Related Posts with Thumbnails

a tour of my studio....

28 September 2009 43 comments

where I play my cdscomputer area
books and paintslooking into my studiofrom the kitchen
click on the images to zoom

inspired by a group of artists on Twitter..
The Studio Envy Club

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Strip the willow...

26 September 2009 28 comments

last week I started two drawings which ended up turning into mixed media works......
perhaps a new body of work?
the title was inspired by a friend (who is a poet) after she saw the drawings and mentioned the dance...Strip the Willow...

available in prints
gallery wrap canvas
90cm x 60cm
click on the image to enlarge

"Strip the willow." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

a dusty day in Oz...

23 September 2009 30 comments

I took this photo of my balcony this morning...lots of red dust here ...couldn't even see the ocean....
looks like I'll have lots of dusting to do...

More photos taken by my Brother who lives near Newcastle....
Great photos!!!
have a Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!

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Dreaming of red tutus..

21 September 2009 16 comments

started this drawing while waiting for the oils to dry on that never ending WIP of Alexander and Kelly..

Happy Birthday Giveaway
to celebrate her Grandpa's 93rd Birthday TH is giving away a beaut necklace at her blog..
all you have to do is :
1. Subscribe to Twins Happiness by email and be sure to verify it.
2. Add Twinshappiness and ThereisHappiness blogs to your blogroll.
so pop over there and enter....

Music Monday
inspired by Cooper the story behind Australia's unofficial national anthem....

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A lovely surprise in the mail..

14 September 2009 62 comments

These gorgeous presents arrived in my letter box at the weekend....all the way from Mariuca in Malaysia!!!
I love them!!!
I believe Mariuca picked these up at Disney world in Japan... Tokyo while on another scent-sational vacation for Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery
Thank you so much Mariuca....
I hope your mini portrait arrives soon....

just finished the Degas door sign for my Sister's Baby Ballerinas Studio and another stage prop.....I'm presently working on that never ending WIP of Alexander and Kelly..

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Spring is here...

8 September 2009 46 comments

thank goodness!!!

I found this photo on a recent catalogue and couldn't resist posting...
seems appropriate as I was in hospital for a couple of days last week...
I'm feeling a lot better today and the tests all came out fine...

because I missed posting for Fathers' Day on Sunday I'm posting a late video for Music Monday..
this song was one of my Dad's favourites...

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news