

  • Anonymous 16.11.08

    hi, just dropping by. Hows your Sunday?

  • Anonymous 16.11.08

    so fast the weekend past, hubby going back to work tomorrow.

  • Kim 17.11.08

    hi TH
    your Sunday is our Monday :)
    hope your day was great :))
    and thanks for dropping by :)

  • Anonymous 18.11.08

    It has been awhile since my baby was a ballerina, but it looks like I get the chance again since my fiance has a 7 year old.

  • Anonymous 22.2.09

    hey they are looking so cute :) I tried to get some training for dance but guess what the teacher was too polite to tell me to just do some more better thing haha

  • sammrat 11.4.09

    great song, update me when something you update like this, Thanks

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news