and the winner is...
28 July 2008 Labels: Alexander, Google PageRank, World War 1 28 commentscongratulations Petra...
YOU are the winner of 4,000 ECs
Thanks to everyone for leaving your comments on my last post...
I have listed everyone who participated and your name and numbers were entered into the random draw..
here is a screenshot of the to zoom

1. Diane 2. Deborah 3. Frantic Home Cook 4. RennyBA 5. Petra Voegtle 6. Lynda 7. Amy 8. Guttu 9. Jailbird 10. John 11. Felix Noir 12. Sherry 13. BlueWorkhorse 14. Torasham 15. Karen(karooch from scraps of mind 16. Laurie b 17. Ankit Gupta 18. Speedy 19. Mariuca 20. Sassy Mama Bear 21. Sharron "Shez" Marshall 22. Cooper 23. Dr. Jarret Morrow 24. JMom 25. Jafabrit's Art 26. Lisa 27. Gurushabad 28. Brandi 29. Ivan 30. removed (spam) 31. Mekhismom 32. Jodith 33. ClinkscalesArts

Lambert Barker's son Jack Barker with the work "The Last Train Home"

I was also working on the portrait of Alexander and Kelly..I have painted over Alexander's face (3 times) as it wasn't quite not much progress there..

In instituting this annual prize, the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation wishes to encourage excellence in drawing and draughtsmanship.
Value: $20,000 (acquisitive)
Medium: Unique work on paper or other suitable support in any medium or combination of media. This includes those media and materials traditionally associated with the practice of drawing (pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, etc.) and those which are part of contemporary drawing practice, including pastel, watercolour, collage etc.
Other information: Applicants must have been born in Australia or hold Australian citizenship, and have been a resident in Australia for a period of 12 months prior to the closing date. Works are to be completed during the 12 months preceding the closing date.
Dobell Prize application form 2008 (PDF)

How did your blog fare?
about PageRank
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How fast does your blog load??
laketrees information -
Total loading time: 6.4 seconds
Total objects: 93 (1178.8 KB)
External objects: 90 (531.5 KB) (X)HTML: 11 (245.8KB) RSS/XML: 0 CSS: 9 (10KB) Scripts: 18 (725.1KB) Images: 54 (197.9KB) Plugins: 0 Other: 1 (0KB) Redirected: 3
Hi Kim, this is very sweet of you - thank you very much.
Hope you had a good time,
warmest greetings,
hi're welcome...
have fun with the ecs :)
and have a great week :)
Hi ... it's me Petra and I will take my prize.
Hey, you have a cool test here. Onmy way to se the "Speediness" of my crazy lil blog.
Total loading time: 22.2 secondsTotal objects: 88 (2213.9 KB)External objects: 86 (1951.2 KB) (X)HTML: 10 (317.6KB) RSS/XML: 0 CSS: 4 (3.9KB) Scripts: 11 (257.7KB) Images: 63 (1634.7KB)
The images from "Typepad" took the most time. I have a post from Julies blog running at my page. (cool test!)
lol Speedy..
are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes??
I'm on your site now..
cool aging pics...
that's a pretty good loading time considering you have a lot of posts on your front page...and of course your new provider would be making a difference ;)
Congratulations to Petra for winning the contest!
Your work is really awesome. Welcome back from vacation :)
The loading time for my website was 1 second. I didn't check my blog loading time but this is an excellent resource. Thanks for posting it and thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!
thanks for calling by Jmom
and thanks for your kind words :)
1 second Renee!!
that's amazing...
glad that you liked it :)
Great work Kim. I love seeing your stuff.
8.5 THE FIRST TIME, 3.9 the second time. Hum.
thanks Cooper :)
hmmm interesting...
I had similar results ...
I remember reading that it's usually an average out of three ...
Congratulations Petr. Go wild with your new found EC wealth.
And Thank you Kim for making this available.
hi Karen
thanks for calling by...
I hope to have more like was fun :)
Congrats to Petra and what a great prize. Thanks Kim! :)
Glad you are back - what media is ttta large Barker Boys work - it being under glass, I am assuming pencil or charcoal.
Petra has some nice rose photographs - gardeners are up there with birders and artists in my book.....
My best. John
First of all: Congrats to Petra who really deserves it - hurray!
I also feel very honoured to be listed among these great people - thanks Kim!
thanks Mariuca..
have a great day :)
thanks John..
I've always admired gardeners too...when I look after plants they usually expire on me ;)
I used graphite...pastel..and gouache on canvas..under perspex...the frame cost approximately $1800.00 as it is a double frame (to keep the mediums away from the perspex...
you're welcome.. Renny
thanks for calling by :)
have a great week :)
Kim, I did a portrait of my brother's daughters...TWINs, AND the Shelty's...lots of hair and fur...I was using colored pencil, pastel and just pencil. One of the girls I got immediately, but Rachel had her hair pulled back, so there were ears and she had a big smile,so there were teeth...Gerry had her hair down and smiled w/ her mouth closed.....I measured, I erased, I measured some more...unheard of!!!...the dogs were easy...especially Mabel, because she was front and center...anywho, I kept the drawing for a while after I knew I had finished it, because I loved 'having them around'. I finally let it go to it's rightful owner, my brother!!! He loves it! You'll get Alexander, I know it...but I know how frustrating it can be!!!!!!!
LOVE the painting of the Barker Boys.. 'The Last Train Home'...and you in your winter garb!!
WOW.. what a pleasant change here Kim.. love the new colors, design and most of all the comments :)
Congrats to Petra for such a grand prize..
Hi folks - it is lovely to get the congrats from you all but I did not achieve anything at all. It was Kim's friendliness exclusively - because she is indeed a very friendly girl - that make me win these ec-points for a comment I would have written anyway!
So don't you make me feel embarrassed!!!!
Kim - I feel like a bear who's fallen into the honeypot - LOL!
That I miss something here?
The contest or something else?
Anyway... Success For all of you
The Success
hi Amy
thanks so much for your comment:)
I'd love to see the portrait that you did...
ATM I think I have Alexander's head the wrong size..eek..
oh well back to the drawing board :)
hi Pearl
thanks..the design is by Blogger Buster and the comments....yeehah!!!
at long last :)
hey Petra...
thanks for your comment:)
lol.."bear in a honeypot"..great analogy ;) :)
hi Success
I will probably have another one soon :)
Congrats to Petra for winning the contest!!!!Thank you Kim for the opportunity!!
Also wanted to say I was so surprised that you visited my place, and thank you for that lovely comment, I really appreciated it!!
you're welcome Sharon...
thanks for calling by :)
have a great day :)
You changed the blog. Nice look. Mine has had a facelift as well.
thanks Renee...
nothing like a change sometimes :)
Love the dolly, I got one too!
yours is very cute Renee :) :)