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Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 31/1/08

31 January 2008 49 comments

I have just finished updating the Top 101 Artists' Blogs took about 2 days to do it as my computer has been running very slowly...I think I need an upgrade...
I have changed the format of the list to ranking as I have had so many submissions that I thought it would be fairer to list everyone by rank ...
because so many artists are on the same authority I have ranked the blogs in groups
eg top 10 rank 20 rank and so on....

Top 10 Rank

Emila's Illustrated Blog
Authority: 437
Rank: 10,085
Authority: 393
Rank: 11,557
The BenSpark
Authority: 363
Rank: 12,796
Claudine Hellmuth
Authority: 340
Rank: 14,192
Creative Every Day
Authority: 188
Rank: 31,303
Much of a muchness
Authority: 183
Rank: 32,335
Making a Mark
Authority: 138
Rank: 45,180
Authority: 125
Rank: 50,579
Non dairy Diary
Authority: 106
Rank: 61,585
Carol Marine's Painting a Day
Authority: 105
Rank: 62,410

Top 20 Rank

Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog
Authority: 104
Rank: 63,173
the odd neighbor
Authority: 91
Rank: 74,992
New Work and Inspiration
Authority: 87
Rank: 79,365
Jana’s Journal and Sketch Blog
Authority: 87
Rank: 79,365
Authority: 85
Rank: 81,766
Up All Night Again
Authority: 78
Rank: 90,625
Authority: 77
Rank: 92,012
The Illustrated Garden
Authority: 75
Rank: 95,032
Ascender Rises Above
Authority: 74
Rank: 96,541
Cosmic Photo Art
Authority: 74
Rank: 96,541
Peripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann
Authority: 68
Rank: 106,742
Works by Tracy Helgeson
Authority: 67
Rank: 108,652
Photography by KML
Authority: 67
Rank: 108,652

Top 30 Rank

Musings on Photography
Authority: 63
Rank: 116,930
Travel Sketching, Illustrated Journals and Sketchbooks : Trumpetvine
Authority: 63
Rank: 116,930
Paintings in Oil
Authority: 62
Rank: 119,246
Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
Authority: 61
Rank: 121,630
Calamity Kim
Authority: 61
Rank: 121,630
Jafabrit's Art
Authority: 61
Rank: 121,630
Artist Hideout
Authority: 53
Rank: 143,900
Teri's Painted Daisies
Authority: 53
Rank: 143,900
Meditation Photography
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747
Authority: 51
Rank: 150,747
The Portrait Party
Authority: 49
Rank: 158,109
Colorado Art Studio
Authority: 46
Rank: 170,597
Luann Udell
Authority: 45
Rank: 174,961
rue Manuel bis
Authority: 44
Rank: 179,530
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Authority: 44
Rank: 179,530
The EDM SuperBlog
Authority: 43
Rank: 184,350

Top 40 Rank

Kathleen Rietz - Artist
Authority: 41
Rank: 194,358
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Tinker Art
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Daily Painting Practice
Authority: 40
Rank: 199,700
Floating Lemons: Bit by Bit Blog
Authority: 39
Rank: 205,230
Authority: 38
Rank: 211,248
The Diary Project
Authority: 38
Rank: 211,248
Pollocksthebollocks’s Weblog
Authority: 36
Rank: 224,227
Authority: 35
Rank: 231,062
Artist, Emerging
Authority: 35
Rank: 231,062
Authority: 34
Rank: 238,665
Artmaker: Art, Writings and Comics by Ming
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
La Casuni
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
Jelaine Faunce Studio
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
Have Dogs, Will Travel
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
Drawing on Nature
Authority: 32
Rank: 254,861
Ellis Nadler's Sketchbook
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682
Authority: 31
Rank: 263,682

Top 50 Rank

knack for art
Authority: 30
Rank: 273,240
Authority: 30
Rank: 273,240
An Artist's Journal
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
mARTa's Art
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
draw the line
Authority: 29
Rank: 283,266
~The Art of Life~
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
The Colorist
Authority: 28
Rank: 294,012
Arts & Stuff
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
paintings prints and stuff
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
Everything is Contextual
Authority: 25
Rank: 331,293
Searen Art and Design
Authority: 25
Rank: 331,293
Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597
Jeannette's Illustration Sketchblog
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597
Janeys Journey
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597
Illustrated Life
Authority: 24
Rank: 345,597
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
MiKa Art Blog
Authority: 23
Rank: 360,865
Morrgan's Creatures
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Nat Dickinson Doing Art
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
The Sunday Painter
Authority: 22
Rank: 377,609
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
Intangible Arts
Authority: 20
Rank: 415,686

Top 60 Rank

Fiji Island Mermaid Press
Authority: 19
Rank: 437,475
Linda Blondheim Art Notes
Authority: 19
Rank: 437,475
A Painting A Day Daily Postcard Paintings by Manuela Valenti
Authority: 18
Rank: 461,534
Authority: 17
Rank: 547,526
Travels with a Sketchbook in.......
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Daily Paintings by Ria Hills
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Thousand Sketches
Authority: 17
Rank: 487,964
Emele’s Blog.
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Indigo Blah
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
artful life
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
ArtsSpot - Original and Unique Drawings and Paintings
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Jo Castillo Art Blog
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Art & Clairvoyance
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Texas Painter Leslie Sealey
Authority: 16
Rank: 517,455
Auntie Mim's
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426 my spare time
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Lori's Stormy Art and Daily Paintings
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Potter's Blog
Authority: 15
Rank: 550,426
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
drawings & sketches - dibujandoarte
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Painting Each Day
Authority: 14
Rank: 587,893
Images and Imagination
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Pastel and Paint: Lesly Finn's Art
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Deano's Den
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Chris Bolmeier Art
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
kitty art
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Rose's Art Lines
Authority: 12
Rank: 676,883
Blank Canvas
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
RedHead Art
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Paint Dance
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Watercolour Artist Diary
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Daily Miniature Paintings
Authority: 11
Rank: 731,678
Lisa Lorenz Studio Blog
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Delineate Design
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Works of Many Colors
Authority: 10
Rank: 872,909
Deborah Paris - A Painting Life
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643
Authority: 10
Rank: 795,643

Top 70 Rank

My Quest to Make a Living as a Comic Book Superhero Artist
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Art & Life
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
A Multi-Colored Life
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Moskovitz Art Studio
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
My Paint Box
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
DouDy Sketche
Authority: 9
Rank: 871,446
Angie Reed Garner
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Visual Blog - Art and Life
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Art & Observations
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Angela's Art
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Brendy Vaughn's Art Journal
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Cordelia's Art Place
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
See It. Draw It. Share It.
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Wax Art
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Painting Small Impressions
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Cracked Ego
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
The Itinerant Artist
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Daily Paintings, experiments and thoughts.
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Wendy Prior Fine Art
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Brian McKenzie
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Oil Painting Studies by Dennis Albertson
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Matthew Carter - Portraits
Authority: 5
Rank: 1,391,575
Rembrandt etc. - "Daily Paintings" by Bobbi Dunlop
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Studio McCann
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
aRt De Me
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
A State of Art Portraits
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
get painted !!!!
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Artscapes - Musings on Art & Life
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
The Creative Butterfly
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
A Day in the Life of a NOBODY - NYC Street artist TMNK
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Dust Off the Butterfly
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Little Paintings
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
A sketch in time
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
The Phoenix & The Harley
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Niagara Falls Info - What's New ?
Authority: 2
Rank: 3,053,157
Plein Air Paintings Niagara Falls, Maine, Caribbean
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
The Art of David Cochran
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976

My Predictions

Non Linear Arts
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336
Ian Jones Photo Blog
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336

New listings for February will be included in the next update:

Graf Nature Photography Notes from the woods

Authority: 43
Rank: 184,350
Brush and Baren
Authority: 13
Rank: 629,416
Elusive Hues
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Liz Patterson Art Journal
Authority: 6
Rank: 1,212,405
Sacred Circle Mandalas
Authority: 26
Rank: 366,281
Art by Shano
Authority: 7
Rank: 1,072,771
Gurney Journey
Authority: 175
Rank: 34,188
The Philosophical Photographer
Authority: 8
Rank: 962,510
Paintings From Maine
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
Terry's Ink and Watercolor
Authority: 27
Rank: 305,717
24-7 A PAINTING A DAY - Sherry De Ghelder
Authority: 4
Rank: 1,644,723
Alla Prima Painting
Authority: 33
Rank: 246,538
Rowan Dodds Illustration
Authority: 3
Rank: 2,124,856
Marja-Leena Rathje
Authority: 21
Rank: 395,824
My Beach Days
Authority: 2
Rank: 2,910,025
The Zen-Images Ikebana Blog
Authority: 1
Rank: 4,446,976
Postcard from Provence
Authority: 55
Rank: 137,774
cmv: an artist's log
No authority yet
Rank: 8,911,336

Type the full name of your blog in the Google Search Bar (located in my Right Side Bar) for a quick search to see if your blog is listed.

click on image to zoom


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101 Top Artists' Blogs (About)

Are you an Artist who blogs?

Do you have your own personal Art Blog?

Have you claimed your blog at Technorati?

If you answered yes to all 3 questions....then please submit your blog in the comments section of this post......

please include the name and URL of your blog ....


Top 101 Artists' Blogs List (November - 2007)

Top 101 Artists' Blogs - Update 29/12/07

Further information on Technorati Authority and Ranking
by Dorion Carroll at:

Technorati Authority and Rank

Kim's signature

Inspired by:

Top 50 Australian Women’s Blogs
Leigh at All for Women

Top 100 Australian Blogs Index
Meg at Dipping into the Blogpond

Best 101 Lists
Pearl at Interesting Observations

This list was ranked on the 29th and 30th January 2008
If your blog is not listed....please leave the name of your blog and URL in the comments section of this post........

Related Links:
Top 101 Artists' Blogs List (November - 2007)
Top 101 Artists' Blogs (About)
Decided to sign up for Technorati
Blogging as Popularity Contest
I'm in Top 101!
Fine Crafts
Colour Lens
Top 101 Artist Blogs
More two faced paper…
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Heard It From A Friend, Who Heard It From A Friend… Photo
Laketree top 101 artists' blogs
Top 101 artists' blogs
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Yesterday’s News: Photo
Biggest, Best, Weirdest, and Most Important Lists of 2007
Thousand Sketches: In the top 101 art blogs!
Number 18 (plus a rant)
Blogging Friends - Much more than a Linkback
Stripes and swans
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Jafabrit's Art
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Top 101 Artists' Blogs
Laketrees 101 Top Art Blogs
Top 40
Link Dump
Top 101 Artists Blogs
Top 101 Artists Blogs
Top 101 Artists Blogs
Made Top 101 Artist's Blogs
Art - Top 101 artists blogs
Top 101 Artists Blogs
Top 101 Artists Blogs

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aka laketrees

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Wordless Chicken Tuesday

30 January 2008 20 comments

click on the link above to read more about this oil painting...

Check out the rest of the chickens and join in the fun this week @ Wordless Chicken Tuesday with a Side Trimminz of Animal

Number one WCT
Speedy's Wordless Chicken Tuesday reached the front page of Google and guess who is at the top !!! thanks for letting me know Speedy...

This weeks participants: Wordless Chicken Tuesday in Chico, California /Olga the Traveling Bra (LIVE CHICKEN!) Wordless Chicken Tuesday /Auntie Dar's Life (FUNNY) Who I'd Like to Meet / Twist & Skewer (LIL BABY CHICK) Sometimes it's all about Sharing Love / The Painted Viel (SPACE CHICKEN MOVIE) Happy Birthday to "Robert the Redneck Canadian" !!!!! (ADDED BY SPEEDY) Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Laketrees (ARTISTIC) "Chicken Tuesday: Before We Get Famous Everyone Does a Little Porn" / Outta the Coop (HOT!) Chickening Out for a Moment / Are We There Yet? (HAPPY) Breaking Beacon News on Speedy’s Poultry Parody / New England Lighthouse Treasures (WITH SOUND!!!!!) With All The Drama I Almost Forgot Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Can You Be a Part of My Life (Floral)
Roosevelts' One-Legged Rooster / OMYWORD! Did I say that? (UNI LEGGER) Speedy’s Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Terri Terri Quite Contrary (WANTED BY BARNEY FIFE) Hooters, Jolly Roger, Biker Underwear & A Naughty Chicken /Divalicious (NEKID) Wordless Chicken Tuesday / Cuppacinjoe: A Man of The Froth (LIVE FOOTAGE) A Thankyou Wordy Chicken Tuesday and Poetry Props /Observations from the Back 40 (PLEADING) Monday Mimisms with Mimi Queen of Memes ~ Paddles, Pillows, and Latin Magic / I don't think she was in, but there is a chicken clock! Another Wordless Chicken Tuesday! / Julie's Blog (DANCING) Joyfulness / Creative Treasures (MUST SEE) "Wordless Chicken Day" / Blue Ribbon Bloggers (I LOVE THIS!!!) "Roosevelt Rooster's Other Leg Found!" / OMYWORD Did I Say That? (FREAKY FUNNY) Stalking the Chicken / Bloggers Intervention Group (CHEATING) :-) "It's Raining Chickens" / Binding Ink III "the Poetress" (LYRICAL) Wordless Chicken Tuesday: BBQ Spicy Chick-en Breast / Synthetic Life (BIKINI) Green Eggs, No Ham / Drowsey Monkey (NEVER TO LATE)

Thanks to Santa and the voters !!!
Santa's Blog of the Day winners for today are:

Kim from Laketrees
The Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers
Julia Aquino

Kim's signature

A Letter from André Rieu Productions

28 January 2008 34 comments

Last Week I received a letter from André Rieu Productions
with three photographs of the portrait that I presented to Mr Rieu...
They thanked me for the portrait and Mr Rieu very generously signed the photos that I had included with the painting.
I sent the letter and photos off to the framers and they did a wonderful job (in 2 days!)

I am going to give one of the photos to my Mum and the other one to my Sister (also big fans of the famous Musician)

View the Portrait of André Rieu here -
"The Flying Dutchman"

click on the images to zoom

As most Australians are aware Mr André Rieu is coming to Australia this year.

André - The official website: André Rieu

Andre Rieu Fans
Fans & Friends Around The World

Kim's signature

Random Picks and an Award

25 January 2008 11 comments

My Random Pick from the 101 Top Artists' Blogs List for this week is : # 6

Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog
Artist. Painter. Designer and Photographer. Lover of animals and nature. Leanne's blog is her journal, her art and the daily status of her pursuit of happiness.

Besides being an extremely talented artist Leanne also designs brilliant web is well worth visiting her latest design...I know I couldn't stop oohing and ahhing to myself when I was over there.
Image Copyright © Leanne Wildermuth,

selected by Deborah Paris - A Painting Life who paints the most amazing landscapes.....absolute gems !!!!

You Make My Day Award

I would also like to thank another very gifted artist for passing this catchy award on to me ...
thank you very much Kris @ Art & Clairvoyance
Kris uses a very unusual technique to paint her incredible paintings and her recent body of work really does touch the heart !!

I am passing this award on to these people who simply make my day with their thoughtful comments and feedback ...thank you to :
Lindsay @ Non-Linear-Arts

leave your lucky number here for my Random Picks selection

Kim's signature

Thank your Mentor Day

24 January 2008 9 comments

Sue @ Blogging Sueblimely created and handed this special award on to me yesterday....
Thank you very much Sue...

What prompted Sue to create the award was reading that January is National Mentoring the USA. This is an initiative spearheaded by the Harvard Mentoring Project of the Harvard School of Public Health, with the aim of recruiting volunteer mentors to help young people achieve their full potential. The US ‘Thank Your Mentor Day™’ is dedicated to thanking or honoring individuals who have guided us and had a lasting impact on our lives.
Although the Blogging Mentor award is not restricted for use in January’s Mentoring Month, ‘Thank your Mentor Day‘ may be a particularly good time to use it. The date for 2008 is 24th January.

I am going to pass this award on to the people who helped me out with my blogging in many different ways...

Sue @ Blogging Sueblimely
Lynda @ PERIPHERAL VISION - Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann
Mary Ann @ Maryannaville
Debbie @ New England Lighthouse Treasures
and Jos @ NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)

Kim's signature

Heath Ledger

23 January 2008 12 comments

Heath Ledger's brilliant career ends in tragedy

Artist captures three sides of Heath Ledger

Wordless Chicken Tuesday with TUTU Highlights

22 January 2008 17 comments

My enchanting life saga...
Enter the life of whimsical artist and illustrator Debi Hubbs.
Four Fashionable Fowls

Check out Speedy and the featured tutu pics at:
Wordless Chicken Tuesday with TUTU Highlights
Join in the fun and post your chickens !!!

Speedy's Wordless Chicken Tuesday Drowsey Monkey What The Cluck?!? Olga the Traveling Bra How Did I Get Classified As A Humor Blog? Twist & Skewer Gosh! Ain't That A Bird! OMYWORD! Did I say That? (WOW!) Chicken Tuesday: Mug Shot Outta the Coop (THE ORIGINAL CHICK) Chicken Tuesday Much of a Muchness (SAD then REALLY FUNNY) To All The Sweet Taters The Painted Veil (STUNNING COMBO POST) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Auntie Dars Life (LIVE ACTION CHICKEN) Speedcat Chicken Autumnal Confessions by Maureen (SARCASTIC) Round Four ~ Won Tons, Manicotti & Haufbrau Haus Beer Garten Divalicious (HUNGRY FOR TACO BELL) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Cuppacinjoe: A Man of the Froth (RUBBER CHICKEN!!) Quirky Meme and Chicken Prison Break Observations from the Back 40: (DANGEROUS) Wordless Chicken Tuesday Beer Church Blog (MANGER) A Disobedient Chicken With Attitude A Nice Place in the Sun (CREATIVE) "Wordless highlight" Amori, Poesie, Arte , Chat by Hanna (SILLY!!!) Slovenia was chicken when was young Buryya (INFORMATIONAL) Lighthouse Angels Among Us New England Lighthouse Treasures (FAMILY)

Kim's signature

Random Picks !!

21 January 2008 20 comments

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

On my blog travels via
Sue @ Blogging Sueblimely
I came across this beaut site
We Blog Cartoons. and had a good laugh at the witty cartoons there...
I posted one at PoeARTica too !!
I was motivated to take a look at my own desk IRL....
what a mess ....because of my arm status my desk looks like a jungle...

click here to see a really tidy desk !!

A big big thank you to Sue @ Blogging Sueblimely who has handed this award on to me from Sandy of Writing in Faith
Sue gave me the award for
The 101 Top Artists' List ...thank you Sue !!
I am also taking this opportunity to thank Sue for nominating laketrees in 3 categories for the Blogger's Choice Awards, the most popular user-generated blog voting site on the planet!

Sue has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things blogging as well as being a professional web designer !!..she certainly has a passion for helping bloggers enjoy their blogging and to get the very most out of it.
It doesn't surprise me that
Sue has been nominated in 4 categories
Check out Bloggers Choice ...who knows your blog could already be nominated for the 2008 awards...
It's easy, just click the link, signup, and vote or nominate your favorite sites.

Another site worth checking out is...

  • Should Be Famous

  • thank you to the secret squirrel who nominated me there !!
    this site features a fascinating array of blogs and well worth visiting ...
    the slide show collection of photographic headers is excellent !!

    I have been doing my fair share of blog reading lately (due to my armless state) and I have decided to pick one Artist from the Top 101 Artists' Blogs List each week
    my first Random Pick from the Top 101 Artists' List is: # 9 (my lucky number)
    Diane @ Much of a Muchness
    If you haven't taken a look at Diane's very cool site where she features her extraordinary books and book designs........ pop over and have a look right now....

    ps the first person to give me their lucky number in a comment on this post will be my Random Pick for next week ...

    Kim's signature

    Introducing Quantcast Internet Ratings

    20 January 2008 15 comments

    Quantcast is the World’s Only Open Internet Ratings Service
    Quantcast is a new media measurement service that lets advertisers view audience reports on millions of websites and services. Only Quantcast combines directly measured audience data with panel-based estimates to deliver accurate third-party metrics and easy-to-read profiles on digital media properties.

    Top 10 U.S. Sites
    1. 129M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site caters to a more educated, slightly female slanted following.
    2. 124M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site caters to a fairly wealthy, more educated audience.
    3. 58M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site attracts a slightly more female than male group.
    4. 55M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site is popular among a younger audience.
    5. 51M+ U.S. monthly uniques.
    6. 50M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site appeals to a skewing older audience.
    7. 49M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site caters to a more educated, slightly female slanted audience.
    8. 49M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site attracts a youthful, rather female audience.
    9. 49M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site caters to a more educated audience.
    10. 44M+ U.S. monthly uniques. The site attracts a more educated audience.

    » Quantify Your Site

    Quantcast is a free service and one of the easiest and most efficient sites that I have ever used !!!
    10/10 for measuring the data , traffic and demographics of your site !!

    Kim's signature

    Aussie Bloggers Forum

    18 January 2008 8 comments

    Blogging In A Land Down Under

    Recently I joined the Aussie Bloggers Forum and I met a great bunch of friendly and helpful bloggers...
    here's what they have to say in their opening statement...

    At Aussie Bloggers, we are passionate about blogging and helping other Aussies do the same. But you don't have to be an Aussie to join the forums, all nationalities are welcome here. If you are interested in blogging at all then join us in the forums today.
    Unlike other forums out there on the web, questions are welcome and you will find lots of friendly Aussies willing to help. Helping out mates is part of the Aussie way, after all.
    One aim we have for this forum is to gather a range of Aussie bloggers who have skills over different blogging platforms and social media sites to help provide information and advice to other Aussies who are not as experienced.
    Let's face it, the blogosphere is a really big place! We've enjoyed connecting with other Aussie bloggers and the friendships we've formed. We hope these forums will make meeting other Aussie bloggers much easier.
    We want this to be a happy, helpful place where advice and networking occurs in an non threatening and collaborative environment. Nastiness won't be tolerated.
    If you are a ridgy didge, fair dinkum, true blue, dinky die Aussie who is already blogging, or thinking about it - then you've found a new home. Welcome!

    Click Here To Register

    Kim's signature

    "Wordless Chicken Tuesday"

    16 January 2008 28 comments

    I know it's Wednesday here in Australia...
    but I couldn't resist choosing this arty Chicken
    and joining in the fun at :

    Speedy Cat's "Wordless Chicken Tuesday"

    To participate in Speedcat's "Wordless Chicken Tuesday", post a chicken on your blog. Leave a comment at Speedy's blog that you have done so, and he will add your site / link to his post.

    Chickens! ... by Julie's Blog Wordless Chicken Tuesday by Robin from Cuppa Joes! Chicken a la King! by Drowsey Monkey Bra-wk! by Olga the Traveling Bra (ohh man!)

    Kim's signature

    Alexander WIP....2 WEEKS TO FINISH !!!

    14 January 2008 25 comments

    click on image to enlarge
    I still have a lot of work on this portrait....face, hair, suit (which will probably be white) and hands.....
    It's a slow process (couple of hours a day) as I don't want to wreck my good arm...
    more x rays and ultrasound on the 22nd January....
    so until then I'm having to be careful with my shoulder...

    My blog travels:

    A young artist with great potential...
    Winner of the People's Choice Award:
    2006 METRO 5 ART AWARD

    The Artist's Magazine Blog
    Art News Blog
    André Rieu

    I have been thinking about redesigning my blog so...
    I checked out this blog last week....well worth visiting...with some terrific graphic artists' reviews as well....

    Designer's Depot
    graphics, arts & everything in between
    and links....
    34 Places to Get Design Inspiration - Online and Off
    Modern Life is a blog about the web - development, design, search engines and statistics. Sometimes controversial, occasionally satirical and usually on the nose.
    2007: More Web Design Trends & Cliches
    Web 2.0 Colour Palette
    ..because Web2.0 is the new black

    The Band Meme
    I was tagged by Carol @ My View of "it" who was tagged
    by Mimi the Queen of Memes
    Here's how it goes. You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter.
    Go to......
    The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
    The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
    The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
    4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along because it’s more amusing that way.

    Here's mine

    Visitor Stats for 2006

    screen shot of laketrees visitors' stats for 2006 -StatCounter

    Good Traffic, Bad Traffic
    On relevance and persistence, and what makes a good visitor

    laketrees has remained at a PR 4 with a PR Prediction of 5

    Google Live PageRank

    PR prediction + recorder

    Information Courtesy of SEO web tools

    Kim's signature

    2008 - a year for short term goals !!!

    9 January 2008 25 comments

    click on images to enlarge

    my priorities for January have changed because of my shoulder...
    it will probably take me 3 weeks to complete the WIP of Alexander (for the 2008 Moran Portrait Prize) - closing date 31st January - as my right arm is starting to feel the strain as well ...
    so my other plans including the WIP of Africa and Colin @ Life 's portrait of his beautiful daughter (winner of the Win a Free Portrait for Christmas Competition) will be on temporary hold until next month...
    thank you to all who have tagged me as well ...I have not forgotten...
    Jos @ NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection) Netster @ oOo netster oOo Sue @ Blogging Sueblimely Lyn @ lynda's loft (love, baby, all love) and Shoshana @ The ARTisT iN YOU Museletter.....
    March could well and truly be my Meme month.....
    had a little help from my daughter Charlotte

    My top picks for 2008 Calendars

    Last year my Artist friend Lisa from Copenhagen sent me a calendar for 2008....

    here are my picks if you are looking for an Arty Calendar for 2008 ....

    Wonderful Calendar Proofs from Zazzle

    Artist - Lisa Lorenz

    Back by popular demand

    Artist - del4yo

    Local Calendar
    Photographer Steve Parish

    I would also like extend a big thank you to all of the artists who are promoting and using the 101 Top Artists' Blogs Badge on their sites....

    Kim's signature

    About The Author
    Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news