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Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 29/12/07

29 December 2007 71 comments


  • Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)

  • Top 101 Artists' Blogs List 27/11/07

  • Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 29/12/07

  • Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 31/1/08

  • Top 10

    Emila's Illustrated Blog
    Authority: 454
    Rank: 9,564
    Claudine Hellmuth
    Authority: 340
    Rank: 14,192
    Authority: 311
    Rank: 15,985
    The BenSpark
    Authority: 305
    Rank: 16,405
    Authority: 129
    Rank: 48,788
    Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog
    Authority: 126
    Rank: 50,119
    Creative Every Day
    Authority: 123
    Rank: 51,581
    Making a Mark
    Authority: 118
    Rank: 54,203
    Much of a muchness
    Authority: 105
    Rank: 62,410
    Carol Marine's Painting a Day
    Authority: 102
    Rank: 64,717

    Top 20

    Non dairy Diary
    Authority: 93
    Rank: 72,941
    New Work and Inspiration
    Authority: 83
    Rank: 84,045
    the odd neighbor
    Authority: 81
    Rank: 86,590
    Authority: 78
    Rank: 90,625
    Jana’s Journal and Sketch Blog
    Authority: 78
    Rank: 90,625
    Authority: 74
    Rank: 96,541
    Ascender Rises Above
    Authority: 72
    Rank: 99,658
    Works by Tracy Helgeson
    Authority: 70
    Rank: 103,170
    Up All Night Again
    Authority: 66
    Rank: 110,648
    Artist Hideout
    Authority: 65
    Rank: 112,625

    Top 30

    The Illustrated Garden
    Authority: 65
    Rank: 112,625
    Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
    Authority: 64
    Rank: 114,765
    Sketching, Travel Sketching, Illustrated/Travel/Art Journals : Trumpetvine
    Authority: 60
    Rank: 124,139
    Paintings in Oil
    Authority: 60
    Rank: 124,139
    Photography by KML
    Authority: 60
    Rank: 124,139
    Meditation Photography
    Authority: 59
    Rank: 126,758
    Calamity Kim
    Authority: 59
    Rank: 126,758
    Jafabrit's Art
    Authority: 55
    Rank: 137,774
    rue Manuel bis
    Authority: 53
    Rank: 143,900
    The Portrait Party
    Authority: 52
    Rank: 147,290

    Top 40

    Teri's Painted Daisies
    Authority: 52
    Rank: 147,290
    Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann
    Authority: 51
    Rank: 150,747
    Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
    Authority: 49
    Rank: 158,109
    Authority: 46
    Rank: 170,597
    Arts & Stuff
    Authority: 45
    Rank: 174,961
    Colorado Art Studio
    Authority: 43
    Rank: 184,350
    Artmaker: Art, Writings and Comics by Ming
    Authority: 43
    Rank: 184,350
    Floating Lemons: Bit by Bit Blog
    Authority: 43
    Rank: 184,350
    Authority: 42
    Rank: 189,138
    Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion
    Authority: 41
    Rank: 194,358

    Top 50

    Tinker Art
    Authority: 40
    Rank: 199,700
    The EDM SuperBlog
    Authority: 39
    Rank: 205,230
    Daily Painting Practice
    Authority: 38
    Rank: 250,617
    Authority: 36
    Rank: 224,227
    Drawing on Nature
    Authority: 35
    Rank: 231,062
    Authority: 35
    Rank: 231,062
    Artist, Emerging
    Authority: 34
    Rank: 238,665
    ~The Art of Life~
    Authority: 33
    Rank: 246,538
    Kathleen Rietz - Artist
    Authority: 33
    Rank: 289,036
    La Casuni
    Authority: 32
    Rank: 254,861

    Top 60

    Pollocksthebollocks’s Weblog
    Authority: 31
    Rank: 263,682
    Authority: 30
    Rank: 273,240
    Everything is Contextual
    Authority: 30
    Rank: 273,240
    Ellis Nadler's Sketchbook
    Authority: 29
    Rank: 283,266
    Everything is Contextual
    Authority: 30
    Rank: 273,240
    Have Dogs, Will Travel
    Authority: 29
    Rank: 283,266
    An Artist's Journal
    Authority: 29
    Rank: 283,266
    Authority: 28
    Rank: 294,012
    paintings prints and stuff
    Authority: 27
    Rank: 305,717
    Jeannette's Illustration Sketchblog
    Authority: 26
    Rank: 317,977

    Top 70

    Authority: 26
    Rank: 317,977
    The Colorist
    Authority: 26
    Rank: 317,977
    mARTa's Art
    Authority: 26
    Rank: 317,977
    Authority: 26
    Rank: 317,977
    Searen Art and Design
    Authority: 25
    Rank: 331,293
    Authority: 24
    Rank: 345,597
    The Diary Project
    Authority: 23
    Rank: 360,865
    draw the line
    Authority: 23
    Rank: 360,865
    Janeys Journey
    Authority: 23
    Rank: 360,865
    Authority: 23
    Rank: 360,865

    Top 80

    Morrgan's Creatures
    Authority: 22
    Rank: 377,609
    Nat Dickinson Doing Art
    Authority: 22
    Rank: 377,609
    MiKa Art Blog
    Authority: 21
    Rank: 395,824
    Illustrated Life
    Authority: 20
    Rank: 415,686
    The Sunday Painter
    Authority: 20
    Rank: 415,686
    Travels with a Sketchbook in.......
    Authority: 19
    Rank: 437,475
    Emele’s Blog.
    Authority: 18
    Rank: 461,534
    Intangible Arts
    Authority: 18
    Rank: 519,369
    Authority: 17
    Rank: 487,964
    Authority: 17
    Rank: 487,964
    Daily Paintings by Ria Hills
    Authority: 17
    Rank: 487,964

    Top 90

    Indigo Blah
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 517,455
    A Painting A Day Daily Postcard Paintings by Manuela Valenti
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 578,607
    Auntie Mim's
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 517,455
    artful life
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 517,455
    Texas Painter Leslie Sealey
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 517,455
    Thousand Sketches
    Authority: 16
    Rank: 517,455 my spare time
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426
    Fiji Island Mermaid Press
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426
    Lori's Stormy Art and Daily Paintings
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426
    ArtsSpot - Original and Unique Drawings and Paintings
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426

    Top 101

    Images and Imagination
    Authority: 14
    Rank: 587,893
    Pastel and Paint: Lesly Finn's Art
    Authority: 14
    Rank: 587,893
    Chris Bolmeier Art
    Authority: 13
    Rank: 629,416
    Authority: 13
    Rank: 629,416
    Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    kitty art
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    drawings & sketches - dibujandoarte
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    Jo Castillo Art Blog
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    Painting Each Day
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    Delineate Design
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883
    Authority: 12
    Rank: 676,883

    My Predictions

    Rose's Art Lines
    Authority: 11
    Rank: 731,678
    Blank Canvas
    Authority: 11
    Rank: 731,678
    Cracked Ego
    Authority: 10
    Rank: 795,643
    Works of Many Colors
    Authority: 10
    Rank: 872,909
    Angie Reed Garner
    Authority: 10
    Rank: 795,643
    Watercolour Artist Diary
    Authority: 10
    Rank: 795,643
    My Quest to Make a Living as a Comic Book Superhero Artist
    Authority: 10
    Rank: 872,909
    Art & Life
    Authority: 9
    Rank: 871,446
    Daily Miniature Paintings
    Authority: 9
    Rank: 871,446
    Rembrandt etc. - "Daily Paintings" by Bobbi Dunlop
    Authority: 9
    Rank: 871,446
    The Itinerant Artist
    Authority: 8
    Rank: 962,510
    Art & Observations
    Authority: 8
    Rank: 962,510
    A Multi-Colored Life
    Authority: 8
    Rank: 962,510
    Angela's Art
    Authority: 8
    Rank: 962,510
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,138,025
    Wax Art
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    Moskovitz Art Studio
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    Brendy Vaughn's Art Journal
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    Cordelia's Art Place
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    My Paint Box
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    Authority: 6
    Rank: 1,212,405
    Oil Painting Studies by Dennis Albertson
    Authority: 5
    Rank: 1,391,575
    Studio McCann
    Authority: 5
    Rank: 1,391,575
    Matthew Carter - Portraits
    Authority: 5
    Rank: 1,391,575
    Daily Paintings, experiments and thoughts.
    Authority: 5
    Rank: 1,391,575
    Wendy Prior Fine Art
    Authority: 5
    Rank: 1,391,575
    Authority: 4
    Rank: 1,644,723
    aRt De Me
    Authority: 4
    Rank: 1,644,723
    A State of Art Portraits
    Authority: 4
    Rank: 1,644,723
    get painted !!!!
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,209,027
    The Creative Butterfly
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Little Paintings
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025
    A sketch in time
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025
    The Phoenix & The Harley
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025

    New listings for January will be included in February update:

    Visual Blog - Art and Life
    Authority: 9
    Rank: 871,446
    Art & Clairvoyance
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    A Day in the Life of a NOBODY - NYC Street artist TMNK
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Cosmic Photo Art
    Authority: 45
    Rank: 174,961
    See It. Draw It. Share It.
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025
    RedHead Art
    Authority: 11
    Rank: 731,678
    Luann Udell
    Authority: 47
    Rank: 166,367
    Brian McKenzie
    Authority: 6
    Rank: 1,212,405
    David Cochran
    No authority yet
    Dust Off the Butterfly
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Authority: 1
    Rank: 4,446,976
    Linda Blondheim Art Notes
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426
    Paint Dance
    Authority: 11
    Rank: 731,678
    Artscapes - Musings on Art & Life
    No authority yet
    Rank: 8,911,336
    Deborah Paris - A Painting Life
    Authority: 6
    Rank: 1,212,405
    Deano's Den
    Authority: 11
    Rank: 731,678
    Jelaine Faunce Studio
    Authority: 30
    Rank: 273,240
    Non Linear Arts
    No authority yet
    Rank: 8,911,336
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Potter's Blog
    Authority: 15
    Rank: 550,426
    knack for art
    Authority: 29
    Rank: 283,266
    Painting Small Impressions
    Authority: 7
    Rank: 1,072,771
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Ian Jones Photo Blog
    No authority yet
    Rank: 8,911,336
    Niagara Falls Info - What's New ?
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 3,053,157
    Plein Air Paintings Niagara Falls, Maine, Caribbean
    Authority: 2
    Rank: 2,910,025
    DouDy Sketche
    Authority: 3
    Rank: 2,124,856
    Musings on Photography
    Authority: 61
    Rank: 121,630

    101 Top Artists' Blogs (About)

    Are you an Artist who blogs?

    Do you have your own personal Art Blog?

    Have you claimed your blog at Technorati?

    If you answered yes to all 3 questions....then please submit your blog in the comments section of this post......

    please include the name and URL of your blog ....

    I will be updating the list at the end of every month.


    Top 101 Artists' Blogs List (November - 2007)

    Further information on Technorati Authority and Ranking
    by Dorion Carroll at:

    Technorati Authority and Rank

    Kim's signature

    Inspired by:

    Top 50 Australian Women’s Blogs
    Leigh at All for Women

    Top 100 Australian Blogs Index
    Meg at Dipping into the Blogpond

    Best 101 Lists
    Pearl at Interesting Observations

    This list was compiled on the 28th and 29th December 2007
    If your blog is not listed....please leave the name of your blog and URL in the comments section of this post........

    Related Links:
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs List (November - 2007)
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
    Decided to sign up for Technorati
    Blogging as Popularity Contest
    I'm in Top 101!
    Fine Crafts
    Colour Lens
    Top 101 Artist Blogs
    More two faced paper…
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs
    Heard It From A Friend, Who Heard It From A Friend… Photo
    Laketree top 101 artists' blogs
    Top 101 artists' blogs
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs
    Yesterday’s News: Photo
    Biggest, Best, Weirdest, and Most Important Lists of 2007
    Thousand Sketches: In the top 101 art blogs!
    Number 18 (plus a rant)
    Blogging Friends - Much more than a Linkback
    Stripes and swans
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs
    Jafabrit's Art
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs
    Top 101 Artists' Blogs

    Kim's signature

    aka laketrees

    click me!

    To place my badge on your site,
    copy and paste the code above
    to your template!

    or the text code link below

    Technorati and Blog Reactions !

    28 December 2007 15 comments

    I borrowed this idea from Jos over at NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)

    I copied and pasted this from Jos's blog...

    In the scroll box below are the blogs that were kind enough to link to this blog in the last 10 days. That is... the ones that Technorati counted...

    I have copy/pasted the Technorati pages with "blog reactions", changed the rel="bookmark" to rel="dofollow", deleted the images, and.. hey presto!

    Hope this works to give you some LinkLOve back (If it works, it will give a lot of LinkLOve to Technorati, too ;).

    Thank you for linking to laketrees !

    last 10 Days of Technorati Links to laketrees

    Kim's signature

    Related Links

    last 200 days (laketrees)

    Pre-defined scroll box in post body text

    Indexed pages - SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization

    laketrees: What is going on at Technorati ?????

    For Christmas and all through the year...

    23 December 2007 27 comments

    May You Always Have an Angel by Your Side

    Click on image to enlarge

    A very Special Thank You to Anand for designing this superb Ambigram of my name...
    it's are a very clever artist!!!!!! and I love it !!!!

    Check out Anand's wonderful blog of Ambigrams, Typography & Photographs at Engross and his other terrific blog - Improvising versatility

    Christmas Posts

    Christmas Photos 2007

    Africa WIP

    An Australian Christmas

    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all of my Readers....

    Kim's signature

    Join the Linky Choo Choo Train!!

    and the winner of the Free Portrait for Christmas is not Britney Spears or Technorati !!!

    22 December 2007 22 comments

    Princess Diana Letter

    The second Win a Free Portrait for Christmas Competition is now closed !!!
    And the winner is Colin.....
    Congratulations Colin....
    I will be emailing you with the details of the prize shortly....

    Santa and I would like to thank everyone who entered the competition. All of your entries were amazing....and I wish you all a happy and prosperous Christmas...

    Many thanks go to all my readers who very kindly promoted the competition too....
    your support ...Diggs and Stumbles were very much appreciated !!!

    and the Mystery Bonus Prize will go to the first reader who can tell me why the letter above was sent to me...

    What is going on at Technorati ?????

    Is Your Web Site Optimized for the Christmas Rush?

    Kim's signature

    It's an Award - and it's a Sign!

    20 December 2007 5 comments

    Jos at NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)
    has created this award badge as a clear signal to the visitors of those blogs that carry it.

    Jos had this to say about his award:

    It is intended to be a sign that says: "this blog is cool & crazy, and the blog owner is not afraid to admit it".
    It is for those bloggers that I think are really Cool -- and I suspect they are a little Crazy too.
    They are running their blogs to be a true reflection of their own personality and they stick to it. They are providing an atmosphere that makes their visitors feel welcome as members of their blogs' community. They manage to use the right tone of voice, write about an inspiring choice of subjects and treat their visitors and their fellow bloggers as friends. And they all do that without taking themselves or their blogs too serious, in spite of all the time and the crazy hard work they put into it.

    Thank you very much Jos !!

    I am passing this award on to .....
    Lyn at IT'S A WOMAN'S WORLD for being such a terrific interviewer and for having the qualities that Jos has mentioned in his award

    Check out who's linking to you!!!

    I found this handy little tool while checking my backlinks....
    here is a sample from laketrees
    Reciprocal Link Found
    laketrees award winning portrait artist
    Reciprocal Link Found
    Reciprocal Link Found
    Reciprocal Link Found
    from kim of laketrees
    Reciprocal Link Found
    laketrees - kim barkers blog
    Reciprocal Link Found
    Image ALT Text : motorized lunitic cats in my car
    kim from laketrees
    the future belongs....
    the future belongs....
    Reciprocal Link Found
    Reciprocal Link Found
    southern cross award
    Reciprocal Link Found
    Reciprocal Link NOT Found
    Reciprocal Link Found

    This tool helps you ensure that your link partners are linking back to your website. It also determines the anchor text used by your link partners to link to your website.
    Reciprocal Link Check

    Kim's signature

    Christmas Photos 2007


    Tahlia and Charlotte

    Tamika, Tahlia and Marissa

    Christmas lunch at Mum's Place

    Kelly and Alexander Christmas 2007

    Baby Ballerinas Christmas Concert 2007

    Kim's signature

    Win a Free Portrait for Christmas!!!!

    19 December 2007 31 comments

    2 days to go !!!

    Competition closes 21st December at 24:00 (that's the time on the clock here at laketrees)

    Poor Santa had had major problems with his computer lately so could you please email me with your entries...
    All entries (stories and/or photos) will be posted here...
    Ask all your friends to comment/vote for your entry here....
    Comments received at Santa's Elf Club and other posts at laketrees will be carried over...

    Entries for Competition - Memories of Christmas Past

    Entry # 1
    Jeane Michelle Culp

    Years Later!


    Entry # 2

    Firstly, many thanks to Santa for inviting me to co-author Santa's Community Blog and welcome to Auntie Dar, Eric, Janice, Judy, Martje, Sandee and Surjit as new co-authors too.Wow, is Blog Elf in for a surprise, especially as he likes to call me eeeeeeek the ghost!! Mind you, he's probably far to busy eating his Frog Sandwiches.
    Isn't Christmas a wonderful time of year? Yes, there's a great deal of hustle and bustle, shopping to be done, work to be finished, gifts to wrap, cards to write and much more.
    The Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh as gifts for the Christ, born the King of the Jews. Now, traditionally, it is an annual holiday when we celebrate the birth of Jesus with traditions that vary around the world, but the sentiments are the same, we promote goodwill, compassion and peace for all mankind.We celebrate with Midnight Mass, singing the praises of the Lord on this magical day. Children act out the Nativity at schools, churches and halls, while waiting (sometimes impatiently) for the arrival of the jolly man in red known as Santa Claus in the early hours of Christmas morning, when all good children should be asleep.I have many memories of Christmas Past, it is a mesmerizing time of year.

    Many years ago, my father took a picture of me ( above) pinching a chocolate off the Christmas Tree, caught in the act as it were!! Mind you, that was many years ago, I have aged a little since then.

    In more recent years, I have my own daughter who was fortunate to meet Santa on many occasions. Here she is 3 years old and sat on Santa's knee. Now she is 14 years old, and still anticipates Christmas and has been counting down the days since the end of July hahahaha.

    Now then, do not forget to write your letters to Santa, as he's a very busy man and his elves will be working overtime to satisfy the child in all of us.If you are passing by, please join this wonderful community and add it to your Technorati Favourites.......clickety clickety click as Blog Elf would say.Have a wonderful week everyone, and spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves.Colin

    Colin's photos of his beautiful daughter.

    Entry # 3
    Ok, here it goes I haven't had that many memorable Christmas's as I was not raised with my family. I remember living in a foster home and all the prezzies that my mom would send to me were taken away! Sad but true. The holidays are such a hard time for me even tho I am an adult now so I just try not to think about it! One year I bought myself off Ebay The Beatles Christmas cut-out records. Music has always helped me thru all the horrible times that I lived thru.. The Beatles and their music is so magical and happy I always wished I was part of the Beatle family! So I say the Beatles are the farway family that I never had. I do get choked up just writing this letter. I still believe in miracles & the spirit of Christmas and when I am sad or thinking of the less fortunate, I play some Beatles music and it magically goes away. Not everyone has had a family and I envy the people that have one and take them for granted! Remember to love one another because someone in your family can leave you in a instant. Christina at harleyblues

    Entry # 4

    Entry submitted by Kimmy at Purple Frog Cat

    Entry # 5

    Entry submitted by Mim at Auntie Mim's

    Entry # 6

    Santa Claus Magic Village

    Santa Claus Loves My Children

    Santa Claus Gifts I Grab

    Santa Claus Free Hat

    Entry submitted by Zubli at Book Project

    Entry # 7

    Back in 2003 I was in my first year at Punmu, on Lake Dora in the Great
    Sandy Desert.

    Somehow I was talked into being Santa. Then I was talked into arriving
    on a pushbike!

    Across the dry salt lake (well, a part of it, it is several hundred
    square km in extent) at about 5.30pm with the temperature hovering above

    The children were still highly appreciative and even a molten Santa had

    Entry submitted by Ærchie at ARCHIES ARCHIVE

    Kim's signature

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    About The Author
    Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news