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Happy 10th Birthday Google

28 September 2008 41 comments

Project 10100

May Those Who Help The Most Win
Project 10100 is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.
Learn more.
Submission Deadline:October 20th, 2008

Pagerank Update

It looks like laketrees has dropped from a PR 5 to a PR 4 in the latest Google Pagerank Update.
PoeARTica has remained the same at a PR 4
It's quite the mystery to me as I probably spend a tenth of the time at PoeARTica
You can check yours here:
Google Pagerank per DC
or here:

More Awards!!!

Mariuca @ Wishing On A Falling Star
gave me This Super Blogger Award which was given to her by Ruby
thanks Mariuca!!!
Metz @ Empty Streets: It's a way of life also kindly passed the award onto me too... thanks Metz!!

and another award from Metz...
thank you!!!

Shoot the Chef Winner

23 September 2008 35 comments

"You've got to look at the humour of these things" ... Greg Doyle on the slab in Jeremy Simons's winning photograph.

Photo: Jeremy Simons
Simons, who specialises in photographing food, travel and portraits, won the professional category. An aspiring writer, poet and photomedia artist, Niobe Syme, took the student prize for her montage of Ying Tam, the restaurateur of Ying's Seafood Restaurant at Crows Nest. Eight Yings Make is multiple images of Mr Ying in his kitchen.
Greg Doyle says his feet nearly froze off when he posed for winning portrait.
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View the slideshow of the entries

A special thank you to Indee @ The Art Zoo
A Photoblog featuring handmade products by independent artisans and crafters for posting one of my portraits...


What's in your handbag?

17 September 2008 54 comments

The very sweet Mariuca @ Mariuca's Perfume Gallery

has tagged me for 3 fun tags...thanks Mariuca...I have chosen all three

The first one is the Handbag Tag from ECL and here are the rules.
Find a safe quiet place free of significant others, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. (If you're a guy just reverse this process to male and tell us about your wallet, tool box, briefcase or metro sexual accessory.)
1. Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile.
2. Take a photo of your handbag and the contents.
3. Be brave and 'splain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.
4. Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves.
5. Answer these questions:
Describe the contents of your handbag. See my list below.
What's the most important thing in your handbag? my hand cream
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag? too many perfumes
What's the smallest thing in your handbag? nail clippers
Is there anything illegal in your handbag? no
Contents of my bag.
1. a black JAG wallet
2. a pen.
3. old rail tickets
4. my perfumes...Chanel # 5 ..Red Door and Beautiful (depending on my mood)
5. a Rolex watch ..that I never wear (I haven't worn a watch in 12 years)
6. sunnies
7. keys.
8. nail clippers
9. wet ones
10. DR LEWINN'S hand cream absolute must!!
11. a dress ring...that I rarely wear

Check out other memes by Mimi

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13 September 2008 54 comments

Today is my Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary....

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Do you talk too much in your blog....

8 September 2008 35 comments

obviously I do...going by these results...

Do you talk too much in your blog?
Created by OnePlusYou - Online Dating Service

so my post today is wordless....

toothpaste for dinner

Related Links:
thanks Miss MP...Shark Surfing to Predator Press
Word Pollution
Some Link fer U

Happy Fathers' Day

7 September 2008 13 comments

to all the Australian and New Zealand Dads...

Romantic Shine I by Igor Levashov
Romantic Shine I

Roses are the Father's Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.

Poems by my Father

Top 52 Movies about Fathers

Thank you!!

3 September 2008 20 comments

to my Top Talkers and Entrecard Droppers


while doing my entrecard dropping today I read at

Turnip of Power
The Social Networking Side Dish

that Turnip has listed the

Six Highest Page Ranked Blogs In Entrecard

this is what he said...

Read more....

Spring is here...

1 September 2008 24 comments

John Coburn (1925-2006)

The Four Seasons (spring) 1994
Oil on canvas

to celebrate the arrival of Spring and the opening of my new blog:

I am having a September Draw ...

Read more....

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news