Celebrating 200th Post - Memes and Awards!!
27 February 2008 Labels: 200th Post, Memes, Web Awards 33 commentsBetter to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln 16th president of US (1809 - 1865) ![]() |
GETTING TO KNOW YOU or Knowing Me, Knowing You
I have been tagged by Lyn and Diane to answer a few questions about me..
so here they are:
1. What is your occupation? Artist (see photo above)
2. What color are your socks right now? none...Colorados
3. What are you listening to right now? someone mowing the lawns
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Sustain..banana...yoghurt and skim milk
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my Mum
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? yes...(this much....see award below)
9. Favorite drink? Chardonnay
10. What is your favorite sport to watch? Swimming
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? No ...but my hairdresser has
12. Pets? None that I know of
13. Favorite food? Bananas
14. Last movie you watched? No Country for Old Men
15. Favorite Day of the year? every day
16. What do you do to vent anger? Cry or punch a pillow
17. What was your favorite toy as a child? Pogo Stick
18. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Spring
19. Hugs or kisses? Both but kisses don't hurt as much at the moment
20. What kind of pie? Apple and Pecan with cream
21. Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes
22. Who is most likely to respond? All the genuine caring friends
23. Who is least likely to respond? My Enemies?
24. Living arrangements? Apartment on a strip of land with views of the Lake and the Ocean
25. When was the last time you cried? the other day watching a movie and nearly at the physios yesterday
26. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes in shoe boxes...art and dance videos
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? Lisa
28. The friend you have known the shortest amount of time that you are sending this to? Mellanie (Genxster)
29. Favorite smell? Fresh Coffee
30. What inspires you? other Artists' Work....Music and Books
31. What are you afraid of? Sirens
32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Plain with beetroot
33. Favorite car? Tarago
34. Favorite cat breed? none I don't like cats
35. Number of keys on your key ring? 1
36. How many years at your current job? nearly 2 full-time (it's my therapy...)
37. Favorite day of the week? Every day though Sundays are nice
38. How many provinces have you lived in? 2...NSW and London
39. How many countries have you been to? England Wales France USA Europe Israel New Zealand and Tasmania
I am tagging Lisa....Mellanie...Anand... Drowsey Monkey and Janette
it is entirely up to you to participate as I know how time consuming these memes are ...and I won't throw you in any dungeons...I'll leave that up to Mimi ....(SEE meme below)
Mimi's Message in a Bottle Meme
I was Tagged by ...Speedy...Pet Monologues and Colin for this one..
**** START COPY****
In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.What message would you like to send out to the universe?
Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below 3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the Message In a Bottle meme and your creation on your blog along with these rules
5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.)
Mimi says: "ADD your site to the Mr. Linky list and place your blog's name and url in a comment HERE TO LET ME KNOW YOU'VE COMPLETED THE MEME. I will add it to the master list of message bottles. Email mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com if you have questions."
Go HERE to see all the bottles floating in the blog ocean. The site is called Message In a Bottle.
***END COPY****
Simple! just copy/paste where shown, then follow the directions
I am tagging Kris..Hanna...Sue...Sugar Queen and Netster
oh and what the heck...everyone on my blogroll:
Anand Archie Art News Blog Ascender Blog Elf Boyd Catsy Colin Cooper Corrine Debbie Deborah Diane DouDy Drowsey Monkey Durano Ev Fruity Hanna Janette Jeremy John Jos Kimmy Kris Leigh Life cruiser Lisa Lyn Lynda Lindsay Manuel Mary Ann Meg Megan Mel Mellanie Michelle Netster PALMA Pet Monologues Pearl Renny & Diane Santa She Walks In Beauty Shoshana Should Be Famous Snoskred Speedy Sue Sugar Queen Sully Suzanne The Artist's Magazine Vin Walter williebaronet
As always, you do not have to participate, the choice is yours.
PS...I have heard that Mimi does have a dungeon where she locks away non participants so be warned ...
AWARDS I received this beautiful award from
In her words
"So in honour of my first blog birthday, I wanted to create an award to thank so many of you who have visited and commented on my blog over the last year and whose blogs I always enjoy visiting."
thanks so much Diane !!
“I Love You This Much”
Emila's Illustrated Blog
I received this gorgeous award from Mellanie @ See It. Draw It . Share It. who received it from Joan. Then I received the same award from Kris...thanks so much gals ...I love it !!!
I am giving this award to Diane Colin and Renny
You Make My Day
thanks for this award Diane
From Italy with love Thanks to Hanna for this lovely award ...
Blog Travels
Art Gallery Guide Australia Art Gallery Guide Australia is a bi-monthly magazine that is a celebration of all things that are the visual arts in Australia. Bringing you the latest information on exhibitions, events, artists and galleries, it is the art lover's essential tool to finding out what's on.
Abstract Australis
The Online Gallery for Australian Abstract & Semi-Abstract Art. Abstract Australis is an Online gallery dedicated to Abstract & Semi-Abstract Art by Australian artists. We buy & sell abstract artworks by contemporary, important & collectable Australian artists. The site has been developed to provide user friendly functionality, so you can easily browse our collection by Artist, Genre, Medium or Price and view quality images at your leisure. More
I will be updating the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List over the next 2 days...
What a graet meme as it's always nice to know a good blog friend even better. Besides I know its perfectly safe to invite you for a visit now since you know how to drive a standard car (more than 990% are in Norway) and I know you like Chardonnay ;-)
What lovely collection of Awards and you really deserves every one of them!
Thanks a million for “I Love You This Much"! I've collected it on my Awards page of course!
hi Renny..
I will keep that in mind if I ever travel over your way....I can't remember whether you drive on the same side of the road as us Aussies
....that could be a worry :)
You are one busy gal!!!! You are the reason for so much blog luv at my end. I can't thank you enough!
Hi Smurfette Kim!
(")_(") Looks like you tagged and bagged me again!
Bare with me as I fall into the white rabbit hole to find my bag of tricks to do this Meme!
Thanks Kim!
Great to read your responses!
Thank you so much for my award you are the best!
I'm sorry that your shoulder is still playing up though...no pogo sticking for you :)
Hello Kim,
Congratulations again for your 200th post. And for all those people who hold you in high regard by the awards you receive. It's the generous and genuine friendship that you give, and the immense talent that you unselfishly share, that is returned to you by those you've touched - in perhaps unequal, but sincere, gratitude.
I was happy with what I knew about you, but little details you revealed are added benefits.
Take care of the arm and your entire self too.(An arm wouldn't function the same way without the person directing it) :-)
Thanks for excluding me from your tag list. :-) --Durano, done!
you're welcome Kim...
have a great day :)
hello Smurfette Debbie...
sorry for bagging and tagging you again...you can blame Mimi..the queen of the dungeons...though I don't think she would lock up any dolphins or Smurfettes...they're too cute...
I'm glad you have the white rabbit to help...when he's finished could you ask him to drop by my way ...please ??
no pogo sticks for a while Diane...
I think Barbie Dolls might be more up my alley :)
thank you Durano...
I think that this was the month for awards and tags and maybe the dust may settle...so I can get on with my painting...
after I update my artists' list for this month ... :)
You Cannot Tag Everyone... LOL!
Yes I can...
now you will have to do it again Speedy....or I will tell Mimi :P
wow, kim, congrats on all your awards!
i wish i had time to do more of this awards and memes stuff, as it helps us get to know each other.
speaking of which, do you know where i can find out how to put my awards on a separate page? can i just start another blogger page and link it to my present blog?
no pogo sticking for you, lady, and no tennis or flinging pizza dough in the air! hope you are overall getting better. :)
Thanks for the tags Kim. This will be fun. Wow I have a lot of work to do. :)
hi Lynda ...
I know Renny has a good system on his blog...where he has another page that he updates...
I have one too which was a post on this blog but I haven't been updating mine tsk tsk...
ha I won't be flinging pizza dough around any time soon lol :)
hi Mellanie..
no pressure ...when ever you have time is ok by me...
ps I don't have a dungeon ;)
(")_(") Silly Rabbit stole my (Debbie Dolphin's) Bag of Tricks!
Maybe, the white rabbit is hiding down under in the land of Oz? :))
Perhaps, you can help the both of us when you find the white rabbit who stole my Bag of Tricks???
Will we see Papa Smurf Speedy Speedcat Hollydale floating the seven seas in Smurfette Kim's Bottle? ;)
I commented previous with my mobile ... in the car. I could not see the photos. I like your 1st memememe, but what about this one??
34. Favorite cat breed? none I don't like cats (crying)
I am done with my tag 8~) I hope you like it, as it took me 1.27 minutes. Ohhhh, and I really like the photobucket dividers ... hmmm, I might have to nick your code (Ha haa!)
Debbie - WELL DONE
Kim - Thanks my friend!
Speedy Cat 34
TAG <<<<
Learned about you and also got a sip of salty sand with trace of cheap whiskey...thanks.
Congratulations on the awards...ohh - yes for the meme AI am sending you a pregnant putty cat (no fleas because I respect ya).
The Hairdresser line was perfect.
happy postaversary
hi Debbie ..
I haven't seen the white rabbit ....honest...:) :)
only the one you drew with the keyboard...very clever too !!
I think Speedy has it....he likes cats you know ...and chickens :)
I think Mimi has your bag of tricks locked away in her dungeon :)
I cannot tell a lie....I'm not a lover of cats Speedy...but I respect your choice to like them :):P
I'll check out your tag...don't tell me you've done a remake of the bottle message....
hey do you want me to send you the divider code in a bottle??
hi John...
actually I'm partial to a chivas regal...were you reading between the lines?
lol a putty cat without fleas ..ha !!
thanks but ..no thanks
oh durr I got it bottle ...whiskey...and there I was thinking you had ESP
thanks Cooper...:)
I am an amateur when it comes to hair :)
Thanks KIM for tagging me.
I'll add up the tag on my blog on Sunday.
g'day kim, i am confused. is that 200 posts or 200 awards?!!
congratulations on both!
you're welcome Anandi :)
hi PM
200 posts :)
as for the awards ...I will have to add them up one day :)
Congratulations on both your 200th post and your collection of awards, very deserving too :)
Love the mememememes.....cats? I think I'll stick with my answer LOL
Mine was a bit tongue in cheek though hahahaha.
Thank you so much for the award too....I will add it to my next awards post...I'm collecting them again!
Have a wonderful day my dear friend,
Hugs to you,
Colin from Life
thanks Colin...
your memememe was a classic....and very funny...
I'm packaging the portrait this weekend...so should be ready to go Monday or Tuesday...
have a great weekend...looks like it will be a grey one here..
"I can't remember whether you drive on the same side of the road as us Aussies
....that could be a worry :)"
You absolutely and positively crack me up, Woman! I got a great ab workout with that one!
:::waving to all::: Hey ya'll, it's nice seeing everyone kicking it with our hostess with the mostess!
haha MA
I still haven't worked that out as I have just finished the top 101 list and could eat a horse I am that hungry :) :)
"I have just finished the top 101 list and could eat a horse I am that hungry :) :)
How bout a nice steak instead of a horsey? Get Mr Laketrees to feed you!
Congrats, Girly and Good on ya!
As for me, I'm lying flat out like a lizard and Mr Sandman is calling my name. I think I've got a hot date sawing some heavy duty Zzzzzz's.
kim, I just checked my authority and its 27. Does this sound right?
hi MA
I had 2 banana sandwiches :)
that's right Lindsay
and I've added you to the list :)
Your message bottle is now afloat in the vast blogosphere ocean. You are Message In a Bottle #95.
Feel free to toss in a bottle whenever you feel the urge to send a message. The blog ocean is always open. You never know what might wash ashore.
thanks for letting me know Mimi....
I will keep that in mind.....now that I'm not at risk of going to the dungeon :0
have a great Sunday :)
Awesome post! Seriously you give some top quality high content which is awesome. Thanks for sharing with us and keep it up!