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and the Winner of the Free Portrait is......

30 September 2007 33 comments

Sue and Diane

have answered all the questions correctly....

with Mary Ann and Deborah close runners up...

I have decided that I will give Sue and Diane a portrait each .....

so gals

big congratulations

and if you email me an A4 photo of your choice I will get started

the portraits will be graphite on Arches paper

42cm x 60cm and will be mailed to you by

Australian post......

a big thank you to every one who commented on my competition posts and

I hope to

have another one before Christmas......

big thanks to the gals and guys at:


Interesting Observations

Sueblimely - Discovering Blogging Help

Life in the Fast Lane

Much of a muchness



Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion

for your terrific promotion !!!!!!!

top logo design by:

Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator

Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator

"Somewhere Along the Line"

29 September 2007 19 comments

This is the title that my Poet friend Jan Dean suggested for the title of my drawing of the has found a home in our breakfast room

Irina Baronova was entered in the

Portia Geach Memorial Award 2007

click on the link to see the winning work

Slashed !!!!!

27 September 2007 26 comments

Spatial Concept `Waiting' 1960
In 1959, Fontana began to cut the canvas, with dramatic perfection. These cuts (or tagli) were carefully pre-meditated but executed in an instant. Like the holes, they have the effect of drawing the viewer into space. In some, however, the punctures erupt from the surface carrying the force of the gesture towards the viewer in a way that is at once energetic and threatening. Although these actions have often been seen as violent, Fontana claimed ‘I have constructed, not destroyed.’

here is a selection of excerpts that reveal the violence of certain individuals against some of the most valuable and cherished artworks the world has ever seen....

Political Vandalism, Art and Gender
Suffragettes, the British feminists who fought for women's right to vote, carried out several dramatic and remarkable attacks on works of art during the years 1913-14. In August 1914 the outbreak of the First World War soon overshadowed the activities of the suffragettes, and since then the movement has been largely forgotten. Nevertheless, these attacks still stand as examples of some of the strangest and most disturbing displays of civil disobedience in modern Europe.[MORE]

Picasso painting slashed by Dutch psychiatric patient
New York Times
PARIS -- A Dutch psychiatric patient wielding a kitchen knife severely slashed a Picasso painting called Nude in Front of the Garden in Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art on Sunday, then went to a newspaper office to brag about his act. Police were called to the office, where the man was arrested.[MORE]

Sceptical gallery-goer slashes Lichtenstein painting
A woman has slashed a painting by American pop art legend Roy Lichtenstein four times with a knife at an exhibition in the western Austrian city of Bregenz.[MORE]

Question # 28

Name one artwork that has been slashed with a knife

Question # 29

What is the name of the portrait featured at Art Blogs 4 U

Question # 30 (the final question)

My Father wrote a poem (featured at PoeARTica)
What is the object ?

"The Flying Dutchman"

24 September 2007 37 comments

Portrait of Andre Rieu

Gouache on Canvas
90cm x 1m

I painted this portrait last week and it was presented to this very famous musician yesterday.....

Question # 25

Who is this famous person?

Question #26

What musical instrument does he play?

Question # 27

What nationality is he?

André - The official website: André Rieu

Andre Rieu Fans
Fans & Friends Around The World

I have posted 3 questions today and will be posting the last 3 questions on the 27th September.....

Is your desktop a mess????

22 September 2007 22 comments

I have been tagged by bluepanjeet™ OTWOMD™ to take a screen shot of my computer...haha easier said than done.....the tab on my keyboard didn't want to I ended up taking a photo...
any way here is a photo of my computer screen ...

ah ha my daughter helped me get a real screen shot !!!!
it has been like this for about 12 months....I took this photo of my children about 4 years ago.....they don't stay children for long though......
I am leaving this tag open to anyone who is would be interesting to see your screen shots....and is your desktop tidy or not?


My Desktop Free View Instruction:

A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by:

[1] Going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key).

[2] Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).

[3] If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of Icons, things like that.

C. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

D. Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants.

List of those who participated in the tag:

- iRonnie

- skippy heart

- thesserie

- domlawrenceOSB

- bluepanjeet™ OTWOMD™

- laketrees

Question # 23

What is my son’s name?

Question # 24

What is my daughter’s name?

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news