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Win A Free Portrait for Christmas !!!!!!

31 August 2007 29 comments

Tahlia / Charlotte / Deborah

1. I will post one question every day for the next

30 days
at laketrees OR PoeARTica

2. You will find the answers by reading my posts at
laketrees….or at PoeARTica or at my website laketrees1

3. Each day write your answer in the comment box
at either Laketrees OR PoeARTica

4. The winner will be the reader with the most correct answers entered by 30th September at 11pm EST

Answers to the 30 questions will be posted 30th September at 12pm EST

If there is more than one person with all the correct answers....
I will have a final draw of names


1. Subscribe to my blogs…laketrees and PoeARTica

2. Fave my blogs at Technorati…..

Add to Technorati Favorites

Add to Technorati Favorites
3. Add my blogs to your blogroll:

laketrees and PoeARTica

4. Digg this post… (optional)

I will return the favour if you leave your link with anchor text and direct technorati link.

The winner will receive a free graphite portrait (unframed)
42cm x 60cm on Arches Paper
value $400

(postage paid by me)

Winner to supply an A4 photo of self as reference.

Question # 1.

Which newspaper do I read daily?
hint: you will find the answer in the sidebar here at laketrees

Big Thanks Saboma for the photo layout and the promotional post at Maryannaville !!!!!!!



I have deleted the dangerous email warning as it was a hoax !!!!!
here are the links for further information:



Irina Baronova finished !!!!

30 August 2007 11 comments

Irina Baronova crop

on the easel
close up before I darkened areas of the background ......

oil on canvas on board

3' 6" x 4' 6"

Collection of Irina Baronova 2007

Family Art

29 August 2007 14 comments

My Dear Dad was a part-time artist (encouraged by Sir William Dobell)...both my son..Alexander and my daughter Charlotte have both won numerous art awards...(though neither will probably make art their careers)
and it looks like....the tradition is being carried on by
my nephew...Bryson....who recently gave my daughter this wonderful drawing of a cat for her birthday.......
Bryson ....12....attends art classes privately and is doing exceptionally well in art at school too......

Cat Portrait framed by FRAME 'N' ART

and on a different note....I couldn't help agreeing with this letter that I found in my filing cabinet...(filed under "teenagers") Mum gave me the clipping a few years ago...

Thanks Mum.....

A total eclipse of the Moon

28 August 2007 12 comments

My son took this photo tonight at 8pm EST
on the Central Coast...NSW ...Australia.
The camera (with telephoto lens) was set up
on a tripod on the balcony ..looking east... over the ocean....
He will be taking more photos until 11pm.........

For more information on times and countries
click here

28 August 2007 lunar eclipse


Sydney jazzes up Blood Moon eclipse

and here

Lunar eclipse

I HAVE WON A PRIZE OF £500,000.00.!!!!!!!

27 August 2007 22 comments

To celebrate my 100th post....
I thought I would show you this last email that I received on Saturday....
I have filled out the form at the bottom of the email......
What do you think.....should I send it off and get my money?????

Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 7:53 PM
TICKET NUMBER: 2752246896

YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS HAS WON: £500,000.00.GBP (Our grand prize). We
wish to congratulate and formally inform you that you have won the sum
of £500,000.00 ( Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds). in the
last email-lottery draw, organized by FORD ANNUAL PROMOTION.

and so on and so on....blah de blah blah
To file for your claim you are advise contact your fiduciary claimagent
with the following information provided to you.



4.AGE: 114 AND 93

Congratulation once more from our members of staff and thank you for
being part of our promotional program.

Yours Faithfully,

Jingle Bells !!! Jingle Bells !!!!

24 August 2007 14 comments

Santa's Award 4 Excellence

Today I received this wonderful award from Santa...
at Santa's Community Blog

Thank you so much Santa!!!!

This is what Santa said about me.....

"Kim is a sweet, kind, caring and gentle lady who has shown me nothing but kindness and committment. She enjoys who she is and celebrates her talents in a wonderful way. What more could anyone ask."

Why not pop over and say a cheerio to Santa.....
and check out my Christmas Art too.....

Santa's Community Blog

Christmas Art # 1 - Norman Rockwell

Christmas Art # 2 - Andy Warhol

Christmas Art # 3 - Lisa Lorenz

Christmas Art # 4 - Pablo Picasso

Santa's Community Blog: The Spirit of Christmas Award 2

Santa's Link Love
A Nice Place in the Sun, A Week In The Life of A Redhead, All Free Stuff Blog, Blog Elf, Bobbarama, Bobbarama Humor Carnival, Bobbarama StumbleUpon, Book Project, Christmas Wish List, Christy’s Coffee Break, Climate of our Future, Dog Cents, Emila’s Illustrated Blog, Everyday Should Be Christmas, Feel Happy, First Time Dad, FuelMyBlog, Hearts a Fire, Homeless Family’s Blog, Homeless In Jax, Home with Heather, Laketrees, Laketrees1, Life with Heathens, Lilyruth’s This and That Cottage, Lynda’s Loft, Mariuca, Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery, My Life is Murphy’s Law, Polliwog’s Pond, Polliwog’s StumbleUpon, Purplefrogcat, Revellian, Santa’s Community, Santa Elf’s Club, Santa Mail, Santa Wish Tree, The Blog Fairy, The Insane Writer, This is a Miracle, Writer’s Reviews, Twist and Skewer, Your Wisdom of Total Happiness, Zubli Zainordin.

Santa Claus at MyBlogLog authors Santa-Mail, Santa’s Elf Club, Santa’s Wish Tree, Every Day should be Christmas, Santa’s Wish List as well as co-authors Santa’s Community Blog

Dobell Drawing Prize 2007

23 August 2007 11 comments

Dupain, Max, 1911-1992.
Portrait of William Dobell 1942
photograph : gelatin silver ; 38.7 x 38 cm.

The Dobell Prize is Australia's most prestigious drawing prize and since its establishment in 1993 has attracted the very best in contemporary drawing.

Sponsored by the Sir William Dobell Foundation.

It was announced today at the Art Gallery of New South Wales that
ANA POLLAK is the winner of the 2007 Dobell Prize for Drawing
for her sensitively realised and restrained landscape drawing Mullet Creek.

Click here to view the winning work.

Dobell Prize for Drawing 2007 - Exhibition
24 August 2007 – 4 November 2007

"A guilty conscience needs to confess.

22 August 2007 8 comments

A work of art is a confession." Albert Camus

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I have to confess that the portrait of Irina Baronova
is coming along very slowly.....
I have spent the last two days uploading a favicon of my painting ...
"Girl with a Pearl Earring" into my address bar.....
and now to add it to my other blog... PoeARTica ........

If you want to make and upload your favicon in less than 15 minutes go to......



step by step instructions in the HELP section..........

thanks Mary Ann for inspiring me with your favicon.....

Her Royal Highness Kim the Mystical of Withering Glance has been tagged !!!!!

20 August 2007 17 comments

by Empress Ev who was tagged by

Mimi Queen of Memes
to check out some great regal titles:

my first title!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Royal Highness Kim the Mystical of Withering Glance
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

and another!!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Most Noble Lady Laketrees the Overdecorated of Piddletrenthide on the Carpet
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

I love them and then I checked out my fortune cookie !!!

My Fortune Cookie told me:
It is time to ask yourself, how can someone so deceitful stir coffee with me?
Get a cookie from Miss Fortune

hmmmmmm........ I wonder who that might be ??????

I'm tagging these regal regents to check out their royal titles......

Saboma Deborah Lisa Pearl and Christy

Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title


19 August 2007 5 comments

Andy Garcia is brilliant !!!!!
The music....breathtaking !!!!!
You will need a box of tissues for this movie !!!!

Amedeo Clemente Modigliani (12 July 1884 – 24 January 1920) was an Italian painter and sculptor who pursued his career for the most part in France. He was the bohemian artist par excellence - his posthumous legend is almost as famous as Van Gogh's. In stylistic terms he was an oddity: contemporary with the Cubists, but not part of their movement, he forms a bridge between the generation of Toulouse-Lautrec and the Art Deco painters of the 1920's.

Movie Review: Modigliani

Laketrees has been reviewed !!!!!!

16 August 2007 14 comments

your relevant feature

I came across "YOUR RELEVANT" authored by Matson over at BlogCatalog recently and he kindly reviewed my site in exchange for a blogger's choice vote.

Here is Matson's review:

We describe Kim's blog as a free spirit. Fun to read. The writing leaves you happy and relaxed.

Movie reviews, web stuff, a great technorati article and just an all around pleasure.
We spent a fair amount of time there just looking through old posts and we found some hidden treasure.

What we liked about this site:

1. The artwork
2. The movie reviews
3. The balance between content and art

Thanks so much Matson.

Please visit YOUR RELEVANT........there are lots of great reviews on a terrific variety of blogs.... where the focus is on bringing people together with blogs.
Just take a look at their mission statement:

"To bring people and blogs together. There are so many good blogs out there that no one knows about. We here at "your relevant" think that people should know about your blog.

We will be surfing the web and going through many topics of blogs in hopes of bringing people together with blogs."

Santa's Elf Competition !!!!

15 August 2007 12 comments

I have entered a photo in Santa's Elf Competition....

I would really like to win !!!!!!

If you have a minute I would really appreciate your comment here
The more people who click and leave a comment the more votes I get

that way Mrs Claus (who is the judge).....will pick my photo....especially if you say that my photo is fantastic !!!!!!

PS spread the news about Santa's Elf Competition......
please vote on my
WTF at Technorati
and Saboma's WTF at Technorati too!!!!!!

Rocking, rolling, riding on the Technorati train !!!!!

14 August 2007 14 comments

_____copy below all the way down______


It’s easy and worth it. If you want to move up in Technorati there are 2 ways to get there: gaining massive amounts of links to you from other blogs, or getting the most favorites. One thing you can do is get lots of favourites who favourite you in return! Before you start you may want to grab this supercool autofave program from Eng Tech. All the people who have favourited you, this automatically favourites them in return. No more excuses for not returning the favour!

Automatic Technorati Fave program the coolest program ever! Finds fans that have favourited you and automatically favourites them!

grab the program here [2.4MB]

(Reword the following paragraph a little. The techbold link should be changed to link to who you got this from {me}. Move the 3 new faves (one is you) to old faves below Gary Lee. Add 3-4 new people to new faves. Each name linked to their blog, and Fave the site is the link on their technorati fave widget on their site. AND, NAME THE WHOLE POST DIFFERENT FROM MINE!)

I was added to the Technorati Fave Train by Ev Nucci at
My life is murphy's law
The Train was started by Gary Lee.

***Start Copying Here***

Here are the rules:
1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
3. Take “My New Faves” and move them into the “The Original Faves” list.
4. Add at least 3 Blogs that you’ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the “My New Faves” section. Remember to also add the “Fave Me” link next to your new blogs (i.e.
5. Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave the Site.” (Please FAVE EVERYONE on the List prior to posting the list or a Kitten will Die Alone in a Dark Alley Tonight). Those who want good karma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.

The Original Faves

Gary Lee - Fave the Site *

Amber - Fave the Site

Mariuca - Fave the Site

JeanChia - Fave the Site

Janice - Fave the Site

Bobby Revell - Fave the Site

Bobo Bimbo - Fave the Site

Barrett Laurie - Nick Philips - Fave the Site

Nessa - Fave the Site

Wonder Woman - Fave the Site

Steve OlsonFave the Site

BlogoSquareFave the Site

Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site

Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site

Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site

Jeff Kee - Fave the Site

Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site

Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site

Jon Lee - Fave the Site

SiteLogic - Fave the Site

Julies Journal - Fave the Site

Tea & Slippers - Fave the Site

Pencil Thin - Fave the Site

Garry Conn - Fave the Site

Stephen Fung - Fave the Site

eWritings - Fave the Site

Mommy’s Getaway - Fave the Site

GR8 Egypt - Fave the Site

Divya Uttam - Fave the Site

Sean Dinner - Fave the Site

O Salepito - Fave the Site

Kyle Beabo - Fave the Site

Six Degrees of Inspiration - Fave the Site

Randa Clay Design - Fave the Site

Failure is the key to success - Fave the Site

Tech Bold - Fave the Site

Ev Nucci - Fave the Site

She Rambles On - Fave the Site

Steve Spiers - Fave the Site

Dario Kasumovic - Fave the Site

Manila Mom - Fave the Site

Feedget - Fave the Site

laketrees - Fave the Site

BillionDollarBaloney - Fave the Site

Grahams Random Ramblings - Fave the Site

The AnitoKid Chronikos - Fave the Site

Internet Safety-For Our Children's Sake - Fave the Site

Lifecruiser - Fave the Site

Mimi Writes - Fave the Site **

The New Faves:

Santa's Community Blog - Fave the Site

photosbykml - Fave the Site

Vanessa: Unplugged! - Fave the Site

Life in the FastLane - Fave the Site

P Morrow's Online Money - Technorati Favorite This Site

* - Train Engineer
** - Last Wagon

***End Copying Here***


If you want to join the Technorati Train....please leave your name and link and I will add you to The New Faves list.....


13 August 2007 5 comments

I went along to the premiere of Clubland on Sunday Afternoon.
This movie was a real treat and the director, Cherie Nowlan, gave an interesting insight into its production with her informative and amusing anecdotes.

"Nothing less than EXHILARATING" - The Boston Herald

click on the images to read the flyers
Clubland is a 2007 Australian film, directed by Cherie Nowlan and written by Keith Thompson, starring an ensemble cast which includes Khan Chittenden, Emma Booth, Richard Wilson and Oscar nominee Brenda Blethyn. It was released in Australia on June 28 2007. It was selected for screening at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival where it was picked up by Warners Independent for a $4 million dollar deal and gained glowing reviews.
It opened in the US on the July 4th holiday weekend, the first Australian film ever to do so, under the title "Introducing the Dwights".

Better than the Transformers Movie !!!!

10 August 2007 10 comments

I saw the Transformers movie recently ...which was pretty spectacular...but I think that my birthday present ........... a new easel is better.........and it transforms into a drawing table....I love it !!!!!. Now I don't have to lean my larger works against the walls......haha.......

Pearl is the Winner !!!!!

9 August 2007 17 comments

Congratulations Pearl!!!!!!!
You guessed the PIG !!!!
the Mystery Prizes go to
Mary Ann and Colin for their .....oh so creative responses
I will be sending you a mini 2008 Calendar of Outback Australia by the acclaimed photographer Steve Parish.......Congratulations !!!!

Many thanks to Jani for allowing me to use her incredible photo of the a reference for my drawing......pop on over to Jackal to see the photo of the original (female) pig....

Thanks to everyone for participating...I have had lots of fun with this and you can count on seeing more competitions here in the near future !!!!

PS...the drawing is mixed media on Arches paper...approximately 1 metre square....without frame.....

Final Clue for Free Art Print !!!!!


Here is the fourth and final section of the mystery drawing.....

hint they fit together like a jigsaw.......

I will post the whole drawing here tomorrow :)

the first person to comment on this post

with the correct answer will win the free art print

happy guessing everyone !!!!!!

and may the best blogger win !!!!!!!

Third Clue for Free Art Print !!!!!

8 August 2007 6 comments

Here is the third section of the mystery drawing.....

So far there are four contenders for the mystery prize for creative responses and they are:

ps last clue tomorrow.....

Second Clue for Free Art Print !!!!!

7 August 2007 10 comments

Here is the second section of the mystery drawing......

I have a special bonus mystery gift for the most creative interpretation of each section....
so far Mary Ann @ Maryannaville™ is winning........hehehe.....

I saw Santa at My Blog Log........last night!!!!!!!!

First Clue for Free Art Print !!!!!

6 August 2007 11 comments

Here is the first section of the mystery drawing......

Free Print of my Artwork !!!

4 August 2007 11 comments

click on image to zoom

Recently I asked everyone to choose their favourite artwork
I am giving away a framed print of one of these artworks to the reader who can guess the subject of my latest drawing......
I will be posting the drawing in 4 sections next week and the first reader who can put the sections together and guess what the subject of the work is will receive a free framed print...(postage included to anywhere in the world)

Blogging Tips Meme


Loz over @ Sunrays and Saturdays tagged me with this meme

--Start Copy--

It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general. After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends! Just think– if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!

Here are the tips!

1. Look, read, and learn.*****

2. Be EXCELLENT to each other.******

3. Don’t let money change ya!*****

4. Always reply to your comments****

5. Blog about what you know & love.****

6. Don't use filthy language-buy a dictionary.***

7. Whenever possible, spread some positive thoughts and love. The world needs more of them.****

8. Write down from your heart or head. Either way asks yourself why you ever get started.***

9. Try to make your template something unique and easy to look. Your template gives the blogger identity as much as the post content.**

10. Join some of the social network sites like MyBloglog and BlogCatalog.*

11. If you are technically challenged get help from the experts.

--End Copy--

I am leaving this meme open to any readers who would like to participate.......

About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news