Blog Design and Resources
Labels: Blog Design and Resources 1 commentsDollies R Us!
Check out my new RSS dolly (top right sidebar) created by the very clever and talented Emila at Emila's Illustrated Blog
Emila has already designed some gorgeous dollies for Marzie, Jean, LJ, and Bingolady as well as my other blogs PoeARTica and the Top Artists' Directory.
If you fancy having your very own RSS Dolly created by Emila, you can do so for only 500EC credits!
Just leave a comment at her blog.
Special thanks to Marzie who came up with the dolly-for-EC credits idea.
NB: To get EC credit, you need to be an EntreCard member. You can signup HERE. You need a 125 x 125 px banner to be able to drop your card and earn EC credits soon as you registered.

Font Design Credits

An Award and ....
25 August 2008 Labels: Creative Artist Award, Memes 57 commentsMeme, meme, memes....
Creativity has been attributed variously to divine intervention, cognitive processes, the social environment, personality traits, and chance ("accident", "serendipity"). It has been associated with genius, mental illness and humour. Some say it is a trait we are born with; others say it can be taught with the application of simple techniques.
Although popularly associated with art and literature, it is also an essential part of innovation and invention and is important in professions such as business, economics, architecture, industrial design, science and engineering.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Many of my blogger Artist friends are really creative people so I have decided to recognise their creativity (as defined above) by designing this award to give to the following Creative Bloggers:
TYPOS.DAYLIGHT.FATE/Much of a muchness/Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog/Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann/Gurney Journey/Amy Lilley Designs/Christy DeKoning - Travels in Watercolor/Photography by KML/Aerten Art/New York Nitty-Gritty/GREGORIO ART STUDIO/Jafabrit's Art/Artscapes - Musings on Art & Life/restnrileks/Ascender Rises Above/SULLY'S DESIGN STUDIO/The Colorist/Emila's Illustrated Blog/IMPROVISING VERSATILITY/See It. Draw It. Share It./New England Lighthouse Treasures/Candleday/A State of Art Portraits/Robin's Woods/Fine Artworks and Original Paintings From A Creaky Easel/SHARON HART/am-art/Sharron "Shez" Marshall/PORTRAIT OF A PAINTER/Blooms and Blossoms/lines and colors/Thrifty Collage Artist/Sacred Circle Mandelas/constance rose textile design/Azure Islands Designs/Mother Henna's Blog/Sharon Wright Artist/everything is contextual/Non-Linear-Arts/As It Stands/Linda Blondheim Art Notes/ART & LIFE/Celeste Vaught Art/OUT OF THE GRAY - Portraits of heArt/Leet Gallery/Pink Crab Creations/and last but not least - WORLDS LARGEST RECORD BREAKING MEMOTAG : "The Technorati Twister!" -a truly creative response to this post
thank you for your creativity and inspiration !!!!
I've been tagged...
the lovely Mariuca @ Mariuca's Perfume Gallery has tagged me for the following memes and because August is my meme month I am doing all three
MEME 1Mariuca was tagged by Nick and Mrs. Ezman
According to the rules, I am to list down the household chores I hate and why I hate them. Then copy the image provided and tag as many people as you want. Add your blogs link to the domesticated divas linky love and leave a comment at Stripe and Yellow to be added to the master list.
These are 3 chores that I hate doing:
1. Putting the garbage out....because the bins are down in the basement and they have really heavy lids..
2. Dusting...because one day after I have dusted ..the dust returns (a bit like SPAM)
3. Cleaning glass doors...because half of my apartment is made up of floor length glass doors
DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Living the Healthy Life / Stripe and Yellow / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Something Purple / Em’s DetourMe,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / FunFierceFabulous / Ozzy’s Mom / Insights from the Grocery Cart / Living A’ La Mode / God’s Best Gift / MommyAllehs Up-Close And Personal / My Precious Niche / Just Me.. Eds / Eds Mommy Life / Aggie Shoots Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / Joys in Life / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod / Sugarmagnolias / Notable Bistro / Around the World / I am Mommy / All About The Memories / Enchanted Play / In Depth / A Housewife’s Journal / Life Together Starts / As We Face Forever / My Happy Place /Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Walk on Red / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / Growing up with Bea / My life… my own piece of heaven / Around the World / Hobbies and Such / My life in this Wonderful World /My Online World / / My Virtual Closet / My Views On My So Called Life / The Real Deal The Real Me / Changing Lanes/ Pit Stop/ Around the World / The Fountain Of Happiness / The Joy Of Life Forever / Love Is / Phtographic Memories / My Colorful World / Strawberry Gurl / Quicker8 / Mommy’s Little Corner / The Dawn That Shines / Journey to Prosperity / Homelife / Sheng’s Simple Thoughts / Coriander Dreams / Gorgeous Traveller / A Traveller’s Domain / Lemon Iced Tea / It’s My Party / My Wonderful Life / Simple Life, Simply Me / Sassy Finds / All things Yummy / Shangrila Journey / My Charmed Life / Mommyhood and Me / Crissy’s Zone / Crissy’s Library / Vis Vires /Crissy’s Haven / My Daily Thoughts / Abby’s Way of Life / Princess Bela / Women Xplore / Our Journey to Life / My Planet Purple / And so I am / Arlene’s Random Ramblings / Life’s All About Lourdes’ Mia / Faery Dancing / Purpled Sky /Almanac Queen / Caramel Corn / Sunny Side Up Foodie / Mamakshop /My Sweet Escape / Anything Goes! / Her Name is N.O.Y. / / Mariuca's Perfume Gallery / laketrees /YOUR BLOG HERE
Mariuca received this one from Jean
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okay if you only post these questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE!
Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the here.
3. Copy from Start to End.
4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tagged in order to join.
Copy these Participants.
Copy this Participants List: Me and Mine Creative in Me For the LOVE of Food Little Peanut Pea in a Pod It’s Where the HEART Is Around the World SugarMagnolias I Am Mommy All About The Memories Enchanted Play Just My Scrap Whats Up Simply Me Kitchen Deelite A Mothers Horizon In Depth A Life in Bloom Because Life is a Blessing Digiscraptology Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff The Salad Caper Winding Creek Circle InkBabyStudios All Things Me Feels Like Home Because Life Is Fun Blessings and Beyond Mommy Earns Money Online Pinay Mommy Online Clark & Butchay’s Blog Butchay’s World Simply Jen Jenny Said So My Online World My Life in this Wonderful World Biz-N-Honey Aeirin’s Collections My Precious Niche Eds Mommy Life Just Me.. Eds My BIG Picture Merger Guru Quicker8 Insights from the Grocery Cart MindBubbles LivingtheHealthyLife VanityKit Stripe&Yellow SomethingPurple Em’s Detour Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Ozzy’s Mom Me,Myself+2 Kidd Designs Fun.Fierce.Fabulous Tints of My Heart Morphed when mom speaks walk on red kathycot buhay misis kathycot cooks Posh Post Reviews Flowersbythewayside The Fab and The Furious Blog In to Space Dancing With Butterflies Twisted Angel Pieces of Me Just Let Go Blessed Chic Hobbies and Such My World in My Own Word Colorful World of Shiela The Shopaholic Nightingale Day to Day Miracles Can of Thoughts Designs By Vhiel Anything and Everything in Between Vhiel’s Corner Lovin’ Life BigMoneyList Crissy’s Library Crissy’s Zone Crissy’s Haven Vis Vires Amazingly Me Jenn Was Here Shutter Happenings Le Kulitszie Familie Embracing Myself BLOGSILOG Digiscrapz: Captured Memories Cherry’s Comfort Zone Thinking Out Loud Buzzy Me Wishing and Hoping My Blog Portfolio Get Paid to Blog! PRC Board Exam Results Teacher’s Corner Pinay WAHM Random Thoughts Explore Manila My Colorful World Bermuda or L.A. celebrating life my life is peachy belly, body and beyond Woman Style Scribbles of My Life In This Game of Life The Shopaholic in Me The Callalily Space Juliana’s Site A Simple life Mommy’s Little Corner Life’s Sweets and Spices Moms… Check Nyo Simple Delights Motherhood in a Nutshell marshimallows A Great Pleasure Ramblings of The Phat when mom speaks walk on red kathycot buhay misis kathycot cooks My Random Thoughts My World Mom Knows Everything Tailgaternetwork Zook Light Melinda Zook Me, Myself and I Stranded Life iHeartREVIEWS Lady Banana A Great Pleasure Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery BEING WOMAN See N Read The Real Deal, The Real Me My Virtual Closet My Views On My So Called Life laketrees PoeARTica YOUR BLOGS"
Name: Kim aka laketrees
– Birth date: August 09
– Birthplace: Australia
– Current Location: Australia
– Eye Color: Blue/Green
– Hair Color: Blonde
– Righty or Lefty: Righty
– Your heritage: English/Welsh
– The shoes you wore today: ugg boots
– Your weakness: procrastination
– Your fears: people who lie, flying
– Your perfect pizza: Vegetarian
– Goal you’d like to achieve in life: to paint forever
– Your most overused phrase on AIM: ?
– Your first waking thoughts: to make the juice
– Your best physical feature: my finger nails
– Your most missed memory: dancing on stage
– Pepsi or Coke: Coke
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s
– Single or group dates: family
– Adidas or Nike: Adidas
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton's black tea
– Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
– Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
– A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: Sir William Dobell
– Movie you can watch and say the lines along with the actors: Dr Zhivago
– Name two of your passions in life : Painting and my Family
– Least favorite time of day: I love every minute of my day
– Use hairspray or gel: both
– Your favorite meal: mango chicken with spinach
– Color that is inside your head when you close your eyes: Dark Purple
– Listen to classical music: a lot
– Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: no

And last but not least, Mariuca was tagged with this adorable and very simple meme by AikoAiko
Copy the text from Start Copy Here
Post it in your blog. Make sure you copy it in compose mode (blogger) or visual mode for the others. This will enable you to copy all your friend's link as well. Have fun doing it.
In the next number, add your blog url and link it
Add the greetings that you use frequently or one that is in your traditional language.
1. All About Kawaii says Konichiwa
2. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery says HOLA!
3. Yenzz's SeeNRead says Hi!
4. laketrees says G'day
5. A Great Pleasure says Aloha!
6. Maiylah’s Snippets says Hallu!
7. Moms... Check Nyo says Hello!
8. Your blog says
I am tagging:
John SPEEDCAT Corrine Renny Cooper Durano Amy Miss Moneypenny Christy JimboyPogi Diane Debbie Dolphin Lynda and YOU
I know some of you don't do memes...that's are under no obligation...
you can pick none ...two ...or three

Read more....
I need a title..
24 August 2008 Labels: Competition, Portrait of Marissa 30 commentsWIN 5,000 EC's or free 125 card ad spot at laketrees for one month
Portrait of Marissa
Medium: Digital Triptych
view the original portrait here
click on image to zoom
to enter the competition you need to:
1. Subscribe to laketrees by Email
2. link to laketrees (grab the code below)
3. submit your title in the comment section of this post
Competition closes on Wednesday August 27 at 12 noon
I will select a winner and announce the result on August 28
and the winner is:
I have selected Durano's title
Marissa's Metamorphosis
congratulations have won 5,000 EC's !!
I found the decision quite difficult as there were so many great titles to choose from...
thanks to everyone for your contributions and comments:
Casey Klahn
Mel Avila Alarilla
The Success
"Human Life Cycle"
Matthew S. Urdan
Shades of Marissa
Sharon Wright
Indecision Day
"To Every Story"
James Presley
'Marissa Mesmerized by David Bowie's Eyes'
"Faces of Marissa"
"Beyond Life's Colors"
Amy Lilley Designs
"Marissa Mirrors Marissa'
S A Hart
Blog Action Day 2008
23 August 2008 Labels: Blog Action Day 2008 5 commentsPoverty
Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo
Funny Beijing Olympics
WIP Portrait of Marissa
15 August 2008 Labels: Portrait, Portrait of Marissa 32 commentsI have been working on this portrait of my niece while watching the Olympics this week..
completed portraits of Marissa and Tamika
August 2008
Marissa is Tamika and Tahlia's older sister..
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
1m x 75cm
Titanium White, Zinc White, Paynes Gray, Ivory Black...
medium - Liquin
A Birthday Surprise!!!!
11 August 2008 Labels: Charlotte, Competition 33 commentsA Portrait of Charlotte !!
What a wonderful surprise to see this gorgeous portrait of Charlotte painted by the very talented artist... Christy DeKoning...
I'm speechless...thank you so much Christy...Charlotte is over the moon...
Christy is an Australian living in Canada and her Watercolour Paintings and Portraits are stunning....
you can read all about how Christy painted this portrait here:
Happy Birthday Laketrees Ladies - painting loosely from a B&W photo
and now onto the results of the Random Draw..
the Winner of the Birthday Draw is:
6. Megan from Imaginif
congratulations Megan...
Click on image to zoom
A very big thank you to everyone for your wonderful birthday greetings and wishes...
you have made our Birthday Weekend very special....
1. Blooms and Blossoms 2. Welcome To Our Classroom-Best HomeSchool Place 3. jookeboost 4. Much of a Muchness 5. Amy Lilley Designs 6. Megan from Imaginif 7. Jeyosa Exclusive 8. THE MOMMY AND ME BOUTIQUE 9. RANDOM THOUGHTS (International Blog) 10. The Flying Beagle 11. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 12. Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann 13. RennyBA 14. Wonderland or Not 15. Win EntreCard Credits 16. Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff 17. TYPOS.DAYLIGHT.FATE 18. NothingLikeit 19. Tails of Terror from the Black Lagoon! 20. Christy DeKoning - Travels in Watercolor 21. SPEEDCAT HOLLYDALE PAGE 22. THE SPITTING VESSEL 23. SHARON HART
Read more....
Birthday Celebrations !!!
7 August 2008 Labels: Birthday, Charlotte, Competitions 41 commentsWin 5,000 ECs!! to celebrate my daughter, Charlotte's 17th Birthday and my Birthday this weekend I am having a random draw !!!
to enter the draw you need to:
1. Subscribe to laketrees by Email
2. link to laketrees (grab the code below)
3. Comment in this post
Competition will close at 12.00 pm (midnight) Sunday August 10
I will announce the winner on Monday August 11..
Good luck everyone!!
nb if the winner is not a member of EC they will receive one month of free advertising here at laketrees instead
photo: 'Charlotte'
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
5 August 2008 Labels: Top 101 Artists' Blogs, Top Artists Directory 26 commentsI am thinking of changing the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List
to a Top Artists' Directory..
1. There are well over 300 blogs ranked on the list at present
2. Technorati has been very unreliable with its statistics recently
3. I think that artists can promote their sites more if I have them listed in categories and alphabetically...
4. Artists will have more of an opportunity to showcase their sites with an image, description and location
Please let me know what you think about this....
All suggestions are welcome..
I will be compiling the directory over the next two months with a possible launch in October to coincide with this blog's second birthday...
All artists listed on the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List will be added to the Directory
If you would like to have an image of your work and short description (no more than 25 words) added please leave a comment and send me your information by email
New submissions are welcome ...
![]() laketrees is # 7 and PoeARTica is # 11 on the list |
Read more....
Using Keywords in your Posts
4 August 2008 Labels: Portraits, The Linkback Project 11 commentsThe Linkback Project
Phase 1 / Stage 1
Keywords and Density
1 keyword + 1 instance in post.
Full instructions here
< --- Start Copy and Paste the URL's and anchors Here --->
I consider myself an expert in Portraits
1. link 2. Guy 3. stories 4. money 5. memories 6. recipes 7. Sports 8. Condos 9. Oceanfront 10. Graphics 11. Sexy 12. mobile 13. cats 14. traffic 15. coffee 16. Homeschooling 17. marketing 18. advertising 19. friendships 20. Experiences 21. Poetry 22. Portraits 23. solving 24. news 25. Journal 26. Motivation 27. Parenting 28. Wordpress 29. Paganism 30. Crafts 31. Myself 32. Permits 33. Writing 34. poetry 35. Reviews 36. shopping 37. Blogging 38. sabra 39. Jesus 40. widgets 41. Travel 42. Banned 43. Bouchelle 44. Cyber 45. Tennis 46. Blog 47. Brats 48. Knitting 49. Crochet 50. Religion 51. Art 52. Weird 53. Airfare 54. comics 55. Dream 56. music 57. Romantic 58. Franchise 59. Entertainment 60. Reviews 61. YOU'RE NEXT!
< --- End Copy and Paste the URL's and anchors Here --->

News on Top 101 Artists' Blogs List tomorrow.... Read more....
What I need is.....
1 August 2008 Labels: Memes 22 commentsanother meme....
I found this meme at Sandee's @ Comedy Plus
Sandee was tagged by Mimi of Mimi Writes for the The Needs Meme
Mimi was tagged by Shannon's Moments of Introspection who was tagged by Dawn's Daily Life ......
This one is pretty simple and looks like a lot of fun too.
The rules: All you have to do is Google your first name with the word needs behind it and post the results.
Don't forget to tag tag tag (if you are the tagging sort)!
I typed in "Kim needs" and here are 12 out of 33,900,000 results posted by Google.
My results:
Kim Needs to Take Off the Gloves
Kim needs some Guinea pigs.....
Kim Needs to Mind Her Own Business
Kim Needs Killin!
Kim needs to shut up and go home
Kim Needs to Talk
Kim Needs Some Hints!
Kim needs to be 'thanked ...
Kim needs time to settle in
Kim Needs to Ease Off the ...
Kim Needs to Loose a Few
Kim needs a coach
Mimi tagged -
Bud's WTIT Tape Radio ~ Captain Picard's Journal ~ Carver's Sight or Is That Site? ~ Cat Banter with Kimo & Sabi ~ Comedy Plus ~ Crazy Working Mom ~ Tish ~ Daisy the Curly Cat ~ Desert Songbird ~ The Ice Box ~ Diana's Little Corner ~ Diary of a Heretic ~ Kathleen Maher ~ Dixie's Heart and Soul Duward Discussion ~ Everything and Nothing ~ Akelamalu ~Ferd at Texas Medical Freak ~ Foster Me Up! ~ Frank's Honk'n'Holler ~ Friday Night Fish Fry ~ Deana ~ Grandolf and Grayson Hahn At Home ~ Hammer ~ Here Comes A Storm ~ Starrlight ~ Home In France ~ I Am Woman See Me Blog! ~ Lizza ~ Idaho Photo ~ It's a Blog Eat Blog World ~ Morgen ~ It's Sanni-licious Julie's Jewels and Junque ~ Late Bloomer Boomer - Patti ~ Maryam In Marrakesh ~ Moving Finger Writes ~ Prometheus ~ Muffin 53 ~ Empress Bee ~ My Life Is Murphy's Law ~ Ev ~ My View Of It ~ Nick's Bytes ~ Nola Dawn ~ Odat Mumbles ~ Olga, The Traveling Bra ~ Picture Clusters ~ Ramblings and Whatnot ~ Random ~ Sojourner's Place ~ Screw Perfection ~ Speedcat Hollydale's Page ~ Tarheel Ramblings ~ The Big Leather Couch ~ Bond ~ The Starr Ann Chronicles~ Margo Moon ~ Toy Cars In My Purse ~ Trav's Thoughts ~ Twisted Sister ~ Wading Through My Stream of Consciousness
If you aren't on this list consider yourself tagged.