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Happy Birthday Alexander!!

29 December 2008 56 comments

It's my son's 19th birthday tomorrow so here are two of my favourite songs from one of his favourite groups... Queen...

latest progress on WIP of Alexander and Kelly

Best wishes to everyone for a safe and fun filled New Year celebration on Wednesday too!!!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

WIP Alexander and Kelly

19 December 2008 54 comments

A couple of months ago I took a series of photos of my son and his girlfriend...hoping to finish the never ending portrait of them...

so the other day I finally started on the portrait (again) I'm hoping to finish it by the end of January...

Oil on Belgian Linen

House hunting and..

13 December 2008 55 comments

Moving in by Norman Rockwell
Moving in

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Portrait of Daphne finished.....

9 December 2008 50 comments

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The Spirit of BEAR-iuca

7 December 2008 18 comments

Mariuca recently announced Roxy as the lucky winner for the Mariuca Bear Contest. The Mariuca Bear now carries his official name BEAR-iuca In keeping with The Spirit of BEAR-iuca, I have joined the meme so please join us in the quest to send BEAR-iuca all over the world into your homes, bringing you lotsa luck and cheer along.

The Spirit of BEAR-iuca
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a powerful Genie Princess named Mariuca who was known throughout the land as the friendliest, most popular blogger in the blogosphere kingdom. Adored and admired by international visitors and commentators from around the world, the Genie Princess travels the blogosphere on her magical flying carpet, always looking for ways to share her good fortune with others.
Over the past two years of blogging, Mariuca has met so many new people, from all walks of life and all over the world, each one bringing a little of their culture and lifestyle when they visit and comment on Mariuca’s two sites. So on her 2nd Blog Anniversary, Mariuca wanted to celebrate with all of her international blogosphere buddies by hosting a bear-naming contests at Wishing On A Falling Star and Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery and to pass her two lucky, cuddly teddy bears along to the winners who came up with the best names.
On the opposite side of the world, from the moment Roxy (the prolific Roxiticus Desperate Housewives blogger) and her sweet daughters London and Maddie saw the teddy in his personalized t-shirt and blue muffler at Wishing On A Falling Star, they knew that he needed to come to live with their family in Mendham, NJ. The threeNew Jersey girls named him immediately and burst into a wonderful song for BEAR-iuca:
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, amazing teddy cheer.
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, we’d love you to come live here!
Mariuca received 16 possible names for the Mariuca Teddy Bear, making it hard for the Genie Princess to choose just one…then Alakazam! A bolt of lightning delivered the perfect way to share BEAR-iuca’s good fortune to bloggers around the globe. While the soft, stuffed, cuddly BEAR-iuca is on his way to live with Roxy, London, Maddie and Rex in the Roxiticus Valley, the Spirit of BEAR-iuca is racing through the blogosphere to bring happiness, holiday cheer, and beary best wishes to everyone who welcomes him into their online home and passes along the BEAR-iuca good luck charm to ten friends.
Please play along with us by following a few important rules:
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Spirit of BEAR-iuca badge of teddy bear cheer.
2. Pass along the Spirit of BEAR-iuca and his cheery badge to as many people as you like.
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Spirit of BEAR-iuca.
4. Once Roxy and the Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
5. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!

1. Mariuca 2. Roxiticus Desperate Housewives 3. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 4. Roxy’s Best Of... 5. Bay Head Blog 6. Roxiticus Best Blogs 7. Emila's Illustrated Blog 8. Metz - Empty Streets 9. The Spirit of Blogging 10. Speedcat Hollydale Page 11. Snapshot 12.purplefrogcat 13. Turn-u-Off 14. Simple Life 15. A Little Girl Talk 16. Life in the Lapadula House 17. Spicybugz World 18. The Mom With Brownies 19. Our High School Homeschool 20. Our Five Dangerous Boys 21. The Big Dog 22. LadyJava's Lounge 23.Moments of My Life 24. Life is too short to be ordinary 25. A Great Pleasure 26. Time Goes By 27. Life According To Me 28. Laketrees 29. This is a miracle 30. Porcelain Doll31. Moms...CheckNyo 32. Wonderful Things In Life 33. Sweet Nothings 34. Hot Shit Form Here 35. Not Just a Mom Site 36. The Life of a Mom 37. Wiehanne Lounge 38.The Painted Veil 39. My Crossroads 40. Little Mermaid 41. LOVE's Haven 42. Also Mommy 43. The Journey 44. 44. Comedy Plus 45. Making sense...(somehow) 46. The Modern Mom47. Stay At Home Mom 48. Picture Clusters 49. Maiylah's Snippets 50. Sweety tots 51. My Discoveries 52. A Life to Remember 53. Rekha 54. Crissy's Haven 55.Crissy's Library 56. Crissy's Zone 57. Shopping Blog 58. Crafts and cooking 59.Asian Mutt International 60. A Simple Life 61. I AM KCAT 62. A Girl For All Status63. Berry Blog 64. Carnation 65. Pinaymama's Diary 66. Life's sweets and spices67. The Callalily Space 68. Butchay 69. Blessings in Life 70. Pinay Mommy Online 71. The Ruby Posts72. Day Break 73. R...E...B...E...L?!? 74. VDAY CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY 75. Just the Tip of the Iceberg 76. Honeysweet Learning Center 77. Vsk8shop 78. A Diva's Hammer 79.Arlene - Joys in Life 80. Listening..Learning..Living 81. Mommy's Little Corner 82. Living one day at a time 83. Momhood Moments 84. SUPER INFO THAILAND 85. Life Ramblings86. Samantha Ysabelle 87. Kikamz' Just About Anything 88. SigneSays 89. Normz 90.Mymy 91. Lynlyn 92. Your Caring Angels 93. In The Eyes Of The Beholder 94. dayfly 95.Night Clicks 96. Life is What We Make it 97. Dancing in Midlife Tune 98. Fida Abbott99. Lofty Matters 100. Modus Vivendi 101. Aha Mama! 102. Anything Goes 103.Chopsticks 104. YOU Next!


the gang over here in OZ would like to invite ALL of my readers to join in on the fun..
BEAR-iuca would love to visit you all ..

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WIP of Daphne

1 December 2008 54 comments

the Portrait of Durano's beautiful daughter Daphne is progressing well...
I will probably be finished by the end of this week..
Durano was the winner of the Win a free Portrait for Christmas Competition..

Maurice Jarre - Doctor Zhivago

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

Awards and Memes

Double Decker Tag
Mariuca at MPG was tagged by Mrs. Ezman and Nick.
All you need to do is answer each question with two answers
Two names you go by
1. Kim
2. Mum
Two things you are wearing right now
1. Black tee
2. Black trousers
Two things you want very badly at the moment
1. an ironing person
2. more paintbrushes
Two things you did last night just before bed
1. watched a DVD called Mongul
2. cleaned my teeth
Two things you ate today
1. potato and leek soup
2. a ham and tomato breadroll
Two people you just spoke with
1. my Mum
2. Charlotte
Two longest car rides
1. Sydney to Melbourne
2. Belgium to Switzerland
Two favourite beverages
1. Coffee
2. Juice
2+1 persons who are chosen to do this tag
I'm leaving this open for anyone who wishes to take this tag..

A big thank you to Mariuca for these awards that she kindly passed out at Mariuca's Award Gala

Thanks to Judith @ Judith HeartSong for the Arty Pico award too!!
I am tagging everyone in my feel free to take any of these awards..

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laketrees is 2 today !!

21 November 2008 44 comments

L is for Lovable
A is for Artistic
K is for Kinky
E is for Exquisite
T is for Trendy
R is for Revolutionary
E is for Enjoyable
E is for Enthusiastic
S is for Skillful

What Does Your Name Mean?

'Blue Dancers after Degas'
© Kim Barker
(Private Collection - Belgium)
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas - 2005

WIP of Daphne

the Portrait of Durano's beautiful daughter Daphne is progressing well...still have and veil to complete..
I'm hoping to complete before the end of November..
Durano was the winner of the Win a free Portrait for Christmas Competition..

Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
1m x 75cm
Zinc white , Titanium white, Paynes Gray and a touch of Ivory Black...

Today is Absurdity Day!

I am the guest blogger for JLo's No-Ho
at [zany life + crazy faith]
NO-HO stands for November Holidays
Why not check out my post...
leave an absurd comment on my absurd self portrait and the best comment will win 500 ECs

More quizzes for your blog...

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

What Does Your Name Say About You?

What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

What's Your Blogging Personality?

School's Out!

17 November 2008 76 comments

for Charlotte...

Charlie (in black) with friends (Year 12 Formal) on Friday...

As Charlotte has recently turned 17 she will probably take 12 months to decide what she wants to do...
I know she's not interested in taking the trip north to Queensland for Schoolies Week ...which is a relief...
click on the cartoon to zoom

Pink Floyd - Another brick in the Wall (HD)
[chorus at end by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

WIP of Daphne

Last week I started stage one of Durano's beautiful daughter Daphne..
Durano was the winner of the Win a free Portrait for Christmas Competition..

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When You Taught Me How To Dance

10 November 2008 68 comments

Katie Melua

from the magical film Beatrix Potter...

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I Want to Adopt a Teddy Bear

6 November 2008 35 comments

Mariuca is celebrating Mariuca's 2nd Birthday with a special blogoversary contest where she is offering an adorable Mariuca Teddy Bear to one lucky Mariucan! :)

The special name I have chosen for Mariuca's Teddy Bear is "Little M"
My reason for wanting Little M is that I believe I can give this adorable Teddy a wonderful life with lots of mates and good Aussie love and caring....
I have created this slideshow to show what sort of life Little M would have if I am lucky enough to win...
This would be a typical day in Little M's life over here in OZ...

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Dona Nobis Pacem


Peace - Unknown
Peace - Unknown

Peace Globe Gallery - Australia

Melbourne Cup 2008

3 November 2008 41 comments

Win 1,000 EC credits or a free 125 ad at laketrees for a week!!

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A Portrait for Christmas and Love

2 November 2008 26 comments

"Congratulations to all who entered: I'm sure the considerations involved provided valuable insights for the authors. A number of entrants in this competition submitted well-written, deserving reasons to be awarded first prize. The universal aspect of family values and connections is revealed in quite a few, but my choice is No 14 Durano's because the story and its implications are poignant, yet uplifting. The chance to right wrongs reinforces the importance of hope in everyone's life."

Jan Dean 1st November 2008

Congratulations Durano!!!!
and to all of the entrants for your wonderful contributions...
thank you!!!
A special thank you goes to Jan, the Judge....
your time and deliberation was very much appreciated Jan...

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dark and mysterious works....

31 October 2008 31 comments

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Ivan Albright (1943)

Ivan Le Lorraine Albright (February 20, 1897 - November 18, 1983) was a magic realist painter and artist, most renowned for his self-portraits, character studies, and still lifes.
Ivan Albright and his identical twin brother, Malvin, were born near Chicago in North Harvey, Illinois, to Adam Emory Albright and Clara Wilson Albright. Their father was a landscape painter, and came from a family of master gunsmiths, whose original name was "Albrecht". The brothers were inseparable during childhood, and throughout much of their young adulthood. Both enrolled in The Art Institute of Chicago, a coin-flip deciding that Ivan would study painting and Malvin sculpture. Ivan particularly admired the work of El Greco and Rembrandt, but was quick to develop a style all his own.

In 1943 he was commissioned to create the title painting for Albert Lewin's film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. His realistic, but exaggerated, depictions of decay and corruption made him very well suited to undertake such a project. His brother was chosen to do the original uncorrupted painting of Gray, but the painting used on the film was from Henrique Medina. Ivan made the changes in the painting during the film. This original painting currently resides in the Art Institute of Chicago.

Albright was a prolific artist throughout his life, working as a printer and engraver as well as a painter. He made his own paints and charcoal, and carved his own elaborate frames. He was a stickler for detail, creating elaborate setups for paintings before starting work. He was obsessive about lighting to the point that he painted his studio black, and wore black clothing to cut out potential glare.
Later in life Albright lived in Woodstock, Vermont. His last visit to his old home town of Warrenville, Illinois was in 1978. The City declared Ivan Albright Day, and honored Albright with a full day of festivities. Albright's biographer, Michael Croydon, was on hand to present the newly-published richly-illustrated book called Ivan Albright. The library featured a large display of photographs from Albright's years spent in Warrenville.
Despite much time spent traveling the world, he never stopped working. Albright made over twenty self-portraits in his last three years, even on his deathbed, drawing the final ones after a stroke. He died in 1983.
On the 100th anniversary of Ivan Albright’s birth, February 20, 1997, the Art Institute of Chicago opened a major show of his work. Appears the Man, a photograph of Ivan Albright and his most famous work, The Picture of Dorian Gray, can be found in the Warrenville Gallery located at the Warrenville, Illinois City Hall.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is considered one of the last works of classic gothic horror fiction with a strong Faustian theme. It deals with the artistic movement of the decadents, and homosexuality, both of which caused some controversy when the book was first published. However, in modern times, the book has been referred to as "one of the modern classics of Western literature."

thanks to SHARON HART for her insights on this subject

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Music Monday - Que Sera, Sera

27 October 2008 37 comments

(Whatever Will Be, Will Be) - Doris Day

for daughter ...who is seventeen ...this song is for you...

thanks to Mariuca for introducing me to Music Monday......

Come join us in the Music Monday and share your songs with us ok. Leave the actual link to the post here and we will all go and visit you :)
Please note this links are strictly for Music Monday participants.

A Royal Tag for Peace

23 October 2008 21 comments

November 6, 2008

Get your own peace globe at Mimi Writes

I have been tagged by Mimi, the Queen of Memes to join the Blog for Peace Project
The story.

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news