Top 101 Artists' Blogs List
1 December 2007 Labels: Top 101 Artists' Blogs 109 commentsTop 10 | [−] |
Emila's Illustrated Blog
Authority: 447
Rank: 9,757
Authority: 353
Rank: 13,578
The BenSpark
Authority: 276
Rank: 18,625
Artmaker: Art, Writings and Comics by Ming
Authority: 139
Rank: 44,842
Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog
Authority: 135
Rank: 46,326
Making a Mark
Authority: 107
Rank: 60,932
Carol Marine's Painting a Day
Authority: 101
Rank: 65,568
Non dairy Diary
Authority: 94
Rank: 71,974
New Work and Inspiration
Authority: 84
Rank: 82,932
Authority: 77
Rank: 92,012
Top 20 | [−] |
Much of a muchness
Authority: 76
Rank: 93,462
Authority: 74
Rank: 96,541
Ascender Rises Above
Authority: 69
Rank: 104,933
Artist Hideout
Authority: 65
Rank: 112,625
Jana’s Journal and Sketch Blog
Authority: 65
Rank: 112,625
Sketching, Travel Sketching, Illustrated/Travel/Art Journals : Trumpetvine
Authority: 64
Rank: 138,102
Meditation Photography
Authority: 62
Rank: 119,246
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
Authority: 59
Rank: 126,758
Paintings in Oil
Authority: 58
Rank: 129,395
The Illustrated Garden
Authority: 55
Rank: 137,774
Top 30 | [−] |
Calamity Kim
Authority: 55
Rank: 137,774
The Portrait Party
Authority: 52
Rank: 147,290
Photography by KML
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747
rue Manuel bis
Authority: 50
Rank: 154,301
Teri's Painted Daisies
Authority: 47
Rank: 166,367
Arts & Stuff
Authority: 46
Rank: 170,597
Colorado Art Studio
Authority: 46
Rank: 170,597
Authority: 44
Rank: 179,530
Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion
Authority: 43
Rank: 184,350
Top 40 | [−] |
The EDM SuperBlog
Authority: 39
Rank: 205,230
Floating Lemons: Bit by Bit Blog
Authority: 37
Rank: 217,579
~The Art of Life~
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Authority: 35
Rank: 231,062
Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann
Authority: 34
Rank: 238,665
Drawing on Nature
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
Authority: 30
Rank: 273,240
Kathleen Rietz - Artist
Authority: 30
Rank: 273,240
Ellis Nadler's Sketchbook
Authority: 30
Rank: 273,240
Top 50 | [−] |
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
Have Dogs, Will Travel
Authority: 26
Rank: 317,977
Jeannette's Illustration Sketchblog
Authority: 26
Rank: 317,977
Daily Painting Practice
Authority: 25
Rank: 331,293
An Artist's Journal
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
paintings prints and stuff
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Pollocksthebollocks’s Weblog
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Morrgan's Creatures
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
The Colorist
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Top 60 | [−] |
mARTa's Art
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
draw the line
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Janeys Journey
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Illustrated Life
Authority: 20
Rank: 415,686
Authority: 20
Rank: 415,686
Travels with a Sketchbook in.......
Authority: 19
Rank: 437,475
Searen Art and Design
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Emele’s Blog.
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Indigo Blah
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Top 70 | [−] |
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
A Painting A Day Daily Postcard Paintings by Manuela Valenti
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
MiKa Art Blog
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455 my spare time
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
The Sunday Painter
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Intangible Arts
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Auntie Mim's dog house
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
artful life
Authority: 15
Daily Paintings by Ria Hills
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Top 80 | [−] |
Texas Painter Leslie Sealey
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Lori's Stormy Art and Daily Paintings
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Works of Many Colors
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
kitty art
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Chris Bolmeier Art
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
drawings & sketches - dibujandoarte
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Pastel and Paint: Lesly Finn's Art
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Cracked Ego
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Jo Castillo Art Blog
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Top 90 | [−] |
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Painting Each Day
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Delineate Design
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Angie Reed Garner
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Rose's Art Lines
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Watercolour Artist Diary
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
My Quest to Make a Living as a Comic Book Superhero Artist
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Art & Life
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Daily Miniature Paintings
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Top 101 | [−] |
ArtsSpot - Original and Unique Drawings and Paintings
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
The Itinerant Artist
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Rembrandt etc. - "Daily Paintings" by Bobbi Dunlop
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,138,025
Wax Art
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
A Multi-Colored Life
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Angela's Art
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Moskovitz Art Studio
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Oil Painting Studies by Dennis Albertson
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Brendy Vaughn's Art Journal
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
My Predictions | [−] |
Studio McCann
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Matthew Carter - Portraits
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Cordelia's Art Place
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Blank Canvas
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
My Paint Box
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Daily Paintings, experiments and thoughts.
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
get painted !!!!
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,209,027
Wendy Prior Fine Art
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Little Paintings
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
aRt De Me
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
A State of Art Portraits
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
The Creative Butterfly
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
A sketch in time
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
New listings for this month will be included in January update: | [−] |
The Phoenix & The Harley
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
Nat Dickinson Doing Art
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Jafabrit's Art
Authority: 53
Rank: 143,900
Thousand Sketches
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Authority: 131
Rank: 47,970
Works by Tracy Helgeson
Authority: 63
Rank: 116,930
Artist, Emerging
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Creative Every Day
Authority: 114
Rank: 56,528
Everything is Contextual
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
odd neighbor
Authority: 81
Rank: 86,590
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
La Casuni
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
The Diary Project
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
Up All Night Again
Authority: 63
Rank: 116,930
Auntie Mim's
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Claudine Hellmuth
Authority: 347
Rank: 13,872
Fiji Island Mermaid Press
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Art & Observations
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Tinker Art
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Images and Imagination
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
101 Top Artists' Blogs (About) | [−] |
Are you an Artist who blogs?
Do you have your own personal Art Blog?
Have you claimed your blog at Technorati?
If you answered yes to all 3 questions....then please submit your blog in the comments section of this post......
please include the name and URL of your blog ....
I will be updating the list at the end of every month.
Check here to see if your blog is on the list:
Top 101 Artists' Blogs List
Further information on Technorati Authority and Ranking
by Dorion Carroll at:
Technorati Authority and Rank

Inspired by:
Top 50 Australian Women’s Blogs
Leigh at All for Women
Top 100 Australian Blogs Index
Meg at Dipping into the Blogpond
Best 101 Lists
Pearl at Interesting Observations
This list was compiled on the 27th November 2007
If your blog is not listed....please leave the name of your blog and URL in the comments section of this post........
a Digg here would be much appreciated.
Related Links:
Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
Decided to sign up for Technorati
Blogging as Popularity Contest
I'm in Top 101!
Fine Crafts
Colour Lens
Top 101 Artist Blogs
More two faced paper…
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Heard It From A Friend, Who Heard It From A Friend… Photo
Laketree top 101 artists' blogs

aka laketrees

To place my badge on your site,
copy and paste the code above
to your template!
or the text link below

Cool! I'm the top one? Yay! Thanks Laketree! Can I brag about this in my blog?
Ooh, Kim, this was quite a task! Fascinating reading and such a good reference resource.
Thank you so much for doing this...
Glad you are back :)
Wow - thanks for putting this together, I had no idea I was in the top ten, let alone the top 100!
you certainly can Emila :)
and you're welcome :)
my pleasure Diane :)...
it is handy isn't it....
it's good to be back !!!!
you're welcome Leanne :)
What an impression list Kim - you've really done a good job (as always) and I'm going to Digg it :-)
Btw: I do understand why you moderate, but where do I put in ?
Thanks for posting this Kim. It must have been a lot of work!
You are at the top, as I had expected. Congratulations!
I guess my being in the top 40isn't bad for having started only five months ago.
I've stumbled the page for you and us!
Thanks for the list, now we all have many more sites to explore!
(Where can I find the definition of "page rank" and "authority"?)
hi Renny
thanks...I'm not sure what happens with your address in comment moderation ...I will check it out and let you know....thanks for the offer to Digg.....much appreciated :) :-X
nice job !
about 3 days work Lynda :)
and # 35 is an excellent place to be after 5 months...
thanks so much for the stumble :=X
authority = Technorati number of links to your blog over the last month
rank = your ranking at Technorati...the lower the number...the higher you are up the ladder :)
your ranking is based on your authority at Technorati ....
Thank you for including me! I'm looking forward to checking out the other artists on the list.
Looks like I have some work to do. I've never understood how the authority thing worked until now.
Thanks again. I will link to you from my blog.
thanks Phoenixandharley...
will check out your blog :)
you're welcome Gretchen ..
and thanks very much :)
hey Diane
muchas gracios for the Digg Submit
and stumble too :)
ditto Lynda :)
hey Renny
it seems blogger has just changed there comment system for non blogger bloggers ...will see if there is a way around it :)
Thanks so much, Kim, for including me in your list! It is an honor to be in such good company - many thanks for your work in putting it together!
you're welcome Kathy :)
and it's my pleasure :)
Oh WOW.. this is an awesome list :) can't wait to see all the beautiful blogs... So you spent most of your vacation blogging? :) thats some dedication :) thanks...
haha Pearl
you were my inspiration :)...
and all of these blogs are well and truly worth visiting.....
it took me about 3 days this week....with painting breaks in between :0
thanks for the Digg too !!!!
Warhol Approved!!
Rock On Artists! Rock On!!
hey thanks Billie
the Warhol seal of approval...
what can I say :) :=X
Wow I made the top 30!!
Thank you so much for including me, Kim - what an honor to be in such illustrious company.
Congrats Kim, what an waesome list it is too :)
Quite a few I am familiar with, and there are some to learn more about.
Dugg....have a great weekend,
good for you Jani :)
you're very welcome Casey :)
thanks and quite a bit of reading for you Colin...haha
thanks for the Digg mate!!!
and a great weekend to you too :)
ps clever you has found a way around Google discriminating against non blogger blogs with your hyperlink....
I just worked out how to get around it myself....10/10 to ya :)
thanks for the Digg too Casey :)
Hi Kim, This is my first visit to your blog and I find I'm on your list! Thank you. I love finding another Australian blog. I'm taking blogging a bit slowly at the moment due to study commitments but I'll be active again soon. I'll be back to check out your blog some more.
Thanks so much for including me on the list with so many other wonderful artists!! I am honored!
hi Jan...
yes we have to promote our Aussie Artists :)
maybe I need to do a subcategory just for Aussie Artist Bloggers...
all the best with your studies :)
you're welcome Teri...
it's an honour for me too :)
without all of you blogging artists I wouldn't have had a list..:)
Interesting list - thanks for the work compiling it. Pretty surprising to see my blog in the top 10, hm...
my pleasure Lisa. :)
Interesting list... I'll need to check back. Would love to be listed for
Nat Dickinson
I have filed your site Nat...
and will update at the end of the month....
at present you are in the top 60 (with an authority of 18)... :)
thanks for your URL...
Wow, thank you so very much for including my blog on your list. I'm stunned, astonished, astounded to see that I'm in the Top Ten. Can this really be right?!?!?
Thank you again. By the way, your painting of Tamika is gorgeous...and I love the scale!
you're welcome and thank you Suzanne....
if you know of any artists with blogs (not on the list) please let me know :)
this list was culled from Technorati and based on my research... :)
A wonderful list - so much to explore here, thank you!
I draw and post daily on my blog, "woolgathering..."
I have added your blog to the new listings section Elizabeth...
you have a delightful site with some wonderful drawings :)
Hi Kim, So nice to see this sort of list! I have always wondered about the rankings of some of my favorite blogs. I wouldn't mind being included as well, here is my technorati.
thanks Tracy...
will certainly include your blog and thanks for the Technorati link.... :)
Great list!
Here's my blog:
Interesting list! Here's my blog:
What a great list - so many of my favorites there, plus lots of new ones for me to check out. Thanks for posting it. Here's mine:
Everything is Contextual
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
thanks Deanna
will check out your blog and add today :)
hi Katspaws.. (interesting name )
I see you are using the new openid....good to see that it's working through typekey :)
will add your blog today..
thanks Juj
10/10 for giving me your information too ....very efficient.... :)
will add to new listings today and...if I ever need an assistant...... :D
I'm in the top 50 - I can't believe it!!!!!
I wouldn't have known where to find info like this!
thanks :)
i see many of my favorites here. nice job.
you're welcome Vivien :))
and I'm glad you like it :)
hi Catnapping...
(cute avatar)...thanks for the info....I'll put you in new listings today..... :)
Thanks again, Kim. My Technorati score is now crawling back up and is at 25. Next week TheColorist turns 1 year old, and I will be stealing the audience GIF idea that you used for yours. I hope you'll be flattered by that!
haha I am Casey :)
I'm glad to hear that your ranking is going up....and congratulations to you for your up and coming blog birthday....
tip on the audience gif.....if it doesn't animate when you upload it to your blog....upload it through a photo sharing site like worked for me...
good luck and have a great weekend :)
Thanks a lot KIM!
btw.. I think there is a problem with Technorati. It is not showing my blog name correctly. Please update it.
hi Anandi
what would you like me to update your name to ???
You can use my tagline "IMPROVISING VERSATILITY"
or you can use my name "Anand"
will do Anand :)
great! I wish I could join you!
I never would have thought my blog would even of come close to ranking so high. Congratulations on yours an amazing achievement through a lot of hard word and kind hospitality!
hi Valeria..
I have added you to the new listings :)
your illustrations are lovely :)
I wasn't surprised at all Boyd....
you have a wonderful blog....with exceptional artwork...
thanks for dropping by :)
Neat list, I saw some familiar names but there's masses of people I don't know that I'll enjoy checking out.
I'd appreciate being considered for future lists.
Up All Night Again and The Diary Project
hi Kirsty
I have put your blogs in the new listings...
fascinating work and great concept with your Diary Project :)
what a great list! I'd like to throw my hat in:
here are my technorati stats as of today:
Authority: 348
Rank: 13,829
thanks for leaving your stats Claudine...
you have some great artwork....a very unique style.....I'll add you to the new listings today.....:)
Thank you thank you for adding me to the list!!!!!! I am flattered!
you're very welcome Sully...:)
Great compilation! Might I add my blog to it? . . .
Fiji Island Mermaid Press
Last I checked its "authority" (that word always strikes me as a bit much) was 15.
Howdy! Just found out about this and saw I'm number 44. Which is really amazing, as my lucky number is 4. It follows me around like a dog.
Anyway, thanks for the listing, and for the info on how it works. Keep up the great work! ;-)
thanks for going through all this work; it must have taking days (and days) to calculate. I tried to crunch the numbers; 50.5 hours if you spent a half hour on each blog!
Thank you for including me for this next year's list.
I'm not sure what technorati bases their "authority" on...i've gone from 81 to 88 in the last few i'm not sure if it's trustworthy. it can't be number of links, because this time last year i had more people linking to me, but only a 77 authority...
I wish they'd let us in on their secrets. LOL
I think it's so cool that you have tried to sift through their system to try and find all of us. I think illustration blogs make an important contribution to the ether. I'd still be farting around with my silly anecdotes if I hadn't happened onto bloggers like anonymous and valgal...and sites like Illustration Friday.
Artists ROCK!
Cool list. I see many a bloggers here that I visit often. Please consider my humble blog in the future.
Thanks for your hard work and interest in the art blog world.
I just found your list via Tammy V. at Women, Art, Life - what a lot of work this must have been - so many new links to follow.
I'm still trying to figure out the whole Technorati experience - I just found that I'm at 199,700 with 40 authorities - at least for today ( ,) and I have no idea what that means really still, but it's intriguing me...
To qualify for your list, do blogs have to be art only? Or can they include photos and writing as well as art?
Thanks again for sharing so many fun art links to follow.
thanks Marc...
will add your blog to new listings today....and yes your blog has an 'authority' of 15..... :)
hi Willie...
you're welcome...
your line drawings are very Picasso-esque
ps.. thanks for putting the badge on your blog...
hi Ascender...
I think it took me about 3 was compiling the tables that took longer ...
thanks for the mention at your blog...fantastic Christmas Tags !!!
hi Catnapping...
it's great to be finding new art blogs every day.....
I know the authority changes on a daily basis ....depending on the links to your can read about it here
Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
or here
thanks Josh...
I will add your blog to the new listings as well.....
hi Tinker
I'm including photography blogs...
I see yours is a combination of illustration and I'll put your blog in the new listings :)
Great list!
I'll be checking out many of these artist's sites.
I have a little artist's blog at:
thanks Angela ...
lovely illustrations !
I will put your blog in the new listings today...
Wow! Thanks so much for adding me to the list. What an honor! And thanks for compiling this. I always love to find new art blogs to read. :)
you're welcome Kasie !
your CP Portraits are stunning !!!
Hi Kim,
I have no idea what's this all about but this is a nice list of artist's blogs I would like to check out one by one.
Mine is on
thanks for submitting your blog Petra ...
I will put it in my new listings today :)
Really? Thanks a lot Kim - very kind of you.
Kim, I forgot one thing - please what's this technorati thing all about and how is this 101 artists blogs list compiled from? I don't understand the game - I feel like a dummy...
you're welcome Petra !
it would be best if you read the bottom section of this post where it says
101 Top Artists' Blogs (About)
There is a link to Technorati in that section that explains Rank and Authority....
however the moment Technorati is proving rather unstable with it's authority and ranking I may have to look at alternatives if they do not fix their problem
Rank and Authority
Technorati Authority is the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has.
It is important to note that we measure the number of blogs, rather than the number of links. So, if a blog links to your blog many times, it still only count as +1 toward your authority. Of course, new links mean the +1 will last another 180 days.
Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is the #1 ranked blog. The smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the top.
Hi! I wanted to thank you for including me in the list. I didn't know such list existed. Greetings, Martín.
PS I added the badge in my blog ;)
hi Martin...
it was a pleasure visiting your site ...
thank you :)
Hi Kim,
thank you very much for your explanations. Now I understand - I always thought that technorati is just another blog provider but I see now that's real statistics. Boy - I am so behind all this.
But now I have "claimed" both of my blogs - LOL. This is going to be real fun although I am sure I am not going to win the popularity crown - never mind - that's life...
I'm pleased the information helped Petra....and good luck with Technorati :)
Hello! I've no idea how I stumbled upon this... But it's way cool!
An awesome list - and nice to see all these blogs in one place to go check them all out.
I'd love to be included!
Cheers and Happy New Year!!
hi Melanie...
will add your blog to the new listings in my December update post for February...
Happy New Year to you too :)
I have a blog of my weird and wonderful printmaking. I hope it'll be included and climb high..
blog name
Brian McKenzie
hi Brian ...
thanks for leaving your have a fascinating site...
I have added you to the new listings in my December post :)
Fantastic list!
If you are still adding links, here's mine...
Congrats to all the winners. Nice of you to compile this list.
Linda Blondheim
thanks Gabe and Linda...
will add you to new listings today
This is a useful list! Thanks!
I'd like to think that I'm an artist myself (a low rank of 29):
hi Mike
I will add your blog to the new listings today :)
ps great avatar !!
Thanks so much for including me on the list with so many other wonderful artists!!
What an interesting list.
Here are the details of my blog:
Rowan Dodds Illustration
your very welcome Oyun indir :)
I have added your blog to new listings Rowan....great to see a fellow Aussie here :)
thanks for such a nice comment on my blog!
i can't really understand why you haven't got julian listed on your top 101 artist blogs, as, after duane keiser, he was the next person to do daily paintings (there must now be 500 or so following suit now?), and, after three years,he is just approaching his 1000th daily painting.
Is this site a blog and has it been claimed at Technorati...because I cannot find it listed....could you please provide URL and name of the blog as listed at Technorati ?
Very Cool! I don't know how you find the time to do this, but very cool! i frequent so many of these blogs. i'd be honored just to make the almost list :)
Great job!
I have searched Technorati for your blog but cannot find it ...have you claimed your blog at Technorati ??
A wonderful list - so much to explore here, thank you!
Its indeed a cool blog ; I saw a many others .....But you are out of the league...
oh poo I didn't make it this time around :(
How long did it take you to complile this Kim?
Hey how is your arm/shoulder?
hey Corrine you are looking at an old list...
you are # 19 on my latest update here.. :)
the shoulder's a little stiff ...ughhh
thank you very nice
Hi Kim,
I don't see my blog on the list anymore. I'm sad but enjoyed getting up to the 60 top blogs a short time ago. Thanks for all the work you do for art bloggers.
hello Linda..
this is an old list...
you are no 68 on the most recent update here
I will be changing the list to an artists' directory soon about it on my front page... :)
Really great list, lots of sites I haven't seen, thank you for posting!
This podcast series offers information relating to “ A Painting a Day Movement.”
-Hall Groat II
Professor of Art
Broome Community College
you're welcome artschooltv :)
thanks for this comprehensive list Hall Groat..
I'll add your blog to the new directory and your related links to the links page there too..
this information is invaluable ..
thank you...
This is a fantastic resource - I was just googling for some inspiration for a couple of new projects, and found this - now I need never look anywhere else!
Thanks for all the work you do on this list and I am excited to be here.
Can I use the logo for my blog? Is there a special way to make it link back here?
Great Blog !!!
I'm a relative newbie - still trying to work it all out.
This is me:
Great site and portfolio! There's a warm sense of community here.