Advertising and Entrecard
6 May 2008 Labels: Entrecard, Humour 30 comments
My Traffic stats for 2008...
Why the jump in traffic for March?
Two reasons:
1. An Interview with the Sydney Morning Herald
2. More Artists putting the 101 Top Artists' Blogs' Badge on their sites...
Why the drop in April?
Less posting due to personal issues and my shoulder injury...
What a difference eh???
so...this month I am trying something new...I recently signed up with Entrecard....
About Entrecard.
Some people say its the new business card. Some people call it an advertising network. One thing is clear, Entrecard is a blossoming social network of bloggers centered around the concept of community, sharing, and helping each other out.
We believe that Entrecard is one of the best ways to promote your blog.
The “entre” root for the word “entrepreneur” loosely means “to undertake.” Bloggers are the largest growing community of entrepreneurs in the world, each undertaking their own venture for their own reasons. Entre-card is their digitial business card, for networking and promoting themselves in this community.
It was conceived by Graham Langdon, 22-year old Internet Entrepreneur and self proclaimed “idea guy”. It was launched at the Blog World Expo in November of 2007.
How to use Entrecard to grow your blog
A simple introduction to Entrecard, with a month by month plan focusing on bringing benefits to your blog using Entrecard, by CK Marketing
Monday, May 05, 2008
Breaking News Stories of Bra Bombardment & Donut Jelly Leaks1. Canadian Caffeine Casualties of Operation Slingshot WMD (MoneyPenny Press)
2. Stretched to the LIMIT in Hollydale (Traveling Bra Times)
3. Help Speedcat! Send Ransom! (Intrepid Interrogator)
4. Weapon of Massive (Mammary) Destruction? Or Manna from Heaven? (The Wendster Weekly)
5. News Update & Panic in Hollydale (Robert's Canadian Reporter)
6. A Girl Named Sue (Speedcat Unrelated Self Promotional)
7. Seal of Approval & Doughnut Attacks (Drowsey Monkey Monitor)
9. Attack of the Giant Killer Aussie Meat Pies! (Laketrees Limelight News)
10. Its a Topsy Turvy Blogosphere Out There (Medstudent,s Wife Memorandom Weekly)
11. Nekkid Gardening Hurts (Fracus Free Press)
12. News Flash..Spy Photos Revealed ~ NEW ATTACK!!! (Robert Reports)
13. you???
This site is stunning !!!
If you have a spare day to view the out of this world photography and listen to the superb music....DO!!!
Top 25 Blogs About Blogging
Diet Recipes Blog
Free diet recipes under 200 calories!
Can You Pass This Test?
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test
I was a right's a buzz when you switch to the left brain focus though !!!
Really Crazy Business Cards
Rock On Canada!!********
EntreCard RED HOT DROPPING!!******
Cheers Everybody!! Billy ;)) Peace*
yeah !!!
Canada has some excellent comedians ;)
thanks for calling by Billy...
will check out the launch :)
Congratulations on being number one; of Australian Women's Blogs. Do you ever sleep?
I really like the pop ups on the links; how it says number whatever outgoing link; etc. It always amazes me what a little html code can create - just a bunch of letters strung together; and magic happens.
Hope your shoulder is on the mend! I get the results of tests on Thursday for mine.
I must say I am not a huge fan of the blogger comments system. Have you thought of moving to wordpress or typepad? Of course I am impressed that you have made blogger work this long. I was only able to get mine to work for a year before it broke beyond repair! ;-)
thanks Ascender..
I hope your tests turn out fine....
mine's pretty stiff...too much time at the for sleep not too much lately.. eek...
I do have a WP blog (free) that I use as a stills gallery but I have got really used to blogger...though I'm sure that my template is a shocker...
the little pop up numbers are a bloglog widget...and I agree..blogger does need a better commenting system...I think someone will come up with one soon ..hopefully...
Hello Kim,
Welcome to Entrecard!
I'm sure you've read a lot about entrecard more than I ever did. I only went through the motions and followed this particular service through trial and error, but I'm well adjusted to it.
I started with zero ECs just by dropping and accepting adverts from others. Actually, I never refused any, LOL! I'm cheap in that regard.:-) But I have more than 5,000 now and have used the rest to advertise.:-)
Dropping can be boring and mechanical, and sometimes it stops your brain from functioning as it should. LOL! But there are instances when you see a really good site and would want to really establish a more profound connection, rather than just "hi's", or "dropped a card" posted on the shoutbox.
There are categories to select from for you to drop cards under the button "Campaigns". You can either advertise here or use it to focus your drops. They will then reciprocate (well about 40%) and visit your site. Most of these are drop and go types to complete the maximum 300 drops per day. These people can't get a life. LOL!
Nice to see you back in regular circulation. Stay well. :-) --Durano, done!
Anyway, I know you can temper growth with having fun on this particular service.
thanks for the run down Durano...
it does help to know what to do as the first day I accidently deleted a few cards who wanted to advertize on my blog as I thought I had to pay for them and I didn't have enough ecs...quite stressful...
and a lot less sleep learning about it all... :0
300 drops...I'm lucky if I do 30 - 40 per day haha...slowww..
thanks for buying on add here 'Mr Rich' ;) :P....
I have bought one at your blog too.. :)
thanks for your insights.....and...
have a grand evening :)
Thanks for learn how to use Entrecard to grow in blog.I will try it.Try to do something new like you.
Hi Agent Laketrees,
Miss Mp and me are playing ketchup with your sudden shower of secret posts! ;-)
Can No- brainers pass the Right Brain vs Left Brain test??? :-)
No worries about EntreCard droppings since Bloggers can't play!
I haven't checked out the Entrecard thing..but I do hope that you are feeling better and the shoulder is better. Because it is YOU that is important after all!! If it is any comfort, I also vary in the amount of time I can dedicate to is my excuse!
You rock of course.
I find entrecard, which I put on Should Be Famous which is updated only bi-monthy at best, to be hard for me to follow because in order to get the most from it you have to spend sometime clicking around. I think some people sepnd all day on there.
If you get busy for a week and don't get over there it's not that useful. That, and a large number of blogs are and blogs which take forever to load. I tend to go to the same old blogs all the time when I'm there. I hope you have better luck than I. I imagine using it differently as a business it cold be useful.
There are some good art and literature blogs though. I wish you luck with it.
Oh, that and I always have to give Billy credits....;0
hi Fotobuch
good luck with entrecard :)
hi Debbie...
I didn't know that WP blogs were excluded...that's rather discriminatory...
I noticed that with you making the comments...Miss MP must be out investigating something....
perhaps the no brain aspect of the test...:0 :)
thanks Diane...
since joining EC ..I have not touched a paintbrush...eek !!!
I am going to make up a very serious timetable today and stick to it...
I imagine your schooling would take up many hours... and of course your exciting excursions with Rennie ;)
thanks Cooper...
so Billie is taking your credits eh...
tsk tsk.. :)
I'll drop my card off at Should be Famous :)
Hi Agent Laketrees,
Entrecard does appear to discriminatory to WordPress yet, may also involved since is suspicious of widgets that could be hacked into which may affect a individual(?) WordPress Blog like the Blogger nightmare.
My sister, Miss MP, is undercover planning a counteroffensive strategy just in case the deep fried war zone strikes New England! ;-) :-)
ahhh so she's your sister Miss wonder I get confused...
but then I get confused on the best of days...
I hope she has the lighthouse lights on to protect any wily bras cats or Canadians from attacking :))
I sometimes think WP should get a life...they are far too paranoid ..IMHO ;)
to Debbie Dolphin: worpress is not allowing javascript, and hence entrecard too. if you have a blog on wordpress (and not only), try or to promote your blog
Hi Kim,
Wow so much to share.
First congratulations on the top artist award.
Second, loved the donut report. Those two are nutz!! I reported on it too...LOLZ!!!
And thank you for dropping on me. I was down most of yesterday due to bad weather here.
So I have a lot of dropping to do today!!
last but not least I am running an International theme this week at my blog.
I thought it might be interesting to see what others from around the world are blogging about.
I would love to highlight you tomorrow. We haven't been to Australia yet.
But, I will only do so with your permission. Please let me know and also let me know which Logo are favorite piece of your work you would like to share.
Thanks for the entrecard info... (and congrats on your blog success)
thanks for the tip Andrew :)
thanks Jackie...
what ever you want to pick will be fine ...
I haven't had a chance to get around I had an appointment this morning.....
I'll pop over and have a read of your donut report too :) :)
thanks Roberto :)
Kim, I've thought about trying Entrecard but haven't gotten around to it yet. Thanks for the reminder.
My only reservation is that as with many of these blog promotion sites/widgets/gadgets/campaigns, what looks good on (virtual) paper ends up being just another tail-chase, with only minor benefit. Please let us know, in a few weeks, how you like it, okay?
CONGRATS on being No. One Aussie woman blogger!! It's no wonder that your traffic dropped last month, since you posted much less frequently than usual--as you pointed out. I hope your shoulder is not regressed, and please DO increase your sleep! First priority is to stay healthy.
I'm having visions of leaking jelly donuts all over my house. Oh well, it would be sweeter and easier to clean up, than the oil burner puffback we had two years ago!
Thanks for the site suggestions. Mr. Watson has some very creative and compelling images!
Ohh, Kim - you are so much nore technical and such a capable blogger - number one OZ sheila blogger.....congrats.
Amndif the use of the word sheila is sexist or otherwise dumb, pllllllllllleease forgive my - I am sort of provincial, backward, and a darn poor typist.
Thank you for all your kind words, always.....
oilburner puffback!!
that sounds awful Lynda...was that like a fire or something?
I remember burning all the hairs off my arm when I lit a gas bathheater years ago (while living in London).. :0
I'll let you know how the EC has doubled my traffic...
keeping up with the droppers can get a bit manic though..eek!!
glad you enjoyed Mr Watson's work...I thought you would appreciate it ...being a photographer yourself :))
g'day John ;)
no worries ...Sheila is a fairly harmless term over here...
no I think you're a fair dinkum bloke more than likely :)
I think the most common term for Aussies overseas would be Digger IMO...
I don't know how many times I was called that...when I was OS...but certainly enough to think it was my second name :)
Very interesting Kim. I always learn something when I come here.
thanks for calling by Boyd..
have a great start to your weekend :)
I thought I had commented on this post a while ago but I can't see it - must be old age!
I LOVE Albert Watson's web site. Stunning stuff and I need to know what that music is but after scouring the web site for details - no joy. Still, I can always go back and listen to it while looking at his fantastic images....
Thanks so much for finding and sharing that!
Congrats on your #1 ranking too.
lol Diane...
maybe you were sidetracked with your Mr Darcy.... ;)
if you do happen to track that music down...let me know as I would love to get the CD if there is one available :)
Ecard was a whirlwind when I first inlisted. I even joined an Ecard drop club! Seems like I run out of time for everything like that anyway ... whew, a crazy week.
Thanks Kim, you are always so helpful to the bloggers around you.
Happy Mums Day (smile)
thanks Speedy...
the entrecard certainly takes a bit of time to get used to but my traffic has doubled since last week so I'll keep going with it haha...
which reminds me...I had better do some catch up dropping...;):)
My E Card is a bargain!
hey Speedy is ...
I bought it !!!!
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