Wordless Chicken Tuesday
30 January 2008 Labels: Wordless Chicken Tuesday 20 comments
click on the link above to read more about this oil painting...
Check out the rest of the chickens and join in the fun this week @ Wordless Chicken Tuesday with a Side Trimminz of Animal
Number one WCT
Speedy's Wordless Chicken Tuesday reached the front page of Google and guess who is at the top !!! thanks for letting me know Speedy...
This weeks participants: Wordless Chicken Tuesday in Chico, California /Olga the Traveling Bra (LIVE CHICKEN!) Wordless Chicken Tuesday /Auntie Dar's Life (FUNNY) Who I'd Like to Meet / Twist & Skewer (LIL BABY CHICK) Sometimes it's all about Sharing Love / The Painted Viel (SPACE CHICKEN MOVIE) Happy Birthday to "Robert the Redneck Canadian" !!!!! (ADDED BY SPEEDY) Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Laketrees (ARTISTIC) "Chicken Tuesday: Before We Get Famous Everyone Does a Little Porn" / Outta the Coop (HOT!) Chickening Out for a Moment / Are We There Yet? (HAPPY) Breaking Beacon News on Speedy’s Poultry Parody / New England Lighthouse Treasures (WITH SOUND!!!!!) With All The Drama I Almost Forgot Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Can You Be a Part of My Life (Floral)
Roosevelts' One-Legged Rooster / OMYWORD! Did I say that? (UNI LEGGER) Speedy’s Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Terri Terri Quite Contrary (WANTED BY BARNEY FIFE) Hooters, Jolly Roger, Biker Underwear & A Naughty Chicken /Divalicious (NEKID) Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Cuppacinjoe: A Man of The Froth (LIVE FOOTAGE) A Thankyou Wordy Chicken Tuesday and Poetry Props /Observations from the Back 40 (PLEADING) Monday Mimisms with Mimi Queen of Memes ~ Paddles, Pillows, and Latin Magic / I don't think she was in, but there is a chicken clock! Another Wordless Chicken Tuesday! / Julie's Blog (DANCING) Joyfulness / Creative Treasures (MUST SEE) "Wordless Chicken Day" / Blue Ribbon Bloggers (I LOVE THIS!!!) "Roosevelt Rooster's Other Leg Found!" / OMYWORD Did I Say That? (FREAKY FUNNY) Stalking the Chicken / Bloggers Intervention Group (CHEATING) :-) "It's Raining Chickens" / Binding Ink III "the Poetress" (LYRICAL) Wordless Chicken Tuesday: BBQ Spicy Chick-en Breast / Synthetic Life (BIKINI) Green Eggs, No Ham / Drowsey Monkey (NEVER TO LATE)Thanks to Santa and the voters !!!
Santa's Blog of the Day winners for today are:
Kim from Laketrees
The Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers
Julia Aquino
Congrats on receiving Santa's blog of the day, Cookie. I've yet to look at the 6 foot chicken oil paintings. I'm too askeereded!
Kim!! Congratulations!
Blogging is so much fun somtimes :)
Your entry this week is artistically chickenney, I am gaining a new respecrt for chicken art ... this may be in my future - tell me, is that true?
This might be the final hurahh for WCT ... we'll see. It sure has been fun, and I never thought that it could catch on.
See you later Kim - "Santa's Blog of the Day"
awwww Mary Ann...:=X
it won't bite you....
I promise...really really..... ;) :)
ah Speedy ..there's a lot of chicken art out there....
and definitely a future in it if you have a passion for chickens :)
so you think you have had enough chicken eh....
ah well as they say...you can put the chicken in your life but you can't put the life in your chickens
This chicken dance of Speedy's is getting bigger all the time...:):)
Looks like your Chicken Combat was defeated in the oven! :))
When is dinner, Chief Chicken Dickens???
Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:
congrats 4 the three of us!
it sure is Robert !!!
and he was thinking of making this the last one...
oh dear what will happen to the chickens ???
I don't know how these 6 footers would go in the oven Debbie ..
I had spaghetti bolognaise for tea :)
LOL congrats to you too Julia !!
Hi Your M. :))
Thanks to Debbie the Virtual Dolphin I became aware of this fun chicken stuff, and I love your entry, Kim "Dancing Dickens"...
I have appropriately enrolled the Blue Ribbon Bloggers Community blog for this Fabulous Animal Animosity Festival too!
We may need to change the extra's in our secret movie and use 'chickins' in lieu of dancing meerkats -- would you be comfortable hanging down some cliffs with them?
hi Colonel Sanders...
I'll be happy to hang off cliffs as long as it doesn't involve the use of my arms :0
singing...dancing chickens would be cool !!!
I will have to check out your BRB post....
I see you have subscribed to the BB theory too....
will have to update my list at Mel's :)
BB ... WCT ... C.Sanders another line of morse code. Speaking of Tech and Googalzz check this out! YOU, are the biggest on the page of lists ... Number one WCT Very nice - guess how I got here?? :-)
oooh woweee Speedy !!!!!
in the words of Olga THAT is so eggciting!!!!
and I gather getting to the front page of G is a good thing too ...
and here I was thinking that I was getting hits for my Top Artists' List ;)
you may have to patent this.....
because you may get copy cat chickens (CCC) :)
the colonel aka Debbie D and J who gave you the BRB award....all speak in code to throw off the technorati EYE ....as we have all suffered in the black hole....
in fact I believe J was seeking therapy at one stage ;)
That would be Technorati Therapy?
I would certainly love to see my ranking there, lol!!!
LOL J...
I didn't know technorati therapy was available !!!
do you have to pay with your authority or do you submit your fans....
I'm whispering here as I don't want them to hear me....
some buns on those birds--i think it's time for them to head-less to the spa, ha ha.
LOL Lynda
an interesting subject for a 6' oil painting eh !!!
Technorati have a "simple algorithm" in place to help you calculate how much the Therapy will cost: You have to sacrifice 1/18th of the people that faved your blog over the past 180 days, divide the remainder by 16% of the blogs YOU have faved, sorted by Freshness, and the multiply the result with nearly half your Authority. That number is then flagged, tagged and wrapped, until it automatically pops back up from the Digital Black Hole. Then convert that number to US$, using the Euro exchange rate, and this will result in the number of days you have to be 'borked' on the waitinglist for the True Technorati Therapy. Then, after therapy sessions are over, you simply pay 99,95 per reaction caused. Izze Zimple, Right?
umm Daniel "J" Travanti on behalf of the IRS ...
this is so simple I think that my dog would understand it !!!
not that I have a dog but.....
if I did it would be a dalmation :)
Next time .... (I think) can I win the googabooga contest?
Hi Kim, just passing through ;-)
LOL Speedy...
are you having a good weekend ;)
Congrats on your new ranking. :)
Artistically, The chickens are very nice.