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Wordless Chicken Tuesday with TUTU Highlights

22 January 2008 17 comments

My enchanting life saga...
Enter the life of whimsical artist and illustrator Debi Hubbs.
Four Fashionable Fowls

Check out Speedy and the featured tutu pics at:
Wordless Chicken Tuesday with TUTU Highlights
Join in the fun and post your chickens !!!

Speedy's Wordless Chicken Tuesday Drowsey Monkey What The Cluck?!? Olga the Traveling Bra How Did I Get Classified As A Humor Blog? Twist & Skewer Gosh! Ain't That A Bird! OMYWORD! Did I say That? (WOW!) Chicken Tuesday: Mug Shot Outta the Coop (THE ORIGINAL CHICK) Chicken Tuesday Much of a Muchness (SAD then REALLY FUNNY) To All The Sweet Taters The Painted Veil (STUNNING COMBO POST) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Auntie Dars Life (LIVE ACTION CHICKEN) Speedcat Chicken Autumnal Confessions by Maureen (SARCASTIC) Round Four ~ Won Tons, Manicotti & Haufbrau Haus Beer Garten Divalicious (HUNGRY FOR TACO BELL) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Cuppacinjoe: A Man of the Froth (RUBBER CHICKEN!!) Quirky Meme and Chicken Prison Break Observations from the Back 40: (DANGEROUS) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Beer Church Blog (MANGER) A Disobedient Chicken With Attitude A Nice Place in the Sun (CREATIVE) "Wordless highlight" Amori, Poesie, Arte , Chat by Hanna (SILLY!!!) Slovenia was chicken when was young Buryya (INFORMATIONAL) Lighthouse Angels Among Us New England Lighthouse Treasures (FAMILY)

Kim's signature


17 comments: to “ Wordless Chicken Tuesday with TUTU Highlights so far...

  • Speedcat Hollydale 23.1.08

    Just off work, and it's round up time back at the Hollydale COOP! I like how you list the participants - great idea.

    Thanks again, you have chosen a very sporty model for this post :)


  • Lindsay 23.1.08

    The fashionable chickens are adorable. Thanks for the link and a smile on a wintery day (here in the Northern part of the world!)

  • Lynda Lehmann 23.1.08

    Dang! I had me some birds in the kitchen earlier, but they up and flew away!

    (They could never compete with what I've just seen on these blogs, anyway)

    Could I offer up a parakeet? he he he...

  • Anonymous 23.1.08

    What a concept, I'll have to get my chickens ready some time and participate.

  • Debbie Dolphin 23.1.08

    Hi Chief Chicken Dickens,

    After the pornographic nightmare of BK Cluckers,
    Can you please put all your Technorati Tutus back in the Chicken Coop?

    Maybe, the Technorati Tutu fowls can haunt Team Technorati in a forgotten Coop with Chicken Soup for the bird flu?

    Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:

  • Kris Cahill 23.1.08

    Though I have not yet contributed to WCT, I am in awe of those of you who do. Great chickens, Kim!

    I have a little something for you at my blog. Please stop by to pick it up.

  • Kim 23.1.08

    hah Speedy
    the Hollydale COOP !!!
    I like that ....
    I will be over to check out the new additions...

    aren't they adorable Lindsay.....
    I couldn't resist posting them...and the descriptions are so cute too ...
    :) from the southern land :)

    LOL Lynda
    a parakeet pretending to be a chicken ...that I would love to see...:)
    how's your exhibition prep coming along?

    ah yes Cooper ...I'm sure you could find a few literate fowls out there....that would fit the bill :)

    I'm very curious to check out your links now Debbie....
    your chicken riddles have me intrigued...
    ps how did you know that Kim means "chief"
    .. as for Chicken Dickens !!! LOL

    Hi Kris...
    you may have to paint a heart chicken in honour of Speedy's theme..
    and ta....I will pop over to have a look tonight :)

  • Debbie Dolphin 24.1.08

    Hi Chief Chicken Dickens (Chicken Little Kim)!

    Did you find my clucking Chicken riddles?

    Re: your "Kim = chief" question and
    My answer, my friend is blowing in the sailing wind!

    Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:

  • Kim 24.1.08

    I got the first one Debbie ...but the 2nd one evades me :)
    I'll check out your chief answer :)

  • Anonymous 24.1.08

    Lovely, just lovely! ;-)

  • Kim 25.1.08

    very fashionable aren't they Robin..
    thanks for dropping by :)

  • Kris Cahill 25.1.08

    Hi Kim,

    I meant to say that the tutus are very inspiring and reminded me of when I actually made tutus for ballet dancers, what seems like a lifetime ago. Ballet dancers kind of look like chickens. Though they tend to walk like ducks. No offense intended to any actual ballet dancers reading this, mind you!

    I am happy to know you like red lipstick, pink too! Here's my mantra: Lipstick is Good.

  • Kim 25.1.08

    ah yes Lipstick can be a lifesaver Kris....
    and having been a dancer for many years I know what you mean ...those tutus aren't as comfortable as they look are they ?
    I know my sister (dance teacher) walks like a duck haha...but I didn't suffer from that as much :)....

  • Speedcat Hollydale 29.1.08

    I must say, this is one of the most interesting line of comments I've run across in some time. Who would have thought that the chicken tree had so many branches?
    In the fall, feathers completely cover my lawn (if I had one).

    Bawk Bawk, Bawk Bawk Bawk He Haww!!

    > beeking out for now, Speedy the Cornish Game Rooster

  • Kim 29.1.08

    ah it's all in the zany title that you picked Rooster Speedy :)

  • Debbie Dolphin 29.1.08

    Hi Chief Chicken Dickens!

    Your Comedy Coop is growing!

    Looks like your Chicken Coop has been plucked naked without your Rubber Chicken Award near the Poultry Participants!

    Can you please give me a hint on which riddle evaded you?

    Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:

  • Kim 29.1.08

    ah Debbie !!
    the riddle ...I back tracked to the offending post and found that I had spelt know think I need new glasses as well as two new shoulder joints.. :)
    ah yes
    I think I have a grip on the naked chicken award though....
    Speedy will be up for nomination for the poultry oscars too if he keeps up the pace..
    I think I may be rambling here :))

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news