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dark and mysterious works....

31 October 2008 31 comments

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Ivan Albright (1943)

Ivan Le Lorraine Albright (February 20, 1897 - November 18, 1983) was a magic realist painter and artist, most renowned for his self-portraits, character studies, and still lifes.
Ivan Albright and his identical twin brother, Malvin, were born near Chicago in North Harvey, Illinois, to Adam Emory Albright and Clara Wilson Albright. Their father was a landscape painter, and came from a family of master gunsmiths, whose original name was "Albrecht". The brothers were inseparable during childhood, and throughout much of their young adulthood. Both enrolled in The Art Institute of Chicago, a coin-flip deciding that Ivan would study painting and Malvin sculpture. Ivan particularly admired the work of El Greco and Rembrandt, but was quick to develop a style all his own.

In 1943 he was commissioned to create the title painting for Albert Lewin's film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. His realistic, but exaggerated, depictions of decay and corruption made him very well suited to undertake such a project. His brother was chosen to do the original uncorrupted painting of Gray, but the painting used on the film was from Henrique Medina. Ivan made the changes in the painting during the film. This original painting currently resides in the Art Institute of Chicago.

Albright was a prolific artist throughout his life, working as a printer and engraver as well as a painter. He made his own paints and charcoal, and carved his own elaborate frames. He was a stickler for detail, creating elaborate setups for paintings before starting work. He was obsessive about lighting to the point that he painted his studio black, and wore black clothing to cut out potential glare.
Later in life Albright lived in Woodstock, Vermont. His last visit to his old home town of Warrenville, Illinois was in 1978. The City declared Ivan Albright Day, and honored Albright with a full day of festivities. Albright's biographer, Michael Croydon, was on hand to present the newly-published richly-illustrated book called Ivan Albright. The library featured a large display of photographs from Albright's years spent in Warrenville.
Despite much time spent traveling the world, he never stopped working. Albright made over twenty self-portraits in his last three years, even on his deathbed, drawing the final ones after a stroke. He died in 1983.
On the 100th anniversary of Ivan Albright’s birth, February 20, 1997, the Art Institute of Chicago opened a major show of his work. Appears the Man, a photograph of Ivan Albright and his most famous work, The Picture of Dorian Gray, can be found in the Warrenville Gallery located at the Warrenville, Illinois City Hall.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is considered one of the last works of classic gothic horror fiction with a strong Faustian theme. It deals with the artistic movement of the decadents, and homosexuality, both of which caused some controversy when the book was first published. However, in modern times, the book has been referred to as "one of the modern classics of Western literature."

thanks to SHARON HART for her insights on this subject

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Music Monday - Que Sera, Sera

27 October 2008 37 comments

(Whatever Will Be, Will Be) - Doris Day

for daughter ...who is seventeen ...this song is for you...

thanks to Mariuca for introducing me to Music Monday......

Come join us in the Music Monday and share your songs with us ok. Leave the actual link to the post here and we will all go and visit you :)
Please note this links are strictly for Music Monday participants.

A Royal Tag for Peace

23 October 2008 21 comments

November 6, 2008

Get your own peace globe at Mimi Writes

I have been tagged by Mimi, the Queen of Memes to join the Blog for Peace Project
The story.

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Portraits in the Pink

19 October 2008 32 comments

Jonathan Yeo
Study for a Portrait

Because it is Breast Cancer Month I have decided to showcase some of my favourite portraits in pink.
These works all feature stunning portraits with a focus on pink.
Don't forget to click on the banner to support Breast Cancer too..

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Put an end to Poverty

15 October 2008 25 comments

Rations of Fresh Produce Following World War II, c.1946 by George Rodger
Rations of Fresh Produce Following World War II, c.1946

“Poverty is the worst form of violence.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)
Similar Quotes. About: Poverty quotes.

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A Perfect Day for Lunch

10 October 2008 38 comments

well it's been a busy week with the launch of the

Win a Free Portrait for Christmas # 3

and it's off to a good start!!!
9 entries so far and all great choices..
I took a break today to have lunch with some very good friends..the weather was springtime perfect and my "stuffed" capsicum dish turned out pretty ok too...

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Win a Free Portrait for Christmas # 3

5 October 2008 59 comments

Christmas is coming around quite fast again this year so I thought it was time to ANNOUNCE my 3rd Win a Free Portrait Competition...

Portrait of Kelly
Portrait of Charlotte
Portrait of Andre Rieu


A free portrait of ONE subject of your OR...your partner OR.....your son/daughter OR...your grannie OR...your favourite pet!!!
value: $6,000+ plus free postage (including international)
size/medium: Acrylic or Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas/90cm x 1m
Judge - Jan Dean

Entry Details:

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news