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Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 29/2/08

29 February 2008 51 comments

This list was updated on the 28th and 29th February

Top 10 Rank

Emila's Illustrated Blog
Authority: 622
Rank: 5,746
Authority: 599
Rank: 6,081
Much of a muchness
Authority: 402
Rank: 11,198
The BenSpark
Authority: 366
Rank: 12,669
Claudine Hellmuth
Authority: 321
Rank: 15,345
Creative Every Day
Authority: 234
Rank: 23,025
Gurney Journey
Authority: 212
Rank: 26,649
Making a Mark
Authority: 149
Rank: 41,404
Authority: 118
Rank: 54,203
Non dairy Diary
Authority: 113
Rank: 57,124
Carol Marine's Painting a Day
Authority: 108
Rank: 60,261

Top 20 Rank

Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog
Authority: 97
Rank: 69,101
Authority: 96
Rank: 70,031
New Work and Inspiration
Authority: 92
Rank: 73,982
Jana’s Journal and Sketch Blog
Authority: 92
Rank: 73,982
Authority: 92
Rank: 73,982
Ascender Rises Above
Authority: 87
Rank: 79,365
Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann
Authority: 87
Rank: 79,365
Jafabrit's Art
Authority: 87
Rank: 79,365
the odd neighbor
Authority: 85
Rank: 81,766
Up All Night Again
Authority: 77
Rank: 92,012
Musings on Photography
Authority: 76
Rank: 93,462
Cosmic Photo Art
Authority: 75
Rank: 95,032
The Illustrated Garden
Authority: 73
Rank: 98,047

Top 30 Rank

Photography by KML
Authority: 69
Rank: 104,933
Travel Sketching, Illustrated Journals and Sketchbooks : Trumpetvine
Authority: 63
Rank: 116,930
Paintings in Oil
Authority: 62
Rank: 119,246
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
Authority: 61
Rank: 121,630
Works by Tracy Helgeson
Authority: 61
Rank: 121,630
Calamity Kim
Authority: 60
Rank: 124,139
Authority: 56
Rank: 134,803
Postcard from Provence
Authority: 55
Rank: 137,774
Artist Hideout
Authority: 53
Rank: 143,900
The Portrait Party
Authority: 52
Rank: 147,290
rue Manuel bis
Authority: 52
Rank: 147,290
Luann Udell
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747

Top 40 Rank

Teri's Painted Daisies
Authority: 49
Rank: 158,109
Authority: 49
Rank: 158,109
Meditation Photography
Authority: 46
Rank: 170,597
Colorado Art Studio
Authority: 44
Rank: 179,530
Kathleen Rietz - Artist
Authority: 42
Rank: 189,138
Floating Lemons: Bit by Bit Blog
Authority: 42
Rank: 189,138
The EDM SuperBlog
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Graf Nature Photography Notes from the woods
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Daily Painting Practice
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700

Top 50 Rank

Drawing on Nature
Authority: 39
Rank: 205,230
Artist, Emerging
Authority: 38
Rank: 211,248
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Authority: 37
Rank: 217,579
Authority: 37
Rank: 217,579
Jelaine Faunce Studio
Authority: 37
Rank: 217,579
knack for art
Authority: 37
Rank: 217,579
Pollocksthebollocks’s Weblog
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Have Dogs, Will Travel
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Authority: 35
Rank: 231,062
Tinker Art
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
Ellis Nadler's Sketchbook
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
The Colorist
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
The Diary Project
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682
Alla Prima Painting
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682
mARTa's Art
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682
Sacred Circle Mandalas
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682
Searen Art and Design
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682

Top 60 Rank

La Casuni
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
An Artist's Journal
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
draw the line
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
Art & Clairvoyance
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
Artmaker: Art, Writings and Comics by Ming
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
paintings prints and stuff
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
MiKa Art Blog
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
Potter's Blog
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
Non Linear Arts
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
~The Art of Life~
Authority: 26
Rank: 317,977
Janeys Journey
Authority: 26
Rank: 317,977
Illustrated Life
Authority: 26
Rank: 317,977
Terry's Ink and Watercolor
Authority: 25
Rank: 331,293
The Sunday Painter
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597 my spare time
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597
Arts & Stuff
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
Nat Dickinson Doing Art
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
Thousand Sketches
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
DouDy Sketche
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
Everything is Contextual
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Jeannette's Illustration Sketchblog
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Morrgan's Creatures
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Marja-Leena Rathje
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Linda Blondheim Art Notes
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
See It. Draw It. Share It.
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Artscapes - Musings on Art & Life
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Intangible Arts
Authority: 20
Rank: 415,686
A Painting A Day Daily Postcard Paintings by Manuela Valenti
Authority: 20
Rank: 415,686

Top 70 Rank

Travels with a Sketchbook in.......
Authority: 19
Rank: 437,475
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Fiji Island Mermaid Press
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
artful life
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Jo Castillo Art Blog
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Texas Painter Leslie Sealey
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Auntie Mim's
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Daily Paintings by Ria Hills
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Images and Imagination
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Indigo Blah
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
ArtsSpot - Original and Unique Drawings and Paintings
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Lori's Stormy Art and Daily Paintings
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
drawings & sketches - dibujandoarte
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Blank Canvas
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
My Paint Box
Authority: 16
Rank: 626,192
Rose's Art Lines
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Deano's Den
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
RedHead Art
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Painting Each Day
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Pastel and Paint: Lesly Finn's Art
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Brush and Baren
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Deborah Paris - A Painting Life
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Daily Miniature Paintings
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Delineate Design
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
A Multi-Colored Life
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Kris Cahill Presents…
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Chris Bolmeier Art
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Paint Dance
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Watercolour Artist Diary
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
A sketch in time
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Works of Many Colors
Authority: 10
Rank: 872,909
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Art & Life
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
The Philosophical Photographer
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643

Top 80 Rank

Moskovitz Art Studio
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Brendy Vaughn's Art Journal
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
A Day in the Life of a NOBODY - NYC Street artist TMNK
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
kitty art
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Emele’s Blog.
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Visual Blog - Art and Life
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Art & Observations
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Cordelia's Art Place
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Painting Small Impressions
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Art by Shano
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Angela's Art
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Wax Art
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
The Itinerant Artist
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Daily Paintings, experiments and thoughts.
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
aRt De Me
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Angie Reed Garner
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Cracked Ego
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Wendy Prior Fine Art
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Liz Patterson Art Journal
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
24-7 A PAINTING A DAY - Sherry De Ghelder
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Brian McKenzie
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Oil Painting Studies by Dennis Albertson
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
My Quest to Make a Living as a Comic Book Superhero Artist
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Dust Off the Butterfly
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Visual Influence
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Rembrandt etc. - "Daily Paintings" by Bobbi Dunlop
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Studio McCann
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
A State of Art Portraits
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
get painted !!!!
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Matthew Carter - Portraits
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Elusive Hues
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
The Art of David Cochran
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
The Creative Butterfly
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Rowan Dodds Illustration
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
The Phoenix & The Harley
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Niagara Falls Info - What's New ?
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Plein Air Paintings Niagara Falls, Maine, Caribbean
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
My Beach Days
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Little Paintings
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Paintings From Maine
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Ian Jones Photo Blog
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
The Zen-Images Ikebana Blog
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976

My Predictions

cmv: an artist's log
No authority yet (I can see one reaction with yours Christine so I would check Technorati as well)
Rank: 8,911,336

New listings for March will be included in the next update:

Les dessins de Daniel
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
In and Out of The Studio
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
A Passion for Small Paintings
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Judy Rey Wasserman's UnGraven Image
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
artorbust dot com
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336
Jennie’s Palette
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Landscape Into Art
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
Studies and Sketches
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Le Pot aux Roses
Authority: 25
Rank: 331,293
A Planet Named Janet
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
Mother Henna
Authority: 46
Rank: 170,597
Diane Clancy’s Art Blog
Authority: 56
Rank: 134,803
The Painting Life: Postcards from New Orleans
Authority: 19
Rank: 437,475
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336
The Artist's Studio
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Ya callate André
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Stop and Draw the Roses
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
She Sure is Sketchy
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Anna Sellers Art and Thoughts
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Simon Collins - Life Drawing/Painting
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
Sue Beyer :: Artist
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
A Reason to Paint
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Daily Art West
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
My Depictions
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Authority: 74
Rank: 96,541
I am Art
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336
Plein d'images par François Boussuge
Authority: 2
Rank: 3,288,765
Authority: 42
Rank: 189,138
The Morning Artist
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025

Type the full name of your blog in the Google Search Bar (located in my Right Side Bar) for a quick search to see if your blog is listed.

click on image to zoom


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101 Top Artists' Blogs (About)

Are you an Artist who blogs?

Do you have your own personal Art Blog?

Have you claimed your blog at Technorati?

If you answered yes to all 3 questions....then please submit your blog in the comments section of this post......

please include the name and URL of your blog ....


Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
Top 101 Artists' Blogs List 27/11/07
Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 29/12/07
Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 31/1/08

Further information on Technorati Authority and Ranking
by Dorion Carroll at:

Technorati Authority and Rank

Kim's signature

If your blog is not listed....please leave the name of your blog and URL in the comments section of this post........

Related Links:
Top 101 Artists' Blogs List (November - 2007)
Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
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Two Things Challenge - Dead/Alive & Ranked
Top 101 Artists' Blogs

Kim's signature

aka laketrees

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Celebrating 200th Post - Memes and Awards!!

27 February 2008 33 comments

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

GETTING TO KNOW YOU or Knowing Me, Knowing You
I have been tagged by Lyn and Diane to answer a few questions about me..
so here they are:

1. What is your occupation? Artist (see photo above)
2. What color are your socks right now? none...Colorados
3. What are you listening to right now? someone mowing the lawns
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Sustain..banana...yoghurt and skim milk
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my Mum
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? yes...(this much....see award below)
9. Favorite drink? Chardonnay
10. What is your favorite sport to watch? Swimming
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? No ...but my hairdresser has
12. Pets? None that I know of
13. Favorite food? Bananas
14. Last movie you watched? No Country for Old Men
15. Favorite Day of the year? every day
16. What do you do to vent anger? Cry or punch a pillow
17. What was your favorite toy as a child? Pogo Stick
18. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Spring
19. Hugs or kisses? Both but kisses don't hurt as much at the moment
20. What kind of pie? Apple and Pecan with cream
21. Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes
22. Who is most likely to respond? All the genuine caring friends
23. Who is least likely to respond? My Enemies?
24. Living arrangements? Apartment on a strip of land with views of the Lake and the Ocean
25. When was the last time you cried? the other day watching a movie and nearly at the physios yesterday
26. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes in shoe and dance videos
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? Lisa
28. The friend you have known the shortest amount of time that you are sending this to? Mellanie (Genxster)
29. Favorite smell? Fresh Coffee
30. What inspires you? other Artists' Work....Music and Books
31. What are you afraid of? Sirens
32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Plain with beetroot
33. Favorite car? Tarago
34. Favorite cat breed? none I don't like cats
35. Number of keys on your key ring? 1
36. How many years at your current job? nearly 2 full-time (it's my therapy...)
37. Favorite day of the week? Every day though Sundays are nice
38. How many provinces have you lived in? 2...NSW and London
39. How many countries have you been to? England Wales France USA Europe Israel New Zealand and Tasmania

I am tagging Lisa....Mellanie...Anand... Drowsey Monkey and Janette

it is entirely up to you to participate as I know how time consuming these memes are ...and I won't throw you in any dungeons...I'll leave that up to Mimi ....(SEE meme below)


Mimi's Message in a Bottle Meme

I was Tagged by ...Speedy...Pet Monologues and Colin for this one..

**** START COPY****
In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.What message would you like to send out to the universe?
Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below

3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the Message In a Bottle meme and your creation on your blog along with these rules
5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.)

Mimi says: "ADD your site to the Mr. Linky list and place your blog's name and url in a comment HERE TO LET ME KNOW YOU'VE COMPLETED THE MEME. I will add it to the master list of message bottles. Email mimiwrites2005 at if you have questions."
Go HERE to see all the bottles floating in the blog ocean. The site is called Message In a Bottle.
***END COPY****
Simple! just copy/paste where shown, then follow the directions
I am tagging Kris..Hanna...Sue...Sugar Queen and Netster

oh and what the heck...everyone on my blogroll:

Anand Archie Art News Blog Ascender Blog Elf Boyd Catsy Colin Cooper Corrine Debbie Deborah Diane DouDy Drowsey Monkey Durano Ev Fruity Hanna Janette Jeremy John Jos Kimmy Kris Leigh Life cruiser Lisa Lyn Lynda Lindsay Manuel Mary Ann Meg Megan Mel Mellanie Michelle Netster PALMA Pet Monologues Pearl Renny & Diane Santa She Walks In Beauty Shoshana Should Be Famous Snoskred Speedy Sue Sugar Queen Sully Suzanne The Artist's Magazine Vin Walter williebaronet

As always, you do not have to participate, the choice is yours.
PS...I have heard that Mimi does have a dungeon where she locks away non participants so be warned ...



I received this beautiful award from
In her words
"So in honour of my first blog birthday, I wanted to create an award to thank so many of you who have visited and commented on my blog over the last year and whose blogs I always enjoy visiting."

thanks so much Diane !!

I Love You This Much
Emila's Illustrated Blog

I received this gorgeous award from Mellanie @ See It. Draw It . Share It. who received it from Joan. Then I received the same award from Kris...thanks so much gals ...I love it !!!
I am giving this award to Diane Colin and Renny

You Make My Day

thanks for this award Diane

From Italy with love

Award di Philohanna Thanks to Hanna for this lovely award ...

Blog Travels

Art Gallery Guide Australia

Art Gallery Guide Australia is a bi-monthly magazine that is a celebration of all things that are the visual arts in Australia. Bringing you the latest information on exhibitions, events, artists and galleries, it is the art lover's essential tool to finding out what's on.

Abstract Australis
The Online Gallery for Australian Abstract & Semi-Abstract Art.

Abstract Australis is an Online gallery dedicated to Abstract & Semi-Abstract Art by Australian artists. We buy & sell abstract artworks by contemporary, important & collectable Australian artists. The site has been developed to provide user friendly functionality, so you can easily browse our collection by Artist, Genre, Medium or Price and view quality images at your leisure. More


I will be updating the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List over the next 2 days...

Tips for New Bloggers

Kim's signature


Portrait of Laura

23 February 2008 41 comments

Portrait of Laura
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
1m x 75cm
Value $4,000

on the wall

Colin was the winner of the Win a Free Portrait for Christmas Competition # 2
The subject that he chose was his beautiful daughter Laura
(formerly known as Colin's Daughter)
Reference: photo taken by Colin

Click on the images to enlarge

nb ...This Portrait has taken a while to complete due to my frozen shoulder.

Related Links:

Grace Dobush @ The Artist's Magazine Blog is giving away 3 limited-edition calendars created by The Artist's Magazine, Watercolor Artist and The Pastel Journal!
all you have to do is post a comment (of less than 100 words) on the following prompt:
What's your favorite month to paint and why?
Post your answer by next Thursday (February 28), over at The Artist's Magazine Blog

A surprise from Dorset !!

A big big thank you to my friend Diane @ Much of a Muchness for this wonderful calendar of Dorset in England. Your very generous gift was such a lovely surprise last week and I have found a great spot for it in the breakfast room ...

Kim's signature


Random Picks and Stolen Art

19 February 2008 38 comments

WIP: Portrait of Colin's Daughter
further progress on top...

Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Charcoal grey, Ivory black & Titanium white
click to zoom

Random Picks from the Top 101 Artists' List - # 36 Maya

People, their moods, expressions and emotions have been a source of wonder for Ujwala, and this is reflected in her work. Her portraits capture the subtlety of human emotions, and present with impact the personality of the subject. Ujwala uses a variety of medium ranging from oil on canvas, charcoal on paper to the digital medium to convey her impressions.

Thanks to Debbie for picking the lucky number this week...

Art News/Exhibitions
MCA Museum of Contemporary Art Current Exhibitions ...

Callum Innes (born 1962) is a Scottish abstract painter and former Turner Prize nominee. Innes is a painter who has tended to work alternately on a number of disparate series, each of which he repeatedly revisits. His characteristic form of coolly atmospheric abstraction has aptly been described as "unpainting", given that key compositional elements are generally produced, not by the application of paint, but through its removal by washes of turpentine. Each finished painting thus suggests a freezing in time of the otherwise momentary arrest of an ongoing process.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Gallery of Australia,
Exposed painting black oxide

Anna's brush with new found fame
If Anna Rubin were to write the story of the past five years of her life as a screenplay, it would be considered so ridiculously contrived, so obviously pitched with Julia Roberts in the lead role, that every agent would surely dismiss it.

If you only steal one masterpiece this year ...

Most of the top-10 lists you see in the newspapers will have been voted for by the general public. But when it comes to art, there is an alternative list, picked by a shadier, shiftier bunch: the men and women who make a career out of stealing it.
The art thieves' top 10, based on information on stolen works compiled by the London-based Art Loss Register, is an exclusive selection, running from Picasso at No 1 to Matisse at 10, via Miro at 2, Chagall at 3, Dalí at 4, Renoir at 5, Dürer at 6, Rembrandt at 7, Warhol at 8 and Rubens at 9. None of the French masters whose works were stolen at gunpoint from a Swiss museum this week makes it: Degas is at 15, Cézanne at 25. So what makes a Picasso so much more tempting than even such undeniably great and popular artists?
Missing ... detail of Maya with her Doll by Pablo Picasso

Top 30 Famous Artists

Kim's signature


Significant Blogger Award

15 February 2008 60 comments

WIP: Portrait of Colin's Daughter
Oil on Canvas
Charcoal grey, Ivory black & Titanium white
click to zoom

Random Picks from the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List

Research interest includes Natural Language Processing. Currently, he has been making paintings based on Mathematics.. He also designs fantastic Ambigrams!!!

Thanks for the lucky number Colin

The Significant Blogger Award...

Last year I designed the Southern Cross Award and awarded it to my blogging friends at PoeARTica....
I have designed another Award to recognise Bloggers who make a significant contribution to my blogging world here at laketrees....
These special friends have a sense of community and are wholeheartedly committed to spreading their message and friendship generously...

these Bloggers excel in many different areas and all of them make a significant difference to my world....

I do not expect you to pass this award on as this award is from me to you as my expression of gratitude...

Significant Bloggers:

Anand Archie Art News Blog Ascender Blog Elf Boyd Catsy Colin Cooper Corrine Debbie Deborah Diane DouDy Drowsey Monkey Durano Ev Fruity Hanna Janette Jeremy John Jos Kimmy Kris Leigh Life cruiser Lisa Lyn Lynda Lindsay Manuel Mary Ann Meg Megan Mel Michelle Netster PALMA Pet Monologues Pearl Renny & Diane Santa She Walks In Beauty Shoshana Should Be Famous Snoskred Speedy Sue Sugar Queen Sully Suzanne The Artist's Magazine Vin Walter williebaronet

Kim's signature


Interesting Snippets about Love ....Death ... Art ....

13 February 2008 28 comments

and ....Valentine's Day:

On February 14, 1779, Captain James Cook, the great English explorer and navigator, was murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third visit to the Pacific island group.

Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.

Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp., 36 F. Supp. 2d 191 (S.D.N.Y. 1999), was a decision by the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, which ruled that exact photographic copies of public domain images could not be protected by copyright because the copies lack originality. Even if accurate reproductions require a great deal of skill, experience and effort, the key element for copyrightability under U.S. law is that copyrighted material must show sufficient originality.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Birth of Venus, (detail) by Sandro Botticelli,1485

Only the U.S., Canada, Mexico, France, Australia and the U.K. celebrate Valentine's Day.

In 1929 in Chicago, gunmen in the suspected employment of organized-crime boss Al Capone murder seven members of the George "Bugs" Moran North Siders gang in a garage on North Clark Street. The so-called St. Valentine's Day Massacre stirred a media storm centered on Capone and his illegal Prohibition-era activities and motivated federal authorities to redouble their efforts to find evidence incriminating enough to take him off the streets.

The heart is the most common symbol of romantic love. Ancient cultures believed the human soul lived in the heart. Others thought it to be the source of emotion and intelligence. Some believed the heart embodied a man's truth, strength and nobility. The heart may be associated with love because the ancient Greeks believed it was the target of Eros, known as Cupid to the Romans. Anyone shot in the heart by one of Cupid's arrows would fall hopelessly in love. Because the heart is so closely linked to love, it's red colour is thought to be the most romantic.

Read more @ Obscure information about Valentine's Day

BitterSweets - Dejected
37 depressing sayings for those spending Valentine's Day alone and in a state of self-flagellation, including "LOSS LEADER", "SETTLE 4 LESS?", "TABLE FOR 1", "I CRY ON Q" and "DIGNITY FREE".

January 8, 1845
Monsieur, the poor have not need of much to sustain them -- they ask only for the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. But if they are refused the crumbs they die of hunger. Nor do I, either, need much affection from those I love. I should not know what to do with a friendship entire and complete - I am not used to it. But you showed me of yore a little interest, when I was your pupil in Brussels, and I hold on to the maintenance of that little interest -- I hold on to it as I would hold on to life.
This letter was written by Charlotte Bronte, English writer, to Professor Constantin Heger. There is no evidence that this love was ever returned by him.
read more @ LoveLetters

and the most interesting snippet I have saved for last..
It is was my Dear Dad's birthday yesterday and he would have been 76 years old...
He was actually born on the 13th February but the nurse who wrote the date on his birth certificate changed his birthdate to the 12th as she thought the number 13 was unlucky !!!
My Dad was married on the 13th September (he was married for 49 years - 4 + 9 = 13) and his first grandchild was born on the 13th February....(he was 53 years old) and that grandchild is 23 today !! (5 + 3 = 8 and 2 + 3 = 5 ...8 + 5 =13)

Kim's signature


About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news